- Recognize the effects of environments on children.
- 确定有助于儿童安全,欢迎和舒适的家庭儿童保健环境的万博体育下载官方网站特征。
- 描述包括在家庭育儿环境中包括儿童和家庭文化的方法。万博体育下载官方网站
该re are certain places you like to go: maybe a favorite restaurant, a sporting arena, or a good friend’s home. What about those places makes you feel welcome or secure? What makes you want to go back? Thinking about these places, you might remember the people around you, the color of a room, if there is sunlight, the smells and sounds, furniture and accessories, or temperature.
Now consider places you don’t like to go: maybe the dentist’s office, the airport, or a noisy restaurant. What makes these environments less pleasant for you? In some settings, we feel relaxed and comfortable. In other places, we might feel tense, overwhelmed, and confused. The environment has a powerful effect on us. It influences how we feel, what we do and the ways we respond. Some of us dislike places where we feel we cannot control or predict our experiences. In some spaces, we may feel like we don’t belong or are not appreciated.
Designing the Environment to Meet the Needs of a Mixed-Age Group of Children
- 这是一个好地方吗?
- 我可以在这个地方成长,学习和独立吗?
- 它是一个安全的地方,身体和情感吗?
- 我可以找到我需要的东西吗?他们每天都在同一个地方吗?
- 我的照顾者是否认识我,我喜欢做什么?
- 我的文化是在环境中代表吗?
A supportive, care environment is:
- Well-organized: orderly, planned, safe.
- 可靠:需要它的儿童稳定的家庭基地。
- 灵活:能够调整以满足不同儿童的需求。
该Family Child Care Environment and Children’s Cultures
As a family child care provider, you are in control of all aspects of your child care environment. When you focus on your family child care environment, you think about the needs and interests of the individual children you serve. Their individual interests and family cultures should be reflected in the materials and furnishings you provide. The family welcome area (where children are typically dropped off and picked up each day) should be a warm, welcoming spot for parents and children. Pictures of children with their parents, special announcements, etc., should be readily available to families to address their cultural and individual family interests. When you ask each family to share with you their child’s favorite foods, special events, toys, music, dances, games, and books (in their home language and culture) you demonstrate your commitment to include all families in your program. School-age children may also be helpful in bringing aspects of their home culture and language to your family child care program.
- 空间和家具
- Personal Care Routines
- 听和说话
- 活动
- 相互作用
- Program Structure
- Parents and Provider
As you see from this list, the term “environment” encompasses all aspects of your family child care program. It is much more than just toys and furniture. A trained observer can use theFCCERS-R在每个区域评估您的程序。这是一个有用的工具,用于查看您的环境并为您想要在一个或多个区域内进行的任何更改设置个人目标。本模块中的课程将帮助您反思您家庭护理的这些组件。万博体育下载官方网站
Complete the attached questionnaire, “A Day in the Life of Your Program.” Think about any areas that you want to improve in your family child care environment. What aspects of your program are you most proud of? Are there any areas you would like to improve?
As you think about the your family child care home environment, there are online resources you may want to use to help you plan or rearrange spaces for age-related activities, food prep and snacks, outdoor play, a quiet area, a homework space, etc. You may want to create a to-scale floor plan of your home and think about where activities may take place. Always focus on safety first and be sure you can see all the children in your care. Read and review theDesigning an Ideal Floor Planactivity to follow steps for designing your floor plan and make lists of your activity areas. Seeing this on paper can help you think about how you arrange your environment.
Armstrong, L. J. (2012).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育家庭:儿童学习的创意空间。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。
Copple,C.,&Bredekamp,S。(2009)。Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 (3rd ed.)。华盛顿特区:国家幼儿教育协会。
Harms, T., Cryer, D., and Clifford, R. (2007).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评级规模,修订版。New York: Teacher’s College Press.
奥斯本,H. A.设计家庭护理环境。万博体育下载官方网站托儿信息交换, November/December, 2001, 46-49.