
    • Describe children’s challenging behaviors.
    • Learn ways to document and minimize children’s challenging behaviors.
    • Describe unique situations that children in military families may encounter that could result in challenging behavior.
    • Create a resource guide of community and installation resources that assist providers and families with children’s challenging behaviors.





    All children engage in challenging behaviors from time to time. As adults, we can help children learn new and better ways to communicate their wants and needs instead of using challenging behavior.

    What is challenging behavior? The Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) describes it as:

    • Any repeated pattern of behavior that interferes with learning or engagement in prosocial interactions with peers and adults.
    • Behaviors that are not responsive to the use of developmentally appropriate guidance procedures.
    • Prolonged tantrums, verbal aggression, disruptive vocal and motor behavior (e.g., screaming, constant repetition), property destruction, self-injury, noncompliance, and withdrawal.

    These can vary depending on who is encountering the behavior. To a parent, whining may be viewed a challenging behavior, but to a child care provider, the whining indicates that the child is communicating a want or need. The provider may see other behaviors as challenging (such as hitting), but easily tolerates whining.

    Challenging behavior can be exhausting for both children and adults. Preventing the challenging behavior from occurring is ideal. In Lesson Three, you learned how daily schedules and predictable routines can promote positive guidance. You also learned that understanding various stages of child development helps you know which behaviors are age-appropriate and which behaviors are not.


    In contrast, Lilly, 7 years old with excellent language skills, has a tantrum if she doesn’t get to choose the after school-snack at the family child care home she attends. Lily’s tantrum would not be age-appropriate and would be viewed as challenging behavior by her provider and parents. Lily needs to be taught a better way to handle her feelings of frustration. Her provider and parents should work together to make a plan for how they will address Lily’s challenging behavior.

    想想你自己的孩子经历 - 对你有挑战性的行为如何?

    Children’s behavior is a form of communication. Adults have to think about what a child may be trying to communicate by engaging in a challenging behavior. The adult must think about what may be behind the child’s behavior and take the time to understand how to help the child learn better forms of communicating. Parents must be involved in helping you change children’s challenging behavior. It is not something a child care provider can do without parent input. Changing challenging behaviors can be difficult if a child has learned to obtain adult or peers’ attention or preferred items (e.g., toys, candy, etc.) by using these behaviors.

    Documenting and Minimizing Challenging Behavior


    The Illinois Early Learning Project tip sheet,帮助经常愤怒的孩子描述提供商可以采取的行动帮助孩子学习如何管理他们的情绪并尽量减少具有挑战性的行为:

    • 观察到了解并记下行为发生时的发夹。

      What triggers the child’s anger and aggression? Does the child get upset during transitions from one activity to the next, when the mother leaves in the morning, when the child is tired or hungry, or when there is a lot of noise and commotion? The better you can pinpoint what happens before, during, and after the behavior occurs, the better you will have an idea of what may be triggering the behavior.

    • 最小化触发器。


    • State any rules clearly, consistently, and matter-of-factly.

      Let the child know what you want her or him to do and don’t want her or him to do. “I don’t want you to hit. I don’t want anyone to hit you either. Tell Amber you would like a turn on the tricycle, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll talk about other things to try.”

    • Anticipate problems that are likely to arise.


    • Break the cycle of attention for misbehavior.

      Focus on a child’s interests and abilities. If Sharon is interested in drawing or playing ball, plan time to join her in these activities a little each day before any misbehavior occurs. Comment on the child’s interest and effort, “Your drawings include a lot of detail!”

    • Notice and acknowledge progress.

      Let the child know when he or she is having success. “I heard you use your words with Josh in the sandbox today. You asked him to make room for your sand castle and he did!” An additional hug, smile, or pat on the back can reinforce the good feeling that comes with hard work and success.

    Providing Feedback on Children’s Behavior


    Examples of non-specific feedback:

    Instead, you can say:


    You worked hard on building that structure.

    That’s not right.

    Can you try it a different way? Let’s look at this other puzzle that you did.

    I like your drawing.

    You used red, blue, green, and purple. It’s so colorful!


    You stuck with that problem and figured it out.


    Joni has her eyes on me and her hands in her lap.




    Redirection means providing an acceptable alternative to problematic behaviors. Consider these examples:

    Instead of saying:


    Stop hitting.





    Use an inside voice please.

    Quit fighting.

    How can you solve this problem?


    Listen please.

    Helping Children Learn to Resolve Conflicts

    Another way to minimize challenging behavior is to teach conflict-resolution skills. Adults can teach preschool and school age children to resolve their differences in calm, peaceful ways. Children who can solve problems and resolve conflicts peaceably have more friends and are more likely to be chosen by their peers. Children can learn how to negotiate without hurting others—a skill that will help them throughout their lives.

    As a family child care provider, you will need to support children as they learn the conflict-resolution process. For younger children, you will have to be their voice to help explain what they want to an older child. You will serve as a facilitator, and your presence during the conflict-resolution process will help children feel safe and secure as they learn to mediate their own problems.




    Conflict Resolution

    Watch this video to see how family child care providers teach children to resolve conflicts.

    Unique Situations in Military Families that May Impact Children’s Behavior

    军人家庭的孩子可能会遇到许多more life transitions, moves, and separations from parents. Children may engage in challenging behavior when these types of unique transitions occur. It is important to provide children with loving, responsive care during these difficult times.

    不幸的是,军事家庭的孩子也可能会遇到父母或重要成年人的死亡。请确保您有资源,孩子和家人可以帮助孩子应对哀悼。Learn about installation resources, community resources (e.g., programs for grief counseling, school-based social workers and counselors, etc.) so you can be prepared to support a child who may be experiencing stress, anxiety, and fear due to loss or separation from a loved one.



    It can be difficult to start conversations with families about their child’s challenging behavior. Some parents may truly never see their child behave the way you describe him or her because children may act very differently in different settings. To be able to have difficult conversations, you must first build a trusting relationship with the family. Jodi Whiteman of Zero to Three describes three practices that help with those difficult conversations:

    1. 提出问题和想知道:请问周到的问题,和家人一起奇迹。承认父母对他们孩子的了解。


    2. Active Listening: Listen carefully to what the parent is telling you and state back to her or him what you understood. This includes being attuned to body language and facial expressions.

      例子:“You do have a lot to do in the morning to get Camille and her two brothers fed, dressed, and out the door for school and child care. I can see you must miss your husband’s help now that he is deployed. You wish you could spend more time cuddling with Camille when she wakes up, but right now there no time to do this in the morning.”

    3. Empathizing: Express your understanding and acceptance of the parent’s experiences and feelings.

      Example: “It must be difficult for you to get three children ready for child care and school each morning while your husband has been deployed. It sounds like you are exhausted by the time you get everyone out the door. I am happy to talk with you about some strategies we can try to help Camille transition more easily.”

    Building relationships with families takes time and attention. Having a family’s trust makes it easier to work together when addressing children’s challenging behavior. Solving a child’s challenging behavior takes a team effort (family child care provider and parents). Online resources can be helpful in learning strategies to try with a particular child. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can also be a valuable resource for ideas and techniques to address challenging behaviors.

    Sometimes, finding solutions extends to collaborating with professional personnel from community agencies and schools. As a family child care provider, you can create and share a resource list of local and installation services that may be helpful to families in addressing children’s challenging behavior. Your careful attention to addressing children’s challenging behavior will leave a lasting impact as each child in your care grows and develops into a caring, emotionally secure individual.



    Using what you have learned in this course, downloadDocumenting Children’s Behaviorand observe the children in your family child care program. Taking time to reflect on when and where behaviors occur can help you understand what children are communicating through their behavior. Reflect on your observations and share your thoughts with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.



    The following list of websites and online resources are available to help parents and providers with addressing children’s challenging behavior. Take time to review these resources and bookmark those you may want to refer to in your work with children and families. You may want to share any favorite resources with families who ask for information about addressing children’s challenging behavior and supporting emotional development.


    • The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) focuses on promoting the social-emotional development and school readiness of children from birth through age 5. The website offers resources, in English and Spanish, for families, trainers, teachers, family child care providers, and states. It also includes training modules about infants/toddlers and preschoolers, and a module for parents.http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu
    • 儿童早期开发计划Devereux(决)促进s young children’s social and emotional development, resilience, and skills for school success by establishing partnerships among early childhood educators, mental health professionals, and families. DECI offers training for practitioners and parents and an assessment program for infants/toddlers and preschool children.http://www.centerforresilientchildren.org/
    • 童年行为项目旨在提高对参与挑战性行为的幼儿的积极行为支持的资源可用性。该网站提供提示表,案例研究示例,父母的信息,以及建立技术援助团队的指导。http://www.cehd.umn.edu/CEED/publications/tipsheets/default.html
    • 指导事项是Dan Gartrell的一名年轻儿童专栏,讨论了早期教育工作者对促进幼儿的发展和学习的指导。狗万app怎么下载该专栏于7月,7月和11月的问题发布小孩子, and an archive of the columns is available online.https://dangartrell.net/guidance-matters-columns/
    • National Center on Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) creates free, research-based resources to help parents, providers, administrators, and policy makers apply best practices when working with children who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities. The website includes a glossary of terms, briefs on systems and procedures, and related links.

    The resource below,High Scope Conflict Resolution Steps, was adapted from content athttps://highcope.org/topic/conflict-resolution/. Teaching children to resolve conflicts themselves you may add to their social and emotional development by providing them with the skills to negotiate with others.

    • How might you use the High Scope Steps to Resolving Conflicts with the children you care for?
    • 您如何使用与孩子们一起使用的角色来教导他们的步骤?
    • 对于学龄儿童,您可以在哪里写下步骤,以便在发生冲突时愿意审查?

    Look for children’s books and stories you can use to teach conflict resolution and problem-solving skills. Children’s books are a wonderful way to start discussions among you and the children about ways to solve problems.


    Term 描述
    Prosocial Behavior that is positive, helpful, and intended to promote respectful interactions and friendship.




    Which of the following would be an appropriate strategy for addressing children’s challenging behaviors?




    Recently, three-year-old Charlotte has been unusually irritable. She only wants to play with you and clings to your side. When other children try to play with her she quickly becomes frustrated and angry. How do you respond?


    Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Retrieved fromhttp://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/index.html.

    Dodge,D.T.T.,Rudick,S.,&Colker,L. J.(2009)。家庭育儿的创意课程(第二次万博体育下载官方网站编辑。)。华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。

    Extension Foundation. (2015). Ways Child Care Providers Can Teach Young Children to Resolve Conflicts. Retrieved fromhttp://articles.extension.org/pages/25762/ways-child-care-providers-can-teach-young-children-to-resolve-conflicts..

    Extension Foundation. (2015). Helping Children in Child Care Handle Anger. Retrieved fromhttp://articles.extension.org/pages/25796/helping-children-in-child-care-handle-anger.





    Whiteman, J. (2013). Connecting with Families: Tips for those difficult conversations.小孩子. 68(1),94-95。