Secondary tabs
- 描述在洗手间和变化区域保持卫生条件的重要性。
- 始终如一地实施一般卫生措施,以减少传染病的传播。
- 促进儿童的自我保健技能和独立,同时协助厕所和清理。
- 展示尿布和厕所的方法。

在你的家庭儿童保万博体育下载官方网站健计划,一些孩子ay still wear diapers, some children may just be learning to use the toilet, and others may have already mastered toileting. Family child care providers must know how to safely change a child’s diaper, how to patiently and respectfully help a young child learn how to use the toilet, and how to respond sensitively to toileting accidents. Children are fascinated by their bodies and all the things their bodies can do. They may also be fascinated—and sometimes fearful—of the restrooms they use every day. They approach the restroom the same way they learn about other things: by exploring. They might love to flush the toilets, turn faucets on and off, watch toilet paper unroll, and explore the sounds their voices make in the restroom. Unfortunately, all of this learning can come at a price. Restrooms are full of bacteria and as a caregiver, you must be prepared to promote learning and healthy hygiene.
You should diaper young children or encourage them to try using the restroom at least every two hours. For toilet-trained children, be sure to remind them to use the restroom before you go outside, go on a field trip, or begin any new activity that involves leaving your family child care home. These are also important times to diaper children who are not yet toilet trained.
Diapering procedures involve many steps; each is important and must be followed to reduce the risk of contamination. For cloth diapers, be sure to follow your licensing agency or Service specific guidelines. The following Diapering Procedure, recommended by照顾我们的孩子(2015), depicts eight steps, each step consisting of several tasks. As always, adhere to your Service’s diapering procedures.
- 非吸水性纸衬里足以覆盖儿童肩部的变化表面,超越儿童的脚。
- 新鲜尿布和干净的衣服(如果需要)。
- 一次性湿巾。
- 塑料袋弄脏的衣服或布尿布(如果需要)。
- 塑料手套。
- Diaper cream, removed from a container and placed on a disposable tissue.
- Gently place child on diapering surface, always keeping a hand on the child.
- Remove child's clothes, socks and shoes if needed so the child does not contaminate these surfaces with stool or urine during the diaper change.
- 如果衣服弄脏了,就把它们放在安全的袋子里回家。不要冲洗the clothes.
- 解开尿布,但留下脏污的尿布。
- 用湿巾清洁孩子,从前到后擦拭以除去尿液和粪便,每次擦拭只使用一次。
- Lift the child's legs as needed to use disposable wipes to clean the skin on the child's genitalia and buttocks.
- 将污染的湿巾放入脏污的尿布中,或直接进入塑料衬里,免提免提覆盖罐。
- 每次清洁用新鲜擦拭物或湿纸巾。
Remove the soiled diaper.
- 立即将污染的尿布放在塑料衬里,无人驾驶垃圾桶中。
- 对于布料尿布,将布料尿布及其内容物放在可密封的塑料袋或塑料衬里,无人免提覆盖的罐头可以提供给父母或洗衣服务。
- 立即删除手套并处理它们。
- Clean your own hands and the child's hands with a disposable wipe.
- 立即处理擦拭物。
- 在孩子下滑动新鲜尿布。
- 如果需要尿布膏,用纸巾敷上尿布膏,然后丢弃不用的量。
- 调整和紧固尿布
- 完成孩子
- 把孩子带到水槽里洗他们的双手用肥皂和水。
- 把孩子送回有人看管的地方。
- 如果使用纸衬里,请将衬垫放在塑料衬里的免提覆盖垃圾桶中。
- 用洗涤剂和水清洁任何可见的土壤,并消毒变化的表面。
- 如果使用焊盘,请用洗涤剂溶液喷洒垫的两侧和更换台面。用水冲洗。
- 用消毒溶液润湿整个变化的表面
- 用消毒溶液喷洒垫的两侧和更换的台面。
- 如果推荐的漂白剂被喷涂为表面上的消毒剂,请将其与表面接触至少2分钟。
- 表面可以晾干,也可以在接触漂白剂溶液2分钟后擦干。
- 将清洁和消毒解决方案放在外面洗你的手。
- Record the diaper change, diaper contents and problems in your daily log.
Help Children with Self-Care and Hygiene
正在学习如何使用厕所或刚刚掌握如厕训练的幼儿可狗万app怎么下载能仍然需要如厕和穿衣方面的帮助— 如果他们刚刚在洗手间出了事故,这一点尤其正确。意外事故会让孩子们难堪。帮助孩子打扫卫生,穿好衣服,安全地回到学习环境中是很重要的。在清理过程中,你还必须努力防止细菌和污染物的传播。适当的卫生对你和你项目中的孩子都很重要。许多疾病可以通过粪便传播。
- 洗你的手。
- 带上物资。您将需要干净的衣服,抹布,塑料袋,纸衬里为孩子站立或躺在,湿布或纸巾和一次性手套。
- 请遵循中所述的步骤照顾我们的孩子(2015)。这些程序在附件中提供改变脏衣服in the Apply section.
Make sure all children are safe and block off the soiled area. Wash your hands and gather supplies. Ask the child who had the accident to go into the restroom area while you gather supplies. Put on gloves and follow changing procedures (see Apply section of this lesson) to help the child remove soiled clothing and clean herself. Put soiled clothing in a sealed plastic bag to be sent home. Clean your hands and the child’s hands with fresh disposable wipes. Help the child get dressed in clean clothing. Wash your hands and make sure the child washes her hands thoroughly. Then let her return to play in a supervised area. Clean and disinfect the changing area. Wash your hands. Clean and disinfect the soiled area of your family child care program. Wash your hands again.
Gloves, though recommended and required by many programs, do not automatically protect children and adults from exposure to germs. Adults often feel a false sense of protection when they wear gloves. Wearing gloves does not merely involve protecting your hands. Germs that touch a glove can be spread to the next surface the glove touches.
- Wash hands prior to using gloves if hands are visibly soiled.
- 穿上一双干净的手套。
- 提供适当的护理。
- Remove each glove carefully. Grab the first glove at the palm and strip the glove off. Touch dirty surfaces only to dirty surfaces.
- 球在另一只手套的手掌中滚动肮脏的手套。
- 使用非手套的手,另一方面从手腕下方剥离手套,在内部转动手套。仅触摸脏曲面到脏曲面。
- 立即在免提手套或踩踏垃圾桶中丢弃脏手套。洗你的手。
Barriers to Potty Training
- 孩子们还没准备好。有时幼儿在他们的机构准备好之前被推入便盆训练。帮助一个没有准备学会使用便盆的孩子是不是不可能的,但它绝对是挑战。
- 家庭还没准备好。对于愿意做出承诺的家庭,他们必须准备帮助孩子在家里有便盆训练,带来所有所需的供应,并与您一起工作,所以孩子的加固趋势一致。过渡到使用厕所可能涉及家庭情绪放松宝宝,并拥抱孩子成为学龄前儿童。万博体育全站app这可能是一些家庭通过的过程;事实上,他们甚至可能都不知道他们对这个过程感到矛盾。
- 文化期望各不相同。在美国主流文化持有the expectation that children will be potty trained by their third year. This is generally thought to be the age of 2 years for girls and the age of 2½ years for boys. Other cultures may believe that children should be potty trained within an earlier or later time frame. As with all decisions, you should consult with families to understand their expectations.
- 时机是一个因素。A child may be physically but not emotionally ready for potty training. Perhaps a sibling has newly arrived, a parent is deployed, the family has moved, or other family changes make potty training an additional stressor rather than a welcome task. It is best in these circumstances to delay potty training until the child or family has made it through most of the emotional upheaval in the transition.
- Has understanding of the concept of cause and effect
- 有能力沟通,包括手语 - 他或她可以使用单词或手势来表示需要使用厕所
- Can remain dry for at least two hours at a time during the day or is dry at naptime
- 常规和可预测的时间表有排便
- 可以遵循简单的方向
- 能坐在马桶上,能感觉和理解被淘汰的感觉
- 显示湿润或污染尿布的不适
- 表现出一些兴趣进入便盆和更自主
- 能够拉下和拉起自己的裤子
Recording when young children, especially infants and toddlers are diapered or when they use the bathroom is important information to both you and their families. Changes in these bodily functions of babies can be an indication that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. For toddlers, documentation can help you identify patterns that can assist with potty training. It is important to document diapering and toileting records immediately for each child, after you’ve washed your hands. If you put off documentation, something will likely come up and you will have to rely on your memory rather than having recorded it accurately.
- 学习正规学校所需的自助技能。
- 在常规护理期间通过听力和言语,通过与您倾听(共同欺骗,唠叨,说话)来获得语言和沟通技巧。
- 当他们有用时,培养能力感。
- 练习小型和大肌肉技能,包括抓住裤子,向下推动并在厕所期间抬起并抬起腿部,并在尿布期间返回坐姿。
- Develop their emotional attachment to you, which helps them feel secure and supports their development and learning.
Proper Hygiene While Diapering
There are many ways to maintain a healthy environment throughout your family child care program. The restroom is an important place to start. Follow these steps to create healthy habits for yourself and the children in your care:
- 定期检查洗手间,以确保厕所刷新。
- Check to make sure floors, doors, and walls are clean.
- 确保纸巾和其他垃圾正确抛弃。
- Make sure running water, soap, paper towels, plastic bags for soiled clothing, and toilet paper are available.
- Make sure you put disposable gloves on before handling soiled clothing or diapers. Remove gloves before handling clean clothing and diapers.
- If possible, use a separate sink for general use versus handwashing after toileting. If you must use the same sink, disinfect it before using it for general or food-related use.
- 在帮助儿童使用厕所后,请务必洗手,协助弄脏的衣服,或触摸受污染的表面。即使你戴一次性手套,你也必须洗手。
- 确保所有的孩子和成年人都适当地洗手。
In addition, when it comes to diapering and toileting, always do the following:
- 遵循正确的尿布和厕所程序。
- 确保所有尿布和厕所供应均可储蓄良好,可供选择。
- 涉及幼儿在尿布和厕所过程中(例如,他们可能能够帮助拔下裤子或保持尿布);这是你一起做的事情,而不是对他们所做的事情。
- 使用描述性语言来解释尿布和厕所期间发生的事情。

当儿童在洗手间发生意外或问题时,要追求如何回应是重要的。在里面你会怎么做activity, read the scenarios and describe the steps you would take to keep children healthy. Consider healthy hygiene practices, handwashing, and modeling healthy habits. Share your responses with a trainer or coach. Then, compare your answers to the suggested responses included.

为了帮助提供健康的洗手间环境,考虑发布戴手套程序poster from Caring for Our Children in your restroom or changing area. Save the更换脏衣服指南作为参考。
学期 | 描述 |
附件 | 与一个导致信任和安全感的孩子形成密切关系的过程 |
污染 | 在身体上或身体上存在感染微生物(细菌),在环境面上,衣物制品或食物和水中的感染或土壤 |
粪便 | 坚实的人类废物或肠道运动的产物 |
重新污染 | To again infect or soil with presence of infectious microorganisms (germs) |
Sense of competence | An indicator of infant and toddler emotional development; the child will recognize his or her ability to do things |
美国儿科学院,美国公共卫生协会,育儿和早期教育中的健康安全国家资源中心。(2015)。照顾我们的孩子:National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs。(3rd ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Retrieved fromhttp://nrckids.org/cfoc/TOC.
eXtension.org (2016). 万博体育全站app学龄前儿童白天上厕所可能会发生意外。检索自:http://articles.extension.org/sites/default/files/w/5/55/JITP45-46mo.pdf