
    • Describe the purpose and procedures of a daily health check.
    • 描述日常健康检查中寻找的迹象或症状。
    • 描述儿童生病的方式可以回应的方式。
    • Follow your procedures for daily health checks, exclusion, and readmission of children.





    • 孩子不能参加活动
    • The child’s illness presents a risk to other children or adults
    • You cannot care for the child while maintaining appropriate care for the other children

    如果孩子符合任何这些标准,那么他们很可能会被送回家。查看本节中的附件,以获取或不从托儿所享受排除的疾病列表。每日健康检查是评估孩子帮助做出这些决定的一种方式。这取决于你 - 不是家庭 - 决定孩子是否足够健康,无法留在育儿。您必须考虑特定许可机构的指导方针,以及其他儿童的健康,您的计划中的任何其他人。

    Daily health checks also can offer a record of changes in a child’s appearance or behavior, which can be important in cases of child abuse or neglect. This information can also be very useful for families if the child is suspected of having a long-term physical- or mental-health need. Health checks, if conducted sensitively and documented thoroughly, can help you build relationships with children and families. This lesson will answer questions many family child care providers may have about health checks.






    The procedures for doing a daily health check may vary. Watch this video to see an example of family child care providers checking a child’s health.



    What Should I Look For?

    Your licensing agency may provide you with a daily health check form. If not, the Apply Activities section of this lesson has samples that you can adapt for your own use. When doing a health check, be sure to use all your senses.

    • Look over the child’s body. Do you see any bruises, cuts, scrapes, or burns? Do you see any open sores or fluid coming from the child’s eyes or nose? Do you see any scratching of the head or body? Do you see any unusual behaviors (sad, sleepy, irritable, lack of appetite)?
    • 倾听咳嗽,喘息或鼻塞。
    • Feel the child’s skin for a fever or signs of dehydration if he or she appears ill.
    • Use your sense of smell to check for any unusual odors.


    • How are you doing today?
    • 你在学校的一天怎么样?
    • 你晚上过得怎么样?



    Document any problems or changes on your daily health check form. If you think the child is ill and should not be in child care, talk with the parent or guardian immediately. This will allow them to make alternative plans.

    Whether or not you see a problem, it is important to document your daily health check. Record that you did a health check each day, and mark anything unusual for the child or family. Be sure to save this documentation for at least 30 days. In the event of a disease outbreak, these records can be very useful to public health officials.

    排除and Readmission Policies




    • The conditions and symptoms that do not require exclusion
    • 排除生病儿童的标准
    • The procedures for a child who requires exclusion



    Planning for Illness


    Notify families when their children have come into contact with a child who is ill with one of the following conditions:

    • 脑膜炎
    • Pertussis (whooping cough)
    • 侵入性感染如腕表
    • Chickenpox
    • Skin infections or infestations (head lice, scabies, and ringworm)
    • 胃肠道(通常与腹泻)和甲型肝炎(HAV)感染
    • 嗜血杆菌流感B(HIB)
    • Fifth disease (parvovirus B19)
    • Measles
    • 结核

    Families should also be notified if two or more unrelated persons who are part of or visit your family child care program (e.g., your family members, family members of the children in your care, back-up providers, specialists, etc.) are infected with a vaccine-preventable or infectious disease.

    If one of these diseases or conditions is suspected in your family child care home, you will need to notify all families and any other adults who have come in contact with the child or children. This notification should include (Caring for our Children, 2019):

    • The names, both the common and medical, of the diagnosed disease to which the child was exposed, whether there is one case or an outbreak
    • Signs and symptoms of the disease for which the parent or guardian should observe
    • Mode of transmission of the disease
    • 通知性,观察疾病的迹象和症状多久
    • Disease-prevention measures recommended by the health department (if appropriate)
    • 在您的计划中实施的控制措施
    • 可能是皮肤病变或皮肤状况的照片(例如,鸡痘,扁桃体上的斑点等)

    通知应该是notidentify the child who has the infectious disease.

    在某些情况下,你可能需要联系医学专业fessionals or public health officials. There are certain illnesses that are considered “reportable illnesses.” You will need to follow health guidelines to notify families about the occurrence of these types of illness. A list of reportable illnesses is updated annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is available athttps://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/conditions/notified/2020/。Contact you trainer, coach or family child care administrator if you have questions or concerns about reporting illnesses.


    • 家庭有候补儿童保育安排,他们孩子生病了
    • 生病的孩子们等待一个安全的地方,直到家人可以接他们
    • 一份书面政策是关于排除和入住疾病后的排除和入院,并在加入您的计划时与家庭共享此政策
    • Lines of communication are open so that you share information with families about their child’s health and families share information with you about a child’s health; this includes communicating with you when a child has been diagnosed with an infectious disease



    • returning to care
    • 确定何时需要健康访问
    • 确定何时何时向家庭育儿管理或许可报告万博体育下载官方网站
    • signs and symptoms of illness



    Immunizations help prevent serious disease. For immunizations to be effective, they must be given as scheduled. Researchers regularly discover new information concerning immunizations, including who should receive them and when, so you must stay up-to-date on the latest recommendations. You can learn more about immunization on the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions website athttp://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html。你作为一个家庭的一部分儿童保健提供万博体育下载官方网站r is to get immunization information from families to ensure that your program is in compliance with all health-related regulations. Work with your licensing agency to ensure you have the necessary health-related forms. It is equally important for providers to be immunized, so be sure to follow your licensing agency’s guidelines.



    To help you recognize illness in your family child care, it is important to know the children in your program well and be familiar with their preferences, activity levels, and attitudes. Use theLooking for Patternsactivity as you spend some time observing the children in your care. Share your insights with a trainer, coach, or family child care administrator.

    It is also important to take some time to think about how you will respond when children become ill. Read the scenario in theResponding to Illnessactivity and answer the questions. Share your responses with your trainer, coach, or family child care administrator.



    It is essential to have a system in place for recording daily health-check information. Talk with your trainer or coach about a system you could use in your family child care home. If your licensing agency does not use a standard system, download and consider using the每日出勤和症状形式from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    你也会找到一个Daily Health Checkposter from the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center. Post this resource in your home. Then use the relatedDaily Health Check Guide记录问题。


    Term Description
    排除 当一个孩子因疾病而从儿童保健中送回家时。儿童被排除在每个计划的排除政策的托儿基础之外。入院,也基于计划的政策,可能因排除原因而有所不同
    Health check 快速检查疾病或其他健康问题
    Immunization The act of a medical professional providing a vaccine to children and adults to help them develop protection (antibodies) against specific infections; vaccines may contain an inactivated or killed agent or a weakened live organism
    Reportable illness 严重的公共卫生问题涉及医生和医院在被诊断患者时需要向公共卫生官员报告;这有助于跟踪和控制爆发




    Caroline enters the program and sits down inside her cubby. You notice she looks pale. What should you do?


    这是notsomething you should write down on your daily health check log?


    真的or false? Family members should be involved in the daily health check.

    References & Resources

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2019.Caring for our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs. 4th edition.Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available athttp://nrckids.org


    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016). Immunization Schedules.http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html
