- 认识到与怀疑虐待和报告虐待或忽视儿童有关的情绪。
- Identify the protective factors that can help you manage the stress related to child abuse and neglect in homes and programs.
- 确定与每一个保护因素相关的策略,以促进你自己的健康和建立韧性。
“I was so nervous I was making a mistake. I just thought this couldn’t be possible. I knew the man I was reporting and had always thought he was a nice guy.”
“I was afraid that I would hurt the family’s feelings and put a wall up between us. I knew they needed help, but I just didn’t know if it was the right thing to do.”
“I was afraid people wouldn’t believe me.”
“I was relieved to have admitted what I saw.”
当您怀疑并报告您自己的家庭育儿中发生的儿童虐待或忽视时,情绪会更加复杂。万博体育下载官方网站你可能怀疑你的一位同事或朋友。您可能是邻居或参加同样的社区活动。您可能担心您将因报告而被判断或社会排除。您可能会因您知道或喜欢的人而感到被迫“覆盖”。您可能还会感到压力以保护您的家庭托儿所的声誉。万博体育下载官方网站所有这些情绪都很自然,但你必须记住你保护孩子免受伤害的法律义务。If a child has been harmed or is in imminent risk of harm, you must make a report。记住,你在右边。任何人都不适合压力,你不要报告对虐待或忽视的清楚怀疑。不要忽视你的本能。孩子的生命可能取决于它。
这类事件的压力是巨大的。当你把自己的真实生活中的压力加在一起时,你会感到难以承受:养育子女、婚姻冲突、住房问题、经济问题。照顾好自己很重要。你必须全力以赴做每天照顾孩子的重要工作。当你感到平静、舒适和自信时,你就能更好地与家人建立关系。帮助家庭应对挑战的保护因素同样适用于我们所有成年人。让我们来探讨每一个保护因素,以及它们如何适用于你自己的幸福。这篇材料改编自Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action2013年美国卫生和人类服务部的资源指南。
Adult Resilience:
We all need the ability to cope with the stresses of everyday life. In the context of this particular course, let’s think about the stresses associated with suspecting and reporting child abuse or neglect. The emotions you feel may make you feel less capable of doing your job. The stress may reduce your capacity to cope with the stresses of your own family life. Each one of us has strengths we can draw upon: faith, flexibility, humor, communication skills, problem-solving skills, mutually supportive caring relationships, or the ability to identify and access outside resources (https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/)。我们可以花时间确保我们培养并扩大自己和其他人的优势。
看起来很明显,但了解典型的儿童发展将有助于您在压力时期继续完成工作。它将丰富您与儿童建立联系的能力,并以发育适当的方式回应它们。您对儿童发展的了解可以帮助您从一种压力事件中恢复,如报告滥用虐待或忽视。每天都可以帮助您对儿童和家庭进行更加自信的继续。通过了解典型的开发,您将开发您需要与同事或儿童与其经验和情绪交谈的工具 - 以及您自己的工具。
这是你所有的基础工作day in child development programs. Focusing on promoting children’s social and emotional competence can help you feel good about the work you do and can help you recover from trauma. You will learn much more about this topic in the Social & Emotional Development and the Positive Guidance courses. For now, understand your role as one of promoting healthy relationships, communication skills, and self-expression.
考虑以下策略Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action2013年美国卫生和人类服务部的资源指南。
- Build trusting relationships with the families you serve and with other family child care providers. Take the time to get to know these people. The time spent investing in relationships through conversations and celebrations can help you enjoy your job more and be better at it.
- 了解你所在社区的心理健康支持资源。当你觉得有必要的时候就和他们谈谈,确保家庭能够获得他们的服务。
- 观看自己的早期压力迹象。早期获得帮助。
- Seek out professional development on strategies that reduce stress: goal setting, anticipating difficulties, problem-solving, communication, and self-care.
- Remember that mental health and physical health are interrelated. Take the time to exercise, eat well, and seek out opportunities for relaxation, meditation, or prayer.
- 与您的后备提供者合作,确定您何时可以从家庭儿童护理计划中抽出一些时间,或处理个人需求,如看医生或牙医。对家庭护理提供者来说,尤其是那些独自工作的人来说,拥有私人时间是特别困难万博体育下载官方网站的,所以要积极主动地争取到自己需要和应得的私人时间。
知道ledge of Child Development
- Complete the courses on the Virtual Laboratory School website. These courses will help you understand social, cognitive, and physical development. It will also help you learn and use effective practices in your work with children.
- 在您的社区和在线寻求资源。信誉良好的机构有各种工具,如疾病控制和预防的中心。CDC已易于编制有关发育里程碑的信息。您还可以在教育资源中心找到信息。
- 利用专业发展机会。参加会议和研讨会。参与指导或指导机会。
- 在你的社区或与你所属的团体一起参加社交活动,如野宴。试着为你的家庭儿童保育计划举办一次社交活动,也许是和其他提供者一起。与家人交谈。万博体育下载官方网站
- Develop a new hobby or expand an old one. Take a class on a topic that interests you. Community colleges, local retailers, and community recreation departments offer inexpensive courses around a variety of topics like cooking, technology, foreign languages, exercise, and knitting.
- 建立或留住与您的邻居,敬拜地点或其他社区机构的强大联系。
- 当您需要帮助时承认。如果您正在努力努力,关系问题或其他个人关注,请不要让自己变得不堪重负。成为您服务的家庭的榜样,并获得所需的帮助。
- 了解医疗保健方案、儿童保育补贴和其他可能有助于您和您服务的家庭的福利。
- 观察自己是否有压力的迹象,并与能提供帮助的人交谈。如果你自己有外伤史,你可能特别容易受到压力。
- Talk to other providers about the curriculum or strategies you can use to promote social and emotional competence.
- 确定婴幼儿、学龄前儿童和学龄儿童需要的关键社交技能。创建并张贴一张发展里程碑图表,作为对自己、同事和家人的提醒。万博体育全站app
- 请记住,您可以在孩子的生命中成为一种安全和稳定的影响力。
在过去的几课关于凯特和她的家庭的情况下,你已经学到了很多教训。花一些时间来反思凯特的经历和家人的经历。阅读并查看Case Study Reflectionactivity. Reflect upon the questions and share your responses with your family child care administrator. Then, review the suggested responses for additional reflections.
花一些时间思考如何处理自己的压力。阅读应力提示表and reflect upon the areas of your own life that could be strengthened or supported. This tip sheet is reproduced from the American Psychological Association. For more information and links to the original tip sheet, please visit:http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stress-tips.aspx
American Psychological Association: Psychology Help Center Stress Tip Sheet. Resources available fromhttp://www.apa.org/helpcenter/index.aspx
幼儿心理健康咨询中心(n、 d.)。照顾好自己,减轻压力。可用资源http://www.ecmhc.org/relaxation.html
Center for the Study of Social Policy. (2018). Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework. Retrieved fromhttps://cssp.org/resource/about-strengtening-families-and-the-protective-factors-framework/
疾病控制和预防中心(2013). 预防暴力。检索自http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/