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    • 认识到环境对儿童的影响。
    • Identify features of the family child care environment that help children feel secure, welcome, and comfortable.
    • Describe ways to include children and families’ cultures in the family child care environment.







    Just like adults, children are affected by their environments, even if they cannot yet tell us directly how they feel. As a family child care provider, it is your job to ensure that learning spaces make the children you serve feel welcome, secure, and ready to learn.


    作为一个家万博体育下载官方网站庭儿童护理提供者,你家庭服务s and children in your own home. The ages of the children in your home may vary widely; from infants, toddlers, preschool, to school age. Additionally, your home must serve your own family members. This can present challenges when designing the environment to serve the children in your care. Unlike a child care center facility, family child care homes should feel like a home. Many families choose a family child care home for their children because they prefer the home setting that this type of care provides. It is important that you keep the “family” in “family child care.”

    Think about your family child care home from the perspective of a child. If you were a child, what would your family child care home feel like?

    • Is it a good place to be?
    • Can I grow, learn and be independent in this place?
    • 它是一个安全的地方,身体和情感吗?
    • Can I find the things I need? Are they in the same place each day?
    • Does my caregiver know me and what I enjoy doing?
    • Is my culture represented in the environment?


    • 良好的组织:有序,计划,安全。
    • Dependable: a stable home base for children who need it.
    • Flexible: able to adjust to meet the needs of different children.

    Designing a responsive and developmentally appropriate family child care environment takes thoughtful reflection and careful planning. The environment includes safety concerns, furniture, materials (e.g., toys, games, equipment), a food preparation and serving area, schedule and routines, and a family welcoming area. The careful choices you make as a family child care provider affect the positive experiences that families and children have in your home every day. These choices also affect your daily work experiences and your family members as well.






    Quality Rating Scale

    万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评级规模Revised Edition (FCCERS-R),is often used to rate the quality of family child care environments. This scale measures a family child care provider’s program quality. The scale is often used in state child care quality rating and improvement systems (QRIS). TheFCCERS-R.包含所有家庭儿童护理提供者应故意专注的几个主要领域:万博体育下载官方网站

    • Space and Furnishings
    • 个人护理习惯
    • 听和说话
    • 活动
    • Interaction
    • 计划结构
    • 父母和提供者

    根据您从此列表中看到的,术语“环境”包含您家庭儿童保育计划的所有方面。万博体育下载官方网站它不仅仅是玩具和家具。训练有素的观察者可以使用 rate your program in each area. This is a useful tool for looking at your environment and setting personal goals for any changes you may want to make within one or more areas. The lessons in this module will help you reflect on these components of your family child care.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Learning EnvironmentsCompetency Reflection那and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Family Child Care Learning EnvironmentsCourse Guide









    Term 描述
    Developmentally Appropriate Environment an environment that fits the stage of development the child is in, but is still flexible enough to allow for differences between children in skills, interests, and characteristics
    Environmental Rating Tool 一种工具,例如由观察者完成的调查,有助于检查和提供为儿童保育中心和家庭创建的环境的整体情况。FCCERS-R是一个环保额定工具






    Which area is not included in the Family Child Care Environmental Rating Scale?




    Armstrong,L. J.(2012)。Family Child Care Homes: Creative spaces for children to learn。St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

    Copple,C.,&Bredekamp,S。(2009)。通过8岁(第3次)为儿童提供儿童的初期儿童计划的发展适当的做法。。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    伤害,T.,Cryer,D.和Clifford,R。(2007)。Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, revised edition。纽约:教师的大学出版社。

    Osborn, H. A. Designing the Family Child Care Environment.Child Care Information Exchange,11月/ 12月,2001年,46-49。