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    • Describe the benefits of family style dining.
    • Practice and promote portion control for young children.
    • 展示奶瓶喂养婴儿的适当程序。
    • Provide opportunities for active play and physical fitness.


    健康的生活方式的态度开始。你可以help young children develop healthy lifelong habits. Children need you to offer healthy food choices and model a healthy lifestyle. Understanding what to eat and how much to eat are important skills for young children to develop. Understanding the importance of physical activity and how to achieve it is equally significant for young children. Establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyle attitudes ultimately affects young children’s learning and reinforces the significance and strength of the mind-body connection.



    When you participate in family style dining with young children, you:

    • 防止行为增加安全危害或争论的可能性 - 儿童带别人的食物,用食物,窒息和食物填充嘴巴。
    • 促进语言和词汇发展。孩子们学习新食品的名字,成人可以在大小,颜色,纹理,品味和食物​​的味道周围模拟复杂的语言。饭菜也是关于儿童生命,兴趣和想法的对话的自然时期。
    • 模型举止和如何使用器具。
    • Establish warm relationships between children and their peers.
    • 促进儿童处理菜肴和器具的手眼协调。
    • 随着孩子们决定吃什么,吃多少,以及如何表达他们的需求和需求,促进决策和解决问题。当您用您准备用餐时间准备的所有食物时为您的盘子服务时,您也鼓励孩子尝试新的食物。但永远不要强迫孩子吃饭。
    • 让孩子们看到成年人做出健康的选择。这是建模这些重要终身行为的绝佳机会。

    Family style dining has a special look and feel. It should allow you and children to relax, enjoy a meal, and enjoy each other’s company. However, family style dining does not happen without challenges. Young children might spill their drinks, drop their forks, fidget in their seats, and squabble with peers. In addition, children may also engage in a number of unsanitary behaviors such as eating off of serving spoons, putting their own utensils into serving bowls, sneezing or coughing directly into food while passing it, or sneezing, coughing, or wiping noses into hands during a communal dining experience. These behaviors are common in young children as they learn a greater sense of independence and mastery of their physical skills, as well as an understanding of sanitary eating practices. You can read more about family style dining in the家庭风格用餐的好处和步骤resource located in the Learn Activities section below. Remember to be patient and well prepared. Make sure materials to clean up minor spills are easily accessible, and be ready to remove and replace any unsanitary utensils or bowls that have been contaminated with fingers, saliva, mucus, etc. For example, to help your family style dining process proceed smoothly, you might explain, “I’m replacing the serving spoon, because it was used as a personal spoon.”

    Just as in other caregiving routines such as diapering, toileting, and napping, proper documentation of feeding is essential. Information should be shared daily between children’s homes and the program so families and providers will know when the child last ate and therefore know when they may be hungry again. Take time to consider how you will track what children eat during family style dining; talk with your trainer or coach about good strategies for recording and sharing this information with families. The information you share with parents and guardians is valuable. When parents make an effort to improve or maintain their good health, those benefits are strongly related to their children's good health. (Murphey, Cook, Beckwith, & Belford, 2018).



    学tips and benefits of family style dining.


    提供幼儿适当的食品和饮料 - 对于婴儿,这包括人牛奶或配方 - 对于适当的增长,发展和健康是必要的。

    Feeding children nutritious foods starting in infancy affects brain development, skeletal and muscle development, and tooth development, as well as a reduction in tooth decay. Nutritious foods give young children energy to play and learn. Unhealthy foods, such as those high in sugar and fat, can make them tired and sluggish, which can affect their emotional and social well-being.


    For an age-based chart on the recommended foods for meals and snacks designed to meet a child’s nutritional needs, visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrition Standards for CACFP Meals and Snacks page:


    • 提供平衡和各种健康食品所以幼儿学会喜欢各种食物并做出健康的选择。
    • 不要将食物用作奖励或惩罚。这可能导致可以转移到成年的食物负面的情绪联系,导致不健康的饮食习惯和情绪压力。
    • Offer water between meals and snacks to quench thirst and establish the healthy habit of staying well-hydrated.
    • Juice, even if 100 percent juice, is an option for snack, but it’s not recommended. Juice is high in calories and sugar, and it has little nutritional value. Increased consumption of fruit juice is associated with increased risk for obesity. Offer fruits and vegetables as snacks instead of juice.
    • 在餐时提供牛奶。




    If you work with infants and toddlers, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that all food these very young children come into contact with is not a choking hazard. Choking happens quickly and silently. The general rule is that foods that are safe to eat are not round, hard, small, thick, sticky, smooth, or slippery. For a list of choking hazards and tips to reduce choking incidents, see the减少窒息风险resource located in the Apply Activities section below. Never leave an infant or toddler unattended while eating. You should always be within an arm’s reach and in sight of very young children who are eating.

    Portion Control


    Portion-control recommendations:

    • 考虑一个孩子的胃就是拳头的大小。
    • 使用儿童尺寸投手,供应餐具,盘子,碗和杯子;这将有助于儿童自行服务并将自己限制在健康的部分。
    • Limit waste by only putting a portion of available food in the serving dishes; refill as needed.
    • Remember that children’s appetites and tastes change over time; it is normal for some children to consume a lot one day and then eat considerably less the next day.
    • 模型冒险饮食;即使你知道你不喜欢它,也可以自己尝试每个食物。
    • 允许营养食品的第二次帮助。
    • 避免“清洁 - 你的盘子俱乐部”。这迫使孩子吃的东西比他们自然想要的更多。
    • Encourage, but don’t force, the one-bite rule; ask each child is asked to try one bite of all the food offered. There is no need to enforce this recommendation if a child is not interested to try a bite.



    Though preparation procedures are not difficult, they can be confusing because there are different procedures for different types of milk (human milk, brands and types of formulas).

    Preparing Human Milk


    1. 重要的是,瓶子标有婴儿的名字,日期,日期和时间表达的时间。瓶子上的标签和墨水需要耐水,因此如果瓶子在运行自来水下瓶子被解冻或加热,它们仍然可读。这是重要的,因为您可能在同一个水槽区域同时从不同母亲的解散和加热瓶子。
    2. 应在容器中运输非冷冻的人牛奶,您将使用喂养。当您收到牛奶时,必须将其放入冰箱中。使用冷藏瓶新鲜母乳瓶,在48小时内,在收集的时间内保持40°华氏或下方。如果不在48小时内使用,丢失未使用的母乳。
    3. 冷冻的人牛奶可以运送到您的程序中并存放在单使用塑料袋中,然后放入您的程序的冰箱中。母乳可以存放在冰箱中(用冰箱的单独门),收集时长达3个月。冷冻室应为0°15或下方。一旦母乳从冰箱中取出并解冻,将在40°华氏或下方冷藏,并在24小时内使用它;不要刷它。
    4. 在冰箱中瓶中一瓶冷冻母乳,或者在运行冷水下保持它。只有在你认为婴儿需要喂食时,只有像冰冻的母乳一样。
    • 通过在室温下,通过在炉子上或微波炉中加热,不要将冷冻的母乳。即使瓶子感觉凉爽,液体也可能变得非常热。热液体可以严重烧婴儿。此外,加热损坏母乳中的特殊物质,可以保护婴儿的健康。
    • If breastmilk has a bad odor after thawing, it may have spoiled and should be thrown out.
    1. 饲养过程应始终以护理护理人员冲洗,然后使用清洁,消毒瓶和乳头。应避免由含有BPA的塑料制成的瓶子。
    2. 在处理或喂养人牛奶到婴儿时,没有必要戴手套。
    3. Shake the bottle of breastmilk before feeding the baby because breastmilk separates into two layers when it is stored.
    4. 对于那些喜欢温瓶的婴儿,在喂养宝宝之前立即握住温暖(不热)水的瓶子。当你觉得婴儿需要喂食时,纯净的母乳。加热后立即喂母乳。牛奶的温度不应大于98.6 f。
    5. 喂食后,将任何未使用的母乳扔进瓶中,并立即用肥皂和热水洗瓶子。
    6. If there is a significant amount of human milk left in the container at the end of the day, you can return it to the family,只要孩子没有直接从容器喂食。


    1. Alert your trainer or coach so that you can either inform the family together or discuss the process of informing the family.
    2. 两个人需要通知母亲对错误表达人类的牛奶并与她讨论如何在送到您的计划之前处理牛奶。询问她是否愿意讨论与被错误地喂养牛奶的孩子的家庭讨论任何重要的医疗信息。
    3. Next, you will need to discuss the mistake with the family of the infant who was fed the wrong bottle. Let them know that the risk of transmission of infectious disease is low, but that it would be best to notify their child’s primary care provider of the mistake. Provide as much information as you can about the time and date the milk was expressed and how the milk was handled before coming to your program. Depending on the health history of the mother whose milk was given, the child who received the wrong bottle may need to have baseline blood tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV.
    4. 在您的培训师或教练的帮助下,您需要评估错误牛奶的方式,并创建计划,以防止未来的错误发生。该计划应与家庭共享。

    Although these precautions are extremely important, note that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has never had a documented case of HIV or hepatitis C transmission in expressed breast milk (CDPHE, 2016).



    1. 准备婴儿配方公式的第一步是始终洗手
    2. 无论是使用家庭或您的程序提供的配方,它都应该进入工厂密封容器。
    3. 如果您使用家庭儿童保健计划提供的婴儿配方,您应该通知父母在该计划中提供哪种配方,让父万博体育下载官方网站母决定是否希望婴儿有该公式,或者他们想提供他们自己的。理想情况下,它应该是您家庭在家中使用的相同的公式。即使小的差异也会导致婴儿的胃部不适和其他问题。
    4. 婴儿配方家庭或您的程序提供可以是准备好的饲料强度,液体浓缩物或粉状。
      1. 需要根据罐的方向用水稀释液体浓缩物。
      2. 奶粉需要特别注意,因为它cannot be sterilized. Follow the manufacturer’s directions on the can for safe handling. Before you open the can, wash your hands! The can and plastic lid should also be rinsed and dried. When scooping out the powder, it is important to only use the scoop that the manufacturer provides in the can. Other utensils may not measure accurately, and there is also the possibility of contamination from other utensils.
    5. 如果配方是铁强化的,你需要冷藏它,直到你准备好喂养婴儿之前。
    6. 就像人牛奶一样,所有婴儿配方瓶都应用孩子的名字和姓氏和准备时间和时间和日期标记。
    7. All prepared formula should be discarded within one hour of serving to an infant.
    8. 随着他们打开的日期和儿童的全名需要覆盖,冷藏和标记的即可覆盖,冷藏和标有液体浓缩配方的开放容器。如果在48小时内不使用此公式,则应丢弃它。尚未向婴儿喂食的制备的粉末配方可以储存在冰箱中,长达24小时,应覆盖并用孩子的名称和开放日期标记。
    9. 就像人牛奶一样,您可以根据家庭和孩子在温水下短暂运行,或者如果在您的程序中升温,请在瓶子温暖。再次,切勿使用微波温暖瓶子的瓶子,并且不会过度摇动瓶子。太多的摇晃会导致泡沫的配方,这可以增加喂食到婴儿的可能性,这会导致不适和疼痛。
    10. 式的温度不应大于98.6 F.您可以通过在喂食前洒在手腕内部的几滴时测试制备的配方的温度。

    Some infants who are lactose intolerant or who have other health issues may drink soy-based formulas. These bottles should also be labeled with the infant’s name, date, and time of preparation.



    Sometimes an infant cannot have infant formula or soy-based formula due to certain health conditions. The infant may be allergic to milk or soy or may need extra calories to thrive. When this is the case, the family should provide a written plan from their primary health-care provider. Infants who are thirsty should be given additional formula or breastmilk, but shouldn’t be given water unless directed by their parent, guardian, or physician.

    Nurturing Care and Bottle Feeding





    • 在婴儿提供提示时开始喂食(生根,吸吮,转动头,张开的嘴,不被其他因素解释的烦躁等)。
    • Wash your hands and the infant’s hands before feeding.
    • 在喂食期间握住婴儿;即使婴儿可以拿着他或她自己的瓶子。营造平静,温暖,舒适的氛围。
    • 你的膝盖的交替侧面。
    • Allow breaks during the feeding for burping.
    • Allow infant to stop the feeding when full.

    When you are feeding an infant, arrange your body so you can properly supervise and engage with the rest of the children in your care. Consider how you will set up the environment to provide a comfortable space for feeding as well as a safe place for the other children to play. Before you go to wash your and the infant’s hands to begin the feeding procedure, arrange a safe activity or idea for the other children to engage in and remind them of the safe places or things they can do while you feed the infant. You can also invite older children in your care to help you.

    • Bottles should never be propped.
    • 做不是bottle feed more than one infant at a time.
    • 婴儿不应被允许在婴儿床上有一个瓶子。
    • 幼儿不应该被允许在站立,走路或跑步时携带瓶子。
    • 不要强迫婴儿吃或完成瓶子。
    • 做n’t display anger or frustration concerning an infant’s feeding.
    Cue Feeding

    Infants should be fed when they display feeding cues rather than on a schedule unless the family gives written instructions otherwise. Feeding by a cue meets the infant’s nutritional and emotional needs and provides the infant with an immediate response. This shows the infant that you are there to meet their physical needs, which helps them develop trust and feelings of security. As you consistently feed an infant, you better understand their cues and respond appropriately in a manner that is satisfying to them. Cues that an infant is hungry might include opening their mouth, turning their head, rooting, making sucking sounds, and moving hands at random.


    • 婴儿转身离开瓶子的乳头
    • 增加对周围环境的关注
    • Keeping mouth closed
    • Shaking head or saying “no”
    • 婴儿在没有吸吮的情况下玩耍,咀嚼或划出瓶子的乳头




    Physical Activity




    Infants should have some supervised tummy time every day. To avoid accidental suffocation, NEVER leave a child unattended during tummy time, even for a second. Caregivers can slowly increase the amount of time an infant is on his or her tummy as the individual infant shows increasing enjoyment of the activity. Tummy time helps develop strength for later motor movement. To support infant movement and caregiver interaction, infants should not be seated for more than 15 minutes at a time, except during meals or naps. You can find more information on tummy time in theTummy Time for Infants下面的资源在学习活动部分中。更多关于支持幼儿的物理发展,包括更多关于肚子时间的信息,可以找到体育发展course.

    To encourage and model healthy feeding, eating, and physical activity habits, always do the following:

    • Feed infants on cue.
    • 构建您和儿童之间的安全关系,这将有助于您认识到他们的饲养模式。
    • Listen for crying that may indicate missed feeding cues.
    • 不要喂一个没有表现出饥饿迹象的婴儿。
    • 知道that cues vary among infants; become familiar with each infant’s mannerisms and cues.
    • 观察孩子们在您的照顾中,与家人谈谈以了解哪些饲养时间表最适合每个孩子。
    • 当关心一个以上的婴儿时,建立您对每个孩子的饲养时间表的知识的家庭儿童保育计划计划,以便您可以单独举万博体育下载官方网站办每个孩子。
    • Prepare materials and the environment ahead of time so that when you bottle-feed an infant, the other children in your care are appropriately engaged, allowing you to easily monitor all the children while also provide nurturance to the child being fed.
    • 做不是use pacifiers when infants are hungry. Instead, work to quickly offer a bottle or food and use soothing words to describe the child’s feelings as you work to remedy their hunger.
    • Practice family style dining.
    • 提供适当大小的食物。
    • Encourage children to try new foods.
    • 尊重孩子们表现出丰满的迹象。
    • 做cument daily what and when young children, especially infants and toddlers, eat, and share this information with families at pick up time.
    • 吃健康的食物和饮料。你喝苏打水,在孩子们面前吃快餐,薯片或糖果吗?因为他们仰视你,你的照顾中的孩子们想要消耗与你消耗的食物和饮料相似。
    • 分享每周菜单,所以家庭知道您打算服务的食物,可以根据需要提供替代品。
    • 如果家庭提供自己的膳食和零食,请确保必要时营养丰富,并补充。
    • 坐下来吃饭和喝零食和饭菜。教孩子,他们必须在吃饭时坐着。通过这样做模仿这种习惯。
    • 在室内和室外的机动时间内物理活跃。在坐下,移动和播放时,您是否监督婴儿和幼儿?孩子们将模仿您的型号的行为。
    • 提供各种健康食品。对于想法,看到“成长,试试吧!”美国农业部提供的材料融入了食物来自课程的地方的活动。这些资源明确为家庭幼儿提供者设计,为您提供实际万博体育下载官方网站步骤,为您提供园林养育教育。有关农民市场,混合年龄活动和辅助工具的部分可供使您在家庭护理家庭或附近实施种植,生长,收获和食用食品。万博体育下载官方网站访问 access the resources.


    Good oral health begins early in life. Take a moment to review the information at the following link to learn about practices for starting and sustaining good oral health for young children:。Share these practices with children’s families. To help get parents thinking about building good oral hygiene habits early, you may want to display the 5 Ways to Prevent Kids’ Tooth Decay poster from the American Dental Association at /media/mouthhealthy/files/infographics/ada_mh_5ways.pdf?la=en.

    After meals, it is important to encourage children to brush their teeth. Good oral health is associated with improved overall health. Make sure each child has his or her own toothbrush. Store toothbrushes so they do not touch each other and can air dry. When you apply toothpaste, make sure the toothpaste container does not touch children’s brushes. Each child should have their own tube of toothpaste, or try using a cup or plate to dispense the toothpaste onto and place carefully on each child’s brush so as to decrease the spread of germs. Only use a small smear of toothpaste for children under 2 and a pea size amount for children over 2. Teach children proper brushing techniques.

    支持ing Physical Activity Outdoors


    • 确保每个孩子都适合天气。鼓励父母在需要容易地拆除的层中穿着儿童。
    • 如果孩子没有适当的装备,可以提供额外的清洁手套,夹克和帽子。
    • 确保所有衣服都磨损干燥。
    • 提供户外阴影和遮蔽区域。
    • 阳光灿烂的日子使用防晒,适用于孩子的年龄和家庭偏好。
    • 确保水可用,或者婴儿提供额外的公式或母乳。



    使用找到健康的饮食风格并保持一生完成指南探索营养和健康activity below. Also look at the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare and Early Education Family Checklist for Physical Activity in Early Care and Education checklist at。Share your responses to the questions in the activity with a trainer, coach, or administrator.

    照顾自己的健身是模拟幼儿健康习惯的重要途径。白天可以难以挤压体力活动。使用健身跟踪器from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For one week, use this tracking tool to set goals for your own physical activity. Try working with others in your family or in your network of family child care providers to help you reach your goal. You may also want to check out the online activity planner at




    Just as posting the correct procedures for handwashing and diapering helps remind you of the steps necessary to keep everyone healthy, the same is true for posting information on choking hazards.

    仔细检查为儿童送餐和零食食品的危险。邮寄副本减少窒息风险flier so everyone in your program is aware of choking risks. Give copies to families to take home.

    使用Idea Cards for Physical Activity当您在活动之间有备用时间通过随机选择卡片和鼓励孩子进行运动时。


    学期 描述
    Family style dining 一种食品服务风格,其中成年人和儿童从共用食物供应,负责自己的部分的大小,并在共享表中谈谈
    剧烈的身体活动 提高心率的活动,例如跑步,跳跃,跳跃或快速跳舞
    若天气允许 孩子们应该在户外玩耍的想法才能在天气好的时候 - 没有雨,雷,暴风雪,非常高的风或风寒低于零15度或热指数高于90度时;即使气温不是这个极端的话,个人政策也可能禁止室外游戏(例如,该地区的天气不寻常,孩子没有沉重的外套)




    Which of the following bottle-feeding techniques should be avoided?








    为了孩子的健康行动。(2019)。Tip sheets: Before and after school activities.

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2019).照顾我们的孩子:国家健康和安全绩效标准;早期护理和教育方案指南。(第4届)。Itasca,IL:美国儿科学院;华盛顿特区:美国公共卫生协会。从...获得


    美国儿科学院(2006年)。父母的童年肥胖指南:健康的路线图。S. Hassink [Ed.].

    American Academy of Pediatrics: Healthy Children. Retrieved from

    明亮的期货(2001年)。Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity。华盛顿特区:乔治城大学。


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