Cassie is a 4-year-old child in your program. Her mother, Cleo, is preparing for a mission to Afghanistan. Due to the nature of Cleo’s work, it is unknown when exactly she will leave for the mission, when she will return, and where she will be located throughout the tour of duty. It is unlikely that she will be able to communicate with her family while she is on duty: no news will be good news. During Cleo’s last deployment, Cassie had a difficult time. She regressed in her toilet training, and she cried every time her grandmother dropped her off at the child development center. She was clingy and fearful throughout the deployment. How can you help Cassie, Cleo, and their family prepare for this deployment?鼓励Cleo开始与Cassie交谈即将到来的分离。给出他们可以用来准备部署的家庭想法。例如,他们可以开始寻找Cleo涉及日常惯例的方式:Cleo可以录制几个Cassie最喜欢的睡前故事;Cleo可以用她的一件T恤为Cassie睡觉而享受枕头;她可以为儿童开发中心员工留言或笔记,定期与Cassie分享;他们可以发展家庭传统,就像看着星星一样,互相交谈。您还可以鼓励Cassie的祖母参与儿童开发中心,并开始在一致的基础上和开放的沟通方式。您可以为Cassie创建个性化故事,以便阅读妈妈的部署以及在她离开时发生的事情;您可以在家中包含关于家庭和学校的常规的提醒,这对Cassie很难。
首先,确保达维特的直接需求得到了处理:他还有其他可以在父亲回家之前关心他的其他家庭。当达维特回到学校时,跟随他的领导何时以及如何谈论他的母亲。让他有机会讲述他的故事。达维特可能会问很多问题。对他的母亲诚实;避免使用他可能无法理解的短语(或者不是真的),就像“你失去了你的妈妈”或“她通过的方式”。可以使用像“死”或“杀死”这样的单词。给他记住他的母亲的机会;可以使用他母亲的名字并谈谈你记得他母亲的东西。准备好达维特可能会争取为什么他的母亲去世,可能觉得这是他的错。 Be respectful of his grieving process: he may or may not cry, he may want to be very busy, or he may become clingy. Listen when he talks and reflect back what you hear without judgment. Ask open-ended questions. Also remember that DaVonte needs to have fun and play—just like any other child.
帮助Davonte的父亲了解悲伤和哀悼。悲伤是悲伤的感觉觉得和哀悼是这种悲伤的外在表达。哀悼可以帮助失去的失去失去的悲伤,对每个人都不同。哀悼可以采取许多形式,如:哭泣,纪念一个被爱的人,讲述一个被爱的人,绘画,日记等的故事。将他与家人倡导者和悲伤辅导员联系起来。作为达维特的父亲处理死亡的金融,社会和情感影响,成为周到,敏感和支持性。 -
Lilly有一个3岁的女儿,山姆和一个4个月大的儿子,在你的计划中。Lilly正在为圣安东尼奥提供一周的临时责任分配。她之前从未离开过她的孩子,对这次旅行非常紧张。Lilly承认,她担心能够继续母乳喂养托比,帮助为旅行做好山姆,让她的丈夫家独自一人与两个幼儿一起呆一周。每天早上山姆都醒来,问妈妈今天要离开。当莉莉开始包装她的行李箱时,山姆尽快将物品赶出去,因为莉莉可以把它们放进去。莉莉告诉你,她和她的丈夫在她了解旅行时一直在争斗相机。她的丈夫认为她在旅途中造成了太大的交易,山姆正在喂养莉莉的焦虑。莉莉认为她需要为女儿准备这次旅行。你能做什么来帮助这个家庭?Recognize and value Lilly’s commitment to preparing for her separation. Support her as she expresses and stores breast milk. Encourage her to visit Toby as often as she needs to in the time before her TDY to breastfeed Toby and maximize her milk production and storage. Encourage Lilly and her husband to follow Sam’s lead: she is curious and anxious about the separation and is asking for more information. Perhaps the family could create a calendar. Involve Sam in the trip: the family can research San Antonio so Sam can learn about where her mom will be. Make plans for maintaining communication via phone calls or Skype.