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    • Define and describe “developmentally appropriate” materials.
    • 选择材料时识别关键注意事项。
    • Describe the importance of selecting toys and materials that represent the cultures, interests, and developmental needs of the children in your care.


    Play and Developmentally Appropriate Materials

    Children learn through play. Your program setting should be designed to optimize play with a variety of colorful, safe, and highly interesting materials. These materials should be of sufficient quantity for the number of children you care for.

    Children’s understanding of the world is guided by warm, responsive adults. Your awareness of each child’s developmental level and individual interests and goals will promote optimal growth and development. The variety of materials you choose for your family child care setting is guided by the children you serve and their individual development.


    You may be caring for a toddler who is learning to sort objects (e.g., place all the plastic toy animals in one basket and all the pictures of animals in another basket), while at the same time you may care for a preschool-age child learning to sort the cards by types of animals (e.g., place all the pictures of farm animals in one basket and all the pictures of zoo animals in the other basket). A school-age child may be sorting pictures of different types of birds based on their natural habitat (e.g., place pictures of the birds in the part of the country they live in). These children are learning about the characteristics of animals using the same material, but they can approach the sorting task with different levels of complexity. Each child uses the animal picture cards, but sorts them based on their developmental level; from a simple to more complex understanding.




    Materials can be a combination of toys and “real objects” that are sized appropriately for children’s use:

    • 幼儿喜欢使用一把木勺在倒塑料碗里发出噪音。
    • The outdoor sandbox may contain old kitchen pans, big spoons, and buckets that can be filled with sand.
    • A parent may donate a used musical instrument (e.g., a recorder) that preschool and school-age children enjoy playing.


    作者的作者万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评级规模提供有关家庭育房环境中儿童的材料类型和数量的指导方针。万博体育下载官方网站本课程的学习部分讲义,Suggested Materials for Development and Learning(下面)描述家庭儿童护理环境需要的材料类型和数量 - 为什么他们对儿童的发展和增长很重要。万博体育下载官方网站


    • Materials should match the different age levels and skill levels of the children
    • 材料应每月旋转
    • Materials should be accessible (i.e., children don’t have to ask you to get or open materials)


    Decisions about when, where, and what amount of time you will allow children to use smart phones, TV, computer or electronic tablets should be made and explained to parents. You will want to minimize the amount of time that young children use screens. As a role model, you will also have to limit your use of these devices when caring for children in your home. It is easy to become distracted and spend long times engaged with electronic and social media. There are guidelines you can follow (see the American Academy Pediatrics:,零到三:, National Association for the Education of Young Children:, National Institutes of Health:和国家后学会协会:确定适当的技术的使用y for the different ages of children served in your family child care home.


    Children’s safety is always your primary concern. You should make sure the materials you provide are safe. All materials should be checked for choking hazards (such as small parts) and toxicity (particularly plants and art supplies). Make sure you supervise materials that could be difficult developmentally for young children.


    Some family child care providers find it helpful to belong to a local child care group or network where providers can swap materials for a period of time. You may want to talk with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator to see if there are any family child care provider groups that meet in your area. In many areas, the local library allows families and providers to check out toys, books, games, discovery kits, puppets, and other materials. There are sites and books that depict how to create materials using recycled items, scrap materials, or loose parts.


    Representing Diversity

    Talking with children’s families may give you more information about choosing culturally relevant books, toys, and music that include a child’s home language and cultural practices. Each child and family is unique, so it is important not to assume that all families from a particular cultural heritage engage in the same cultural practices or speak the same languages in their homes. During warm, respectful conversations with parents, you may inquire about how they would like to see their child’s cultural practices, celebrations, and home language supported in your family child care setting.



    Materials That Reflect Diversity

    Watch how toys and materials can reflect diverse cultures and abilities.

    In this lesson, you learned the importance of providing a variety of developmentally, individually, and culturally appropriate materials that enhance children’s learning and development. You learned that open-ended materials that allow a variety of uses across various age levels are ideal in family child care settings where providers care for children of mixed ages together. Creating an organization plan is an important part of gathering, presenting, and storing materials for your family child care home.



    There are many resources online and in your local area that can give you ideas for fun, low-cost creative materials. You may want to bookmark websites that contain ideas for materials. Some providers find it helpful to create activity cards that list materials needed for children to use in particular activities. Below lists a number of websites with engaging materials and activities for mixed-age providers.

    Resources for Family Child-Care Materials & Activities



    As you gather materials, it is important to create an organization system. Creating a materials inventory and saving it on your computer will assist you in staying organized. This inventory can help you plan for future needs as well. Complete the inventory and review with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.


    学期 Description
    Culturally relevant materials 体现儿童背景,知识和经验的玩具,书籍和照片
    Developmentally appropriate materials Materials that fit the stage of development children are in, allowing for differences among children in skills, interests, and characteristics




    真的or false? A single learning object can meet a wide range of developmental levels.


    When choosing and presenting learning materials for your family child care home, you should try to select materials that:


    Juanita’s mom wants to know if your family child care home has any Spanish-language materials available to make Juanita feel at home. What do you say?

    References & Resources:

    布朗,A.,Shifrin,D.L.L.,&Hill,D. L.(2015)。超越'关闭它':如何建议媒体使用的家庭。AAP News, 36,10. Retrieved from

    Armstrong, L. J. (2012).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育家庭:儿童学习的创意空间。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。


    Harms, T., Cryer, D., and Clifford, R. (2007).万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童保育环境评级规模,修订版。New York: Teacher’s College Press.

    Good Toys for Young Children。National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from

    Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Young Children Birth to Age Eight Years Old。国家幼儿教育协会(NAEYC)和ST.Vincent学院的早期学习和儿童媒体的Fred Rogers中心。狗万app怎么下载从...获得

    Thompson, E. (2013).Something from Nothing: Using everyday materials with preschoolers。Ypsilanti, MI: High Scope Press.