Families who have experienced traumatic events like abuse or neglect need support. This lesson will continue to describe the protective factors framework introduced in Lesson One. It will provide strategies for strengthening all families including those affected by abuse or neglect.
- 确定防止儿童虐待和忽视的保护区因素。
- 描述与家庭创伤有关的压力因素。
- 识别社区资源以支持家庭。
- Describe ways to partner with families to identify and prevent child abuse and neglect.
- Chandra只有6周岁。经过高风险的怀孕和复杂的交付,Chandra的妈妈杰恩,对工作恢复很紧张。作为一个单身妈妈,她知道这是她必须做的事情。Jayne很高兴,Chandra将在当地的家庭护理家庭中有一个空间。万博体育下载官方网站她的几位朋友和同事也使用家庭幼儿提供者;万博体育下载官方网站事实上,她的一个朋友使用相同的提供商。她预约会迎接提供者,并在下周将进入Chandra将进入的儿童保健。Jayne在访问中将她的母亲带到了她的母亲。jayne的母亲自宝宝出生以来一直很大帮助。Jayne知道她可以依靠她,尽可能帮助她。 Chandra sleeps peacefully in Jayne’s arms throughout the visit. When she wakes and begins to fuss, Jayne sings and soothes her. Grandma smiles and offers to hold the baby while Jayne completes paperwork. Jayne and her mother chat happily with the provider about Chandra’s routines, preferences, and temperament.
- 当她的家人收到父亲的工作时,夏洛特即将转到4岁时,当她的家人接受了全国各地的命令。夏洛特对她即将到来的生日非常兴奋,但她的妈妈和爸爸知道这一举动可能会改变他们的一些计划。夏洛特的妈妈和其他一些父母谈过,并安排她从她的新家里有一个“Skype”生日聚会。一旦他们到达他们的新家,夏洛特的父母在娱乐中心看到了幼儿园戏剧的一流。万博体育全站app夏洛特和她的父母去了游戏小组,遇到了住在他们街道上的其他家庭。夏洛特很激动,在她甚至开始参加新的儿童发展中心之前,她有新的“最好的朋友”。
- 拉维耐心地在放学后等待他的父亲从他的家人照顾家里捡起他。万博体育下载官方网站他的妈妈今晚从六个月的部署到了家。他几乎不能等待。他很快瞥了一眼窗外,看到他爸爸的车拉进车道。他仔细挑选了他为妈妈创造的艺术品。对他来说,他甚至不会把它放在他的书包里。正如爸爸进来的那样,拉维冲过来,在仔细保护艺术品时拥抱他,并问:“是时候了吗?”他们一起开心欢迎网站,聊聊ravi的一天,他们为妈妈做的准备工作以及他们将在接下来的几天内完成的东西。
Like all families, Chandra’s, Charlotte’s, and Ravi’s families have experienced some stress. Whether faced with single parenting, relocation, separation, financial stress, or job-related stress, strong families are resilient and bounce back. No matter what, they make sure their children have safe, stable, and nurturing relationships. Chandra’s mom has extended family support, close friends, and a strong bond with her infant. She is beginning to build a strong relationship with Chandra’s caregiver. Charlotte’s parents understand her emotional needs. They help her maintain connections with old friends and build new friendships. Ravi’s family communicates with one another, celebrates one another, and spends time connecting and reconnecting.
- Safety is “the extent to which a child is free from fear and secure from physical or psychological harm.” This means that adults protect child from harm. Adults regulate their own emotions and monitor children’s development.
- 稳定性是“儿童环境中的可预测性和一致性程度”。这意味着孩子们要了解世界是一个可管理的地方。一致的家庭惯例是儿童提供的一种方式稳定性。
- 培育是“父母或照顾者可以获得并且能够敏感地回应并满足孩子的需求的程度。”
To reflect a little on how your role has a crucial, positive impact on children's trajectory, take a moment to watch Dr. Nadine Burke Harris' 16-minute TED Talk video about how childhood trauma affects long-term health. Follow the link below to see the talk:
Many families who are involved in allegations of child abuse or neglect have experienced some kind of trauma. This might mean they experienced abuse or neglect themselves as children. There may also be domestic violence toward adults in the home. They may experience family or community violence.
创伤can influence how a family interacts with you. Look for these characteristics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s publication Preventing Child Maltreatment (2013):
- 经历过创伤的家庭可能会发现与您建立信任关系很难。他们可能并不容易信任任何人。
- Families might perceive aggression or danger where it does not exist. They may struggle with keeping themselves or their children safe. You might find yourself questioning their decision-making.
- They may abuse drugs or alcohol.
- They may have a hard time controlling their emotions.
- 他们看起来很麻木或“关闭”。
- 随时随地与您的教练或家庭儿童保育管理员交谈,万博体育下载官方网站您可以随时对一个家庭担心。
- 了解父母的反应(包括愤怒,怨恨或避免)可能是对创伤的反应。不要个人接受他们。
- 请记住,经历过创伤的父母并不“坏”。责备或判断它们可能会使情况变得更糟。
- 认识到所有父母都希望他们的孩子安全健康。当你看到它们时,赞美父母的良好决策和健康的选择。
- Stay calm, and keep your voice as neutral and non-threatening as possible. Model direct and honest communication.
- 始终如一。当你做出承诺时,通过。
- 请注意,您可以体验次要创伤压力,当您看到或听到其他人的创伤时可能会发生。照顾好自己,花点时间来解决自己的反应,当你觉得你被压倒时。
根据您在本课程中学到的内容以及在整个课程中,为凯特写出不同的结尾。在凯特故事中的每个临界时间点,想想可能发生的事情更改家庭的轨迹。阅读并查看Case Study Reflectionactivity. Describe the resources, supports, or conversations that might have made a difference for Kate and her family. Share your responses with your family child care administrator. Then, review the suggested responses for additional reflection.
这些尖端从Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2013 Resource Guide旨在分发给父母和护理人员,以解决特定的育儿关注或问题。这些信息很容易阅读,专注于具体的策略父母和护理人员可以用来照顾孩子和加强家庭。每张尖端表都有英文和西班牙语。
花一些时间反映你加强家庭的方式。阅读并查看保护因素自我评估改编起来加强家庭Program. Use it to reflect upon your interactions and relationships with families.
Felitti,Vince J等人。(1998)儿童虐待与家庭功能障碍的关系对成年人死亡的许多主要原因。美国预防医学杂志。14, p 245-258.DOI:10.1016 / S0749-3797(98)00017-8Retrieved fromhttps://www.cdc.gov/violienceprevention/acestudy/about.html..
哈里斯,Nadine伯克。楠迪(2014年9月)ne Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttps://www.ted.com/talks/nadine_burke_harris_how_childhood_trauma_affects_health_across_a_lifetime
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Strategic Direction for Child Maltreatment Prevention: Preventing Child Maltreatment Through the Promotion of Safe, Stable, and Nurturing Relationships Between Children and Caregivers.