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    • Recognize the need for planning for children with special health care needs, such as asthma and allergies.
    • Describe your program’s policies regarding medication and individual care plans or inclusion support plans.
    • Provide a healthy environment for all children by following procedures related to allergies, medication, and care plans.


    Children will enter your care with a variety of needs. All programs must be prepared to serve children with allergies, asthma, diabetes, health impairments, physical disabilities, and more. This lesson will help you follow a plan for meeting these children’s needs. It also includes strategies for addressing common health concerns.


    根据照顾我们的孩子,a care plan typically includes information like:

    • The child’s diagnosis or diagnoses
    • Contact information for the primary care provider (usually a doctor)
    • Medications along with the schedule in which the medicine should be given
    • Medications to be given on an as-needed basis along with clear instructions about signs and symptoms that warrant giving the medication
    • 施用药物的程序
    • Allergies
    • Modifications necessary for the child (diet, activity, environment, behavioral, what to avoid--for example, peanuts, etc.)
    • 症状寻找
    • 应急响应计划
    • Special training you might need to work with the child









    Recent scientific and medical advances have provided the technology to diagnose food allergies more easily and precisely. We now know that many children suffer from food allergies, some of which can be severe, even life-threatening. For example, we have seen an increase in children with peanut allergies, so much so that entire child care programs have become peanut-free zones in an effort to prevent any serious allergic reactions.

    Although some children may be aware of their own food allergies and the precautions they must take, not all children will. In most cases, especially the youngest you care for, children will not fully understand what it means or what foods they can and cannot eat. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for you to know if any children in your care have food allergies. A list of documented allergies should be posted in your program, but covered to protect children’s privacy. Stay vigilant at mealtimes to ensure children are not exposed to foods that contain known allergens. If there is a child with a severe allergy in your care, you should meet with the family to discuss any medications or emergency plans.

    Food allergies can affect many parts of the body. Common symptoms include:

    • Hives, skin rashes, and swelling
    • Sneezing, wheezing, and throat tightness
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
    • 灯头,并失去意识



    • 牛奶
    • Eggs
    • 甲壳类贝类(例如蟹,龙虾,虾)
    • 树坚果(例如,杏仁,核桃,山核桃)
    • 花生
    • 小麦
    • 大豆

    This topic is explored in greater detail in儿童保育食品服务的七节课程课程。


    There are many other allergens (manmade and natural) that can cause allergic symptoms, like runny nose or sneezing, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, skin rashes, itchy, and watery or red eyes. Common non-food-related allergens include:

    • 尘螨
    • 动物或动物皮屑
    • 模子
    • 花粉(树木,草,杂草,花)

    If you suspect that a child in your care may have an undiagnosed allergy, talk with the child’s family to discuss the symptoms you notice. If the child has an allergic reaction to an environmental allergen that is specific to your home, the symptoms may not be as noticeable at their home.





    • 喘息
    • Regular coughing
    • Tight feeling in chest
    • 气促

    Asthma attacks are a scary experience for anyone, but they are particularly frightening for children. A child diagnosed with asthma will probably be taught strategies to cope with an attack and may be prescribed an inhaler. It is important that you know how to respond to an asthma attack and how to comfort a scared child. Make sure you know and follow the child’s care plan or inclusion support plans in the event of an asthma attack. If a child has their first asthma attack while in your care, seek emergency medical attention immediately. Do your best to keep the child calm, and encourage them to take slow breaths.

    Specific policies for caring for children with health needs will vary from child to child. This video provides general information about what you might encounter in different family child care programs.

    Special Health Care Needs

    每个child is different, but it is important to prepare yourself for all health needs you might encounter

    Allergies to Pets or Food

    孩子可能与previousl进入您的程序y-identified allergies, or allergies may be identified after they start care with you. Either way, it’s essential that you talk with a child’s family to understand their child’s individual health care needs. Do not assume children with similar allergies are treated the same way. Children’s allergies are unique; the same allergy may present different symptoms in different children. As with all special health needs, allergies require a care plan for a child. This plan should include written information about the foods or animals the child is allergic to, a written treatment plan, a training plan for providers, and a plan for storing any medicine. You, and any back-up care providers must know how to appropriately administer and store any medication. The child’s allergies should be clearly and prominently posted in your program.


    • follow the child’s individual care plan or inclusion support plan, specifically following the guidance of what to do in the event of exposure to the allergen and/or display of allergic reaction
    • 如果计划国家,请立即管理规定的药物
    • contact the family, contact emergency medical services if appropriate, and encourage the family to contact the primary health care provider.

    Be sure to take a copy of the plan, any medication, and a cell phone with you whenever you and the child leave your home, such as on a field trip or walk to the park.

    Caring for Less-Common Health Needs: Medical Procedures


    Cultural Considerations


    饮食注意事项是否健康,personal, or cultural, families must be informed as far in advance as possible of your family child care program's policies and practices around meals and mealtimes, day-to-day menus, and available substitutions. This way, if families need to request a change for a certain day, they have time to do so.

    Soliciting families' cultural preferences not only keeps children and youth healthy, but also shows respect for the family -- the child's first and most important teacher.



    Seven Rights of Administering Medicine

    1. Right Medication.任何提供药物的提供者应检查药物对签署的表格,以确保瓶子或包装上的药物的名称与签署的表格完全相同。每个施用药物的时间,应该检查这一点。药物应保存在其原始容器中。
    2. 右孩子。在一年中的某些季节期间,当多个孩子需要药物或者您的计划有几个需要药物支持的儿童(例如糖尿病,哮喘或注意力缺陷多动障碍),风险增加不当药物管理局。需要检查形式和药物,以确保合适的儿童正在接受药物。
    3. Right Dose.Confirmation needs to be made that the right dose has been measured. An excellent way to ensure this is to use the medication spoon dispensed with the medication by the pharmacy. Medication administration is not the place for guesswork. Any questions should be referred back to the family for clarification.
    4. Right Time.药物的时间应清楚地写在药物本身和签署的形式上。此外,当儿童到达时,提供者需要与家庭确认,当时何时施用最后剂量的药物,当下一个是到期时。例如,该信息应记录在儿童的日间表或药物管理表格上。与您的教练或许可机构合作,以确保您的服务或州所需的正确文件。同样,当孩子被家庭拿起时,提供商应提供药物管理局的书面文件。
    5. 正确的路线。药物可以以多种方式交付;通常由育儿提供者提供的药物通过口服分配或通过吸入器。方法的确认应写在药物本身以及签署的形式上。
    6. 正确的原因。每个time medication is given, the person administering it should make sure that the medication is being given for the right reason (e.g., Tylenol for teething pain, breathing treatment for asthma attack). Consulting the health-care plan or inclusion support plans for the appropriate symptoms can help ensure that the medication is given for the correct reasons.
    7. 正确的文件。应记录每种药物治疗。给予药物治疗的提供者应立即记录当时在提供剂量(洗手后)后立即记录管理。这是一个关键步骤。没有适当的文件,另一个成年人或儿童的家庭成员可能无法适当地提供下一个剂量的药物,这可能对孩子产生严重的健康影响。

    请注意,有些州使用前5个权利(右子儿童,右药治疗,正确的剂量,正确的时间,正确的路线)和一些州使用7个权利,也称为“5权利加”,其中包括最后两个权利(正确的原因和正确的文件)。请咨询您的教练,培训师或管理员,以确定您的计划中使用哪种药物管理权。未能满足任何这些权利是一个medication error必须记录,并通知家庭。You can read more on these rights of medication administration by reviewing the resource,7药物管理权利,根据“学习活动”部分,从美国儿科信息院关于药物管理局信息组合。

    Any medication or medical equipment should be safely stored in your family child care program out of children’s reach. Sometimes, this involves storing the medication in a locked cabinet or container, but check with your coach or licensing agency to make sure you follow the appropriate procedures. Prescription medications should be in a container that has been labeled by the physician or pharmacist. Over-the-counter medication should be stored in its original package. All medications should be stored according to the directions on the containers or as directed by health care professionals. Some may require refrigeration, while others may not. If a child has severe allergies and might go into anaphylactic shock, they may be prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen, etc.). Keep the auto-injector available at all times, including field trips and walks to the park.



    识别满足儿童特殊健康需求所需的资源非常重要。阅读中的情景遇见艾登activity, and write your answers in the space provided. Then talk to your trainer, coach, or family child care administrator about how you would best answer the questions as they pertain to your family child care business. Keep in mind the particular forms and procedures that may be required by your licensing agency.



    In this section, you will find two documents you can use as templates for your own work: a具有特殊健康需求的儿童的护理计划有关健康问题的儿童信息交换表。Use these resources as you learn more about the forms required for your family child care program. Talk with your coach or licensing agent to see what is needed to appropriately document and care for children with special health care needs.



    学期 描述
    过敏症 极端,往往危及生命,过敏反应。反应严重,涉及全身。除非及时治疗,除非,过敏反应可导致:阻挡气道;心脏骤停(没有心跳);呼吸逮捕(没有呼吸);或休克。
    Care plan A plan developed by a child’s doctor and family. It describes the child’s health-care needs and how those should be cared for at school
    Students with special health care needs 那些拥有或正在增加慢性身体,发展,行为或情绪状况的风险,以及谁还要求儿童要求的类型或数量的健康和相关服务(为我们的孩子提供关注2015)








    True or false? Allergies are a common childhood health issue and do not require a care plan.


    American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018).Allergies & Asthma.从...获得

    American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. (2015).Caring for Our Children: National health and safety performance standards; Guidelines for early care and education programs, 3rd ed.Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; Washington, DC: American Public Health Association. Also available at

    American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003). Guidelines for the Administration of Medication in School. Retrieved from

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Asthma surveillance data. Retrieved from

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). Food Allergies in Schools. Retrieved

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). 2016 most recent asthma data. Retrieved from

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Trends in Allergic Conditions Among Children: United States, 1997-2011. Retrieved from


    Food Allergy Research & Education, FARE. (n.d.). Food allergy facts and statistics for the U.S. Retrieved from

    Jackson, K. D., Howie, L. D. & Akinbami. (2013). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Trends in Allergic Conditions Among Children: United States, 1997-2011. Retrieved from


    National Institutes of Health. (2008). How Asthma-Friendly Is Your Child-Care Setting? Retrieved from


    华盛顿州父亲网络。(2019)。Bothell,Wa:Condering Center。从...获得