
    • Distinguish among spaces for group activities, privacy, storage, and display.
    • Identify characteristics of a well-designed indoor learning environment.
    • 学习为您的家人安排环境的方法,满足您在家庭环境中您照顾的儿童的需求。
    • 描述如何组织混合年龄儿童群体材料。


    Arranging the Indoor Learning Environment

    In Lesson One, you had the opportunity to reflect on the spaces in your family child care setting and the various activities that your family members and your child care participants do in those spaces. You created a floor plan; and on it, you represented on sticky notes the different activities that occur in your program’s rooms and outdoor areas. Now it is time to think carefully about arranging those areas. Follow these tips as you arrange areas of your home:

    • 所有儿童都需要监督,让他们安全,所以保持景点线。当你改变孩子的尿布时,你仍然需要能够看到其他孩子。
    • 所有家庭成员和孩子都有足够的空间,舒适地举动吗?在室内太多的开放空间创造了运行车道,这是为了防止受伤,你想劝阻。家具和指定游戏区之间的空间不足可能导致拥挤可能导致受伤。
    • Older children (and some younger children) enjoy a private space at times to get away and relax with a book or quiet music. Think about a quiet, soft space for a child who needs a break from all the activity.
    • Think about multiple uses for the spaces in your home. Group activities can be done on the floor or at child-size tables and chairs. Messy activities work best in a kitchen, a porch, or outdoors—away from carpeted areas and upholstered furnishings.
    • 膳食和零食可能使用家庭风格的环境,使用年龄较大的孩子可以帮助年轻儿童。家庭风格的餐点为儿童兴趣讨论提供了自然集团讨论的机会。家庭风格的膳食还提供了一种自然的方式来加强自助技能(例如,自馈,使用器具,浇注等)。
    • Plan for children’s individual needs—for example, places where children can store their coats, backpacks, a change of clothing, etc. Make sure that school-age children have a secure place to store important homework or projects away from the exploring hands of young toddlers.
    • 调整您的环境,以满足您服务的特定儿童的不断变化的需求。请注意,随着儿童的人口统计数据或发展技能,需要改变环境,设置和材料。
    • 精心设计的区域允许适合年龄适合的游戏活动和安静的时间。当您查看所发生的活动以及您将它们放在纸业平面图上的活动时,请牢记谨慎的个人儿童的技能和利益。




    创建和维护一个安全的家庭的孩子care environment takes the cooperation of all family members who live in your home. Many times a provider will complete a safety check and find out afterward that a spouse left a knife out on the counter, or an older child uncovered an outlet and didn’t re-cover it. Because of this, you should continuously monitor safety throughout the day, particularly if there are other family members present in the home during the day. Take time to educate your family members on safety practices and the importance of helping you maintain a safe environment in your family child care home.

    As you design and organize the environment in your home, you must critically address any safety issues. Infants and toddlers present different safety concerns than preschool or school age children. TheCreative Curriculumfor Family Childcare(2009) describes the following safety concerns:

    • 注意持续的安全危险。Put away sharp scissors and knives. Keep matches, plastic bags, and purses out of children’s reach. Lock away medications, cleaning materials, and other toxic substances.
    • 检查区域每天。Outdoor areas must be checked daily for broken glass, animal waste, trash, and poisonous plants. Cover electrical outlets and keep child safety locks on cabinets.
    • 制定每月和季度检查的时间表。每月检查您的急救套件;立即恢复物品。每月举办消防训练,所以孩子们知道该怎么做。定期与家庭办理入住,以确保所有联系信息都准确无误。
    • 有些事情只需要检查一次。When you open your home to care for children, it must be checked thoroughly for health issues. Some requirements might include testing for lead-based paint and radon. Major safety components are part of family child care licensing regulations. All equipment (cribs, changing table, safety gate, etc.) should meet Consumer Product Safety Commission standards. Check with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator for specific details regarding requirements.


    As you design and organize your family child care environment, think about storage. Depending on the ages of the children you care for, there will be toys and equipment that may be needed for some months and then as children grow and develop, they are stored away and new materials brought out. Some family child care providers prefer to use wheeled carts that are easy to roll and place out of the way (make sure for safety that the cart’s wheels can lock).



    Use shelves, tables, or other dividers to separate noisy areas from quiet ones. A quiet space to be alone and look at books should not be located right next to a noisy block building area. Use soft textures (pillows, child-sized blankets, baskets) to make an area feel cozy. Noisy areas can be designated by a rug on the floor (e.g., when children build with large blocks, their structures should remain on the rug).

    Messy and Non-Messy Space



    想想一个家庭在育儿家中看到的一个空间,并使它尽可能热情。应该是一个舒适的问候区,父母可以掉下来或拿起他们的孩子。问候空间应尽可能小的杂波。一把舒适的成人椅子或摇杆是一个温暖的触感。父母的任何信息都应该易于访问。成人工具 - 如锋利的剪刀,钢笔,信封等 - 应该存储在成人可以找到的地方,但是幼儿遥不可及。就像你为孩子设计家一样,为他们的家人规划一个欢迎的地方也很重要。



    Designing Spaces for Learning

    学about spaces for group experiences, privacy, and storage and display.







    In your paper floor plan, you identified areas where your family members’ activities might occur. As you rearrange furniture and storage, keep in mind that your family will share these spaces with the children in your care.

    • 您的家庭成员日程表的哪些方面您需要在安排家庭使用家庭保育家庭时牢记吗?你有一个家庭成员,谁在一天夜班,需要在白天睡觉吗?
    • What expectations do you have for your family members when the children you care for are present?
    • How will you ensure that valuable or breakable items that belong to your family members are protected (e.g., musical instruments, tools, projects)?
    • How do you ensure that your environment meets the needs of your family members as well as the children you care for in your home?


    Organizing Materials for Mixed-Ages


    Organize for optimal independence:

    Many families value independence and want their children to be able to choose toys and materials. Even young toddlers and infants can be offered engaging toys on a low shelf (or the floor) and develop independence as they choose toys. As children grow older, they can also find and select items of interest. Arrange puzzles and games so children can find all the pieces and know where to put them away. Labeling clear bins, boxes, or baskets with words and photos of the item helps children learn where to store toys when they have finished playing with them. When toys and games are arranged at the children’s eye level, and they can find them and put them away independently, they learn to be competent and confident in their ability to act in the environment.

    If a child with special needs is enrolled in your family child care center, you will want to have a parent walk through your home and give pointers and ideas for accommodating their child’s needs. Each child is an individual, and parents are excellent resources for suggestions on how to adapt materials. For instance, a child with a physical disability may need extra support sitting in a chair or eating. You and the child’s parents can make decisions about how best to fully include a child with special needs in your family child care setting.


    In your home setting, you have areas designated for particular activities. Organize materials by the area where they are used. Small cars, plastic dolls, and road signs can be stored with the blocks. Baby dolls and clothes can be stored in the housekeeping area with the toy stove and dishes. Older children will want space for ongoing projects and a quiet homework area. Decisions about using or not using a computer in your home will also determine how older children’s homework needs are met.


    Keep all areas clean and safe for all children. If older children wish to play with games with small pieces (e.g., Legos), it is important for them to know where they can play so that the pieces are kept away from mobile babies and toddlers. It’s important to be flexible about allowing children to use favorite toys in different areas. For example, a preschooler may want to give a baby doll a stroller ride around the backyard. Photos of children engaged in play with toys and each other make excellent wall decorations and can also be put into simple books that can be viewed in the book area. Watch children for their interests and engage families in helping you find materials the children enjoy. Design learning spaces by intentionally posting pictures and children’s art work to spur children’s imaginations. For example, place photos of construction sites near the blocks and truck area or display children’s drawings of their families near the housekeeping toys (just as family photographs would be displayed in their own homes).



    Using the information you have learned in this lesson, examine the indoor environment in your family child care home. You will want to get down at a child’s eye level so you can see how a child experiences your family child care home. Read and review theIndoor Learning Environmentactivity to capture your ideas. Share your responses with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.











    When organizing materials for children of mixed-ages, what guide is being used when toys and games are arranged at the children’s eye levels and they can find them and put them away on their own?


    Armstrong, L. J. (2012).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育家庭:儿童学习的创意空间。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。

    Dodge,D.T.T.,Rudick,S.,&Colker,L. J.(2009)。家庭育儿的创意课程(第二次万博体育下载官方网站编辑。)。华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。

    伤害,T.,Cryer,D.和Clifford,R。(2007)。万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评级规模,修订版。New York: Teacher’s College Press.

    National Association for Family Child Care (2016). Retrieved from:http://www.nafcc.org/