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    • Define child abuse and neglect.
    • 解释为什么幼儿特别容易受到虐待和忽视。
    • Describe your legal and ethical obligation to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect wherever it may occur. This includes suspicions of familial and institutional abuse and neglect.
    • Identify protective factors that prevent child abuse and neglect.






    PUBThe U.S. Federal government defines child abuse and neglect as:

    The physical or sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect of a child by a parent, guardian, foster parent, or by a caregiver, whether the caregiver is interfamilial or extra-familial, under circumstances indicating the child’s welfare is harmed or threatened.

    资料来源:国防部教学DODI 6400.06,2007年8月21日(第33页),§E2.5。


    • 最近的行为或未能采取行动:This reminds us that abuse and neglect are two distinct concepts. A child can be harmed by blatant actions like hitting or kicking, but a child can also be harmed when an adult fails to provide for the child's well-being. For example, an adult may fail to supervise a child, fail to provide necessary medical treatment, or fail to feed or bathe a child.
    • 在父母或看护人的部分:记住虐待和忽视可以发生任何地方和任何人。虐待不仅仅发生在父母或家庭成员的手中。虐待和忽视可以由任何负责照顾孩子的任何人犯下。这可能是教师,教练,信仰领导者或任何其他人在护理或监督作用中,包括其他住在或经常访问家庭幼儿家园的其他成年人。万博体育下载官方网站
    • which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm:We don't have to wait for tragedies to strike. If a child is in serious risk of harm, it can be considered abuse or neglect.

    This definition is the minimum federal standard. States and government departments can develop their own more specific definitions of child abuse and neglect.



    忽视includes the failure to provide for a child's basic needs despite being financially able to do so. Neglect may be:

    • Physical, when an adult fails to provide necessary food, shelter, or appropriate supervision
    • Medical, when an adult fails to provide necessary medical or mental-health treatment
    • 教育,当成年人未能教育孩子或参加特殊教育需求
    • Emotional, when an adult fails to provide attention to a child's emotional needs, fails to provide psychological care, or permits the child to use alcohol or drugs

    Physical Abuse

    身体虐待is defined as non-accidental physical harm to a child by actions such as:

    • punching
    • 跳动
    • kicking
    • biting
    • 摇晃
    • 投掷
    • choking
    • 燃烧


    This includes sexual activity toward or involving a child. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, it may include:

    • Fondling or groping a child’s genitals
    • 让孩子触摸成年人的性器官
    • 任何不具有有效医疗目的的渗透
    • 乱伦,强奸和鸡奸
    • Exposing one’s self to a child
    • 暴露儿童色情材料
    • 故意将孩子暴露在性交行为中
    • Masturbating in front of a child
    • Involving a child in prostitution
    • Involving a child in the production of any sexually explicit images

    Emotional Abuse

    This includes a pattern of behaviors that have a negative effect on the child’s psychological well-being, including constant criticism, threats, and rejection. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, emotional abuse may occur when a child is:

    • 被忽略:成年人可能看不到或回应孩子。
    • 拒绝:成年人通过否认她或他的需求或嘲笑孩子来积极拒绝孩子。
    • 孤立的:防止儿童与同龄人,家庭成员或其他成年人进行互动。
    • Exploited or corrupted: A child is taught or encouraged to engage in illegal or inappropriate behaviors, such as stealing.
    • Verbally assaulted: An adult constantly belittles, shames, ridicules, or threatens a child.
    • Terrorized: An adult threatens or bullies the child and creates a climate of fear; the child or a loved one may be placed in a dangerous situation or threatened with harm.

    Where Does Child Abuse and Neglect Occur?

    Child abuse and neglect can happen anywhere. You should be familiar with two distinct types of abuse and neglect:

    • 在孩子的家中发生家庭虐待或忽视。虐待或疏忽的行为由父母,监护人或家庭成员犯下。
    • 体制外发生虐待或忽视home in community or private settings. This type of abuse or neglect is also known as "out-of-home" or "extrafamilial" abuse or neglect. This type of abuse often involves a child and an adult in a supervisory role, like a teacher, caregiver, group leader, or volunteer.


    • Corporal punishment:You may not, under any circumstances, strike, hit, whip, spank, or use any other form of physical punishment on a child of any age.
    • Withholding physical needs:在任何情况下,你可能都不会扣留食物,睡眠,身体活动或其他需要,就像从孩子那样养殖作为惩罚。
    • 大喊大叫,羞辱,贬低或威胁孩子:You may not, under any circumstances, intentionally make a child fear for his or her physical or psychological safety. You may not call children hurtful names, threaten children, or make children feel shame.
    • 隔离孩子:You may not punish a child by leaving him or her alone (i.e., leaving a child on the playground alone because he did not line up with the group) or by putting the child in “time out” in an enclosed space like a closet, restroom, or cardboard box.
    • Binding or restricting a child’s movements:You may not punish a child by preventing him or her from being able to move or speak (i.e., covering a child’s mouth or hands with tape).



    Child abuse and neglect can happen to anyone. There is no typical abuser or victim. There are some situations that are associated with higher levels of risk for abuse or neglect, though. Understanding who is more at risk for abuse and neglect can help us provide extra support to children and families who are experiencing stress. We can think of risk occurring at several levels: individual, family, and community.



    Child Abuse and Neglect: Vulnerabilities and Long Term Effects

    Learn about the long-term effects of child abuse and neglect on children.



    Abuse is more likely to occur in families that are socially isolated. A family might be socially isolated for many reasons: a recent move or deployment might separate them from extended family and friends, long or unpredictable work schedules might prevent them from having social opportunities, or they might not know how to reach out to others. Child abuse and neglect is also more likely to occur in families that have experienced other forms of domestic violence, like violence against a spouse or partner. Families experiencing stress (like unemployment, birth of a new child, marital conflict, or deployment), poor parent-child relationships, and negative interactions also are more at risk.

    社会风险的事实ors include community violence, high levels of poverty, high levels of mobility and housing instability, high unemployment rates, and poor social connections. Community risk factors can add increased stress on families. Abuse and neglect is more likely to occur when stress is high or access to necessary resources is low.


    Take a moment to reflect on the risk factors you just read about. If you could think of ways to counteract or cancel out those risk factors, what would they be? What types of characteristics minimize the risk for child abuse and neglect? Researchers and policymakers have spent a lot of time thinking about these questions. As a result, the Center for the Study of Social Policy has developed the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework to prevent child abuse and neglect. It is important to understand this framework because it can help you see that the high-quality, family-centered work that you do every day in your program makes a difference in the lives of children and families. Our job is not only to care for each child, but also to provide care and support for the whole family. The Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework gives us tools and ideas to support families.

    有部分申请的资源你to read and review to learn more about the Protective Factors Framework. Here is a brief overview of the five protective factors that help prevent child abuse and neglect in families. When these five factors are strong, families are better equipped with the skills and supports they need to protect their child from abuse and neglect.

    加强家庭保护因素(Figure 1)

    1. Parental Resilience


    2. Knowledge of Child Development and Parenting

      Adults know what to expect as children grow and are able to meet their child's needs at each stage of development.

    3. 社交联系

      Families know there are people who care about them and who they can call on for help.

    4. 具体支撑在需要时期


    5. Social and Emotional Competence of Children







    As a family child care provider, you have a legal and ethical professional responsibility to protect children from harm. That is your most important responsibility and one that is highlighted in the National Association for the Education of Young Children code of professional ethics. Given this important ethical responsibility, it is also necessary to recognize that you have a legal obligation to act when you suspect a child is in harm's way. As a family child care provider, you are a mandated reporter for suspicions of child abuse and neglect. This means you are legally required to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect. You will learn about reporting procedures in subsequent lessons. For now, it is important to recognize that you have an obligation to report your suspicions.

    What is My Role in Strengthening Families?


    You will learn much more about this topic in the Child Abuse: Prevention course and in the Family Engagement course. For now, take time to learn about the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework and reflect on how it can guide your work. Make a commitment to build positive relationships with all of the families you work with. You can also continue to:

    • 帮助建立对社区虐待和忽视的认识。
    • Participate in required trainings like this one.
    • Learn about resources in your community that you can share with families.

    Visit the Center for Study of Social Policy's Strengthening Families website ( to learn more about the Protective Factors Framework approach.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Child Abuse: Identification & Reporting能力反思以及在整个课程中提供的附带学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,访问家庭幼儿童童虐待:识别和报告万博体育下载官方网站Course Guide

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.




    Review the Case Study Reflection activity. Read “Kate’s Story.” Then answer the reflection questions. When you are finished, share your answers with your trainer or coach. We also encourage you to read the suggested responses from experts. These will provide additional information and extend your learning.



    Before identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect, you must fully understand what it is. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has created aFact Sheet虐待和忽视的定义和类型。将事实表作为您的专业图书馆的资源。

    您还可以阅读和查看两页的描述Protective Factors Frameworkapproach to learn more about that important model for your work.


    Term 描述
    Child abuse Any recent act or failure to act that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm
    Imminent risk 小孩在立即危险中的大量证据
    忽视 护理人员失败,尽管在经济上能够这样或提供财务或其他方式(美国卫生和人类服务部,2007年)
    身体虐待 非认识的创伤或伤害
    Sexual abuse The involvement of a child in any sexual touching, depiction, or activity
    情绪虐待 A pattern of behavior by adults that seriously interferes with a child’s cognitive, emotional, psychological, or social development
    家庭虐待 虐待或疏忽,由孩子的父母,监护人或家庭成员犯下
    制度虐待 Abuse or neglect that occurs by someone outside the home who is responsible for the care or supervision of the child (a teacher, caregiver, coach, priest, etc.)
    保护因素 个人,家庭,社区或社会的条件或属性,减轻或消除风险,增加儿童和家庭的健康和福祉
    Risk factors Conditions or attributes of individuals, families, communities, or society that are associated with increased risk of abuse or neglect
    Family Advocacy Program 缩写FAP,该计划旨在防止国内虐待和虐待儿童虐待和忽视,为所有军事界的所有成员提供教育和意识计划;FAP工作人员也受过培训,以应对滥用和忽视,支持受害者以及提供预防和治疗的事件






    保护因素help reduce the incidence of child abuse and neglect. Which of the following is not a protective factor?




    Which is the following is an example of institutional abuse? Choose the best answer.


    Which of the following is an example of child neglect?



    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Violence Prevention. Retrieved from

    Child Welfare Information Gateway

    Military Family Advocacy Programs. Retrieved from

    Seibel, N. L., Britt, D., Gillespie, L. G., & Parlakian, R. (2006). Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.


    Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (n.d.). The Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved from: