Secondary tabs
- Design the physical environment to promote safety.
- 使用积极的监督,尽量减少儿童虐待和忽视的风险。
- 描述程序设计和标准操作程序如何最大限度地减少儿童虐待和忽视的风险。

Note: The narrative content of the Learn section of this lesson was prepared by Derry G. Koralek, Teaching Strategies Inc., Washington, DC, in November 1993 under Department of Defense Contract #MDA 903-91-M-6715 for the Office of Family Policy Support and Services, Office of the Secretary of Defense. It has been updated based on Unified Facilities Criteria.
- 用于家庭育儿计划(例如,房间,走廊,入口和户外空间)的家庭内部和周围的所有区域都是充足的万博体育下载官方网站,并且可见性足够好,使所有空间都可以轻松地监督。
- There is visual access to all children at all times. Some visual barriers may need to be removed when multiple rooms are used for child care so that children can be seen from everywhere. Providers should adjust positioning and their environment so that all children are in line of sight at any given time.
- Storage areas and closets are kept locked or secured so that a child cannot access them. These areas are only opened during child care hours if the provider needs to get something and then immediately relocked. Ideally, storage areas are also designed so the hardware on the door is operable from both sides. Doors on closets can be opened from the inside without a key. This prevents a child from being locked in a closet or storage area.
- 没有帷幔或百叶窗妨碍了孩子接受儿童或其他儿童在内的地区可能带孩子的地区。
- For younger children, doors to bathroom are kept open for visibility and support. Children over age 5 and adults close bathroom doors for privacy.
- Ideally, sleeping areas are located in activity rooms, so that all children can be viewed at all times. Sleeping children should be visible at all times. If a child or and infant falls asleep while other children are playing, that child should sleep in an area visible from the activity area. If all children are asleep, the provider may have them sleep in a different area of the home if all children are visible.
- Play structures such as lofts and playhouses are built so that children can be viewed while at play in the structure.
- Choose one entryway into your home to serve as the central entrance for families and visitors.
- Keep all doors locked except when you or families are in the process of entering or exiting the home.
- Consider an alarm system for all exit doors that do not open into a fenced-in area.
- Be alert and practice strong supervision when outdoors or in shared playground spaces, especially if strangers or outsiders approach the children.
What Operational Policies and Procedures Can Reduce the Potential for Child Abuse and Neglect?
With guidance fromyour local licensing agency, your family child care program has established operational policies and procedures that can reduce the potential for child abuse and neglect. These policies and procedures should address provider conduct, supervision of children, access to the home, and use of volunteers, interns, and students in training. Some examples of policies and procedures that may be similar to those at your program include the following:
- Use of corporal punishment or other discipline procedures in violation of standards articulated by the state in which the family child care home is located is grounds for immediate termination of the program’s license or the ability to provide family child care services to families.
Supervision of Children
- 在从户外播放空间返回家庭时,儿童必须伴随着提供者。
- 匹配儿童和青年的需求和能力的监督。对于婴儿,幼儿和学龄前儿童,必须始终保持监督。万博体育全站app无论在室内或户外,睡着,休息或清醒,什么都不能让孩子无人看管。孩子们可能只是在非常简短的时间内脱离视线(例如,你可以使用洗手间)。年轻的学龄儿童也需要更多的直接监督。如果孩子们呼救,确保成年人总是足够接近,以应对。根据儿童的需求和活动的特征,适应监督。潜在的危险活动,如木工或水资源将需要直接监督所有儿童,无论年龄段。
- 儿童只能向父母或法定监护人或父母或法定监护人授权的成年人发布。
- Indoor and activity spaces must be arranged so children can be visually supervised by the provider at all times.
- If possible, outdoor play spaces should be fenced in, and gates to playgrounds should have closure hardware that cannot be operated by children under age 10.
Access to the Home and Pick-up Procedures
- 父母或监护人必须带他们的孩子去nd pick up their child up from the program. The parent or guardian and provider should verbally and visually connect with each other during the drop-off and pickup times. Dropping a child off in the driveway, for example, without visually and verbally connecting with the family child care provider is unsafe.
- If a parent or guardian is unable to pick up their child on a particular day, he or she should tell the provider ahead of time who specifically will pick up their child on which days, and approximately when they will arrive. Written consent from the parent or guardian to release the child to an alternate adult is preferred. When the alternate adult arrives to retrieve the child or children, the provider should check the individual’s driver’s license to ensure the correctly identified person is picking them up before releasing the child or children. In the event of an emergency, or if a parent or guardian forgets to inform the provider of an alternate adult picking up their child, always call the parent or guardian to confirm the arrangements before releasing the child or children.
- Parents or guardians should have access to the areas in the home where a family child care program operates when their child is present in the program.
- Visitors to your program must be accompanied by a provider at all times while they are in the child care spaces or outdoor play area. Ensure that children are never left alone with a visitor in your program unless they are a back-up provider or family child care administrator.
- 进入您的房屋应限于一个入口和退出。一个入口应该用于父母和访客访问该计划,而其他进入手段只应用于访问室外游乐区或在紧急情况下撤离。
- 志愿者,实习生和学生助剂人员可能无法与孩子或儿童一群人单独使用。
- 志愿者,实习生和学生助手在违反您的计划纪律政策或儿童虐待或忽视的指控后可能无法在您的计划中工作。
- Volunteers, interns, and student helpers must comply with regulations for background checks and training related to recognizing, reporting, and preventing child abuse and neglect.
When working with infants, there are additional guidelines you should keep in mind to prevent harm. These include: safe sleep, tummy time, and signs of distress.
Tummy Time:所有婴儿每天都需要在肚子上花费短时间。这加强了头部,颈部和核心肌肉。当宝宝醒来和警报时,应该发生肚子的时间。随着婴儿的肌肉力量允许,提供者可以在坐落在婴儿旁边的地板上进行肚子在会话中进行肚子时间,并与婴儿互动,并确保婴儿没有遇险。在没有环境下,在肚子期间,婴儿无人看管或从腹部伸出臂。如果婴儿在肚子时间遇到遇险时,提供者应该重新定位婴儿的身体或结束肚子时间会话。如果婴儿在肚子时间内睡着了,婴儿必须立即移动到他或她的分配的婴儿床或口交,并将其放在背上睡觉。作为提供者,您应该在肚子的时间内始终与婴儿坐在一起。这鼓励互动和粘合,但它也确保了婴儿在肚子时间监督。
Signs of Distress:婴儿完全依赖于您的安全和护理。您必须学会观察婴儿遇险的迹象。如果您看到任何这些标志,请通过调用911立即采取行动:
- Infant becomes blue around the mouth
- Breathing becomes rapid and shallow
There are other signs that an infant is experiencing lower level distress. It is important to respond quickly to an infant when you see these signs:
- Crying
- Arching the back and pushing away
- 鞭打手臂或腿
- Spreading fingers wide apart
- Looking panicked or worried
- g
- 反复打呵欠,打喷嚏或打嗝
When you see these signs, pick the infant up and soothe her. Rock the baby, walk around the room with the baby, or sing a gentle song. Try to reduce loud noises, bright lights, and other distractions in the environment that might be upsetting the baby.
What do safe facilities look like? Watch this video to find out.
Facilities that Protect Children from Harm
When abuse or neglect occurs at a family child care home, the results can be devastating to the provider or adult involved, to the children, to the families, and to the entire system of family child care providers. You need to know how to prevent child abuse and neglect. Your prevention role includes the following:
- 当高水平的个人压力时,识别出你的护理绩效和学习方式,以保持对你的行为的控制狗万app怎么下载
- 狗万app怎么下载学习儿童发展阶段,因此您对儿童行为的期望是现实和合适的
- 狗万app怎么下载学习和使用积极的指导技术,帮助孩子培养自律
- Trying to understand the reasons for a child’s behavior
- Recognizing the signs within your program that indicate a potential for child abuse and neglect
- Following regulations that minimize the potential for child abuse and neglect

Tour your home with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator. Read and complete theFeatures that Protect Children from Abuse and Neglectand take it with you on the tour. Discuss with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator what is applicable to your setting and how you might make improvements. Make notes in the table about how the features protect children from abuse and neglect.
Koralek, D. G. (1993).Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect in Center Settings。华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。国防部合同系列#MDA 903-91-M-6715家庭政策支持和服务办公室,国防部长办公室。
Koralek, D. G. (1994) Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect: A Training Module for Youth Program Staff. Double H Productions. Department of Defense Contract #DAE08-94-5011.
The National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention. (n.d.) Child abuse and neglect fact sheet.https://www.ncfrp.org/reporting/child-abuse-and-neglect/