
    • 描述学龄儿童的主要物理发育里程碑。
    • 由于青春期,认识到学龄儿童的变化。
    • Identify the aspects of brain development in school-age children.




    Developmental milestones are a set of benchmarks consisting of skills and abilities that children reach throughout their lifetimes. Educators and health-care providers use these milestones to check a child’s development. Although each milestone corresponds with an age or grade level, it is important to remember that all children develop at their own pace. It is normal for members of a peer group to reach milestones at a variety of ages, even spanning a few years in either direction.

    Physical Developmental Milestones for School-Age Children

    School-age children, ranging in age from 5 years to about 12 years of age, will have a vast range in their cognitive development. The same is true for their physical development. Below are general guidelines for physical developmental milestones for school-age children:

    • 学龄儿童每年将在四到七磅之间获得,继续高度增加。高度的增加将变化,年龄组的三到六英寸高度差异是典型的。
    • 生长刺激在学龄儿童中很常见,同时增长缓慢。生长的儿童通常需要增加卡路里摄入量。生长喷射也可能导致身体部位不成比例。例如,孩子可以留在一个高度,而他或她的脚继续生长。这可能导致学龄儿童感到尴尬或笨拙。这种尴尬或笨拙的感觉通常通过青春期结束。
    • 学龄儿童将开始看到他们的运动技能的改善。他们将有更好的控制,协调和平衡。
    • Muscle mass increases in school-age children, making them stronger.

    Take a look at the chart below for a closer look at how school-age children develop within their age groups. These milestones should never be considered a checklist to evaluate a child, instead use them as a guide for what to expect in typical development.

    Brain Development in School-Age Children


    • Concentration: School-age children are able to focus on a task or topic. They also begin to develop methods of ignoring distractions when they have a task to focus on.
    • Memory: Both long- and short-term memory skills improve in school-age children. They can recall important things from months or even years in the past and remember where they left their jacket after outdoor time.
    • 注意广度: School-age children can focus on important tasks for longer periods. They begin to read longer books, stay interested in topics at school, and may participate in long-term projects.

    Brain development is a form of physical development—it is a part of a child’s body that is growing and changing. The three major brain functions mentioned above allow school-age children to develop their motor skills and participate in sports and other physical activities.


    This age group will experience body changes that come with the beginning of puberty. This happens when certain hormones become present and begin to create changes to parts of our bodies. Sometimes these changes can be drastic and seem to happen overnight, while other times they happen gradually over a few years. The changes that accompany the onset of puberty can often be confusing and even scary for school-age children. The average age of beginning puberty is around 12; however, children are beginning to show signs of these changes at a much younger age. It is important for you to be aware of what kinds of changes school-age children could be going through. This will help prepare you to answer questions from children or their families and be understanding and sympathetic to the children in your care.

    Typical changes for boys

    • The development of the testosterone hormone creates physical changes to the male reproductive organs.
    • Hair growth can begin in the underarms, pubic area, chest and face.
    • Shoulders grow wider.
    • The voice begins to change or deepen. This usually involves a period when the voice “cracks” as it begins to deepen.

    Typical changes for girls

    • 荷尔蒙开始共同努力,以创造雌激素,这使得一个女孩的身体开始月经周期。
    • 可以开始腋下和耻骨区域的头发生长。
    • Bodies begin to change and become curvier with wider hips and breast development.


    • 身体的所有激素变化都会导致皮肤油性,这可能导致痤疮或丘疹。丘疹可以在身体的任何地方出现,但最常见的地方是面部,上背部和胸部。
    • 身体气味是常见的。新的激素刺激皮肤中的腺体,包括位于手臂下方的汗腺。这些汗腺与细菌混合以引起体臭。
    • 激素变化可能导致情绪波动和强烈的情绪。有时候,孩子们会觉得心烦意乱或悲伤,不能解释原因。很多次,原因可以归因于激素。

    These changes can also lead to self-esteem issues as children have difficulty feeling comfortable in their changing bodies.


    There will be times when family members grow concerned about their child’s development. As a family child care provider, you may also notice a child who doesn’t seem to be developing like his or her peers. It is very important to keep in mind that all children develop at their own pace. This is especially true in school-age children and multi-age environments. If you discover that motor skills are not emerging or growth is not occurring as it should, first discuss your concerns with the child’s family.

    The family may have information about their child’s development to share with you. School staff members and health-care providers have resources about school-age children’s physical growth. Keep information available about local community resources (e.g., counseling center, park programs, fine arts programs) so you can refer parents to them.

    There are a few key points to remember when supporting all learners in a school-age environment:

    • 孩子们以自己的节奏发展。永远不要比较孩子和他们的能力。如果一个家庭成员将他们的孩子与他们的一个同龄人进行比较,鼓励他们不这样做。如果他们觉得它们“不像聪明”作为同龄人,这可能对孩子的发展有害。
    • Most children will catch up and be on pace with developmental milestones.
    • If you begin to have concerns that a child may not be developing typically, make observations and record the behaviors that cause you concern. Always share your observations with the child’s parents.

    If a school-age child in your program has a diagnosed need that affects physical development or physical abilities, she or he should have an individualized education plan, or IEP. You should work with the child’s family to discuss how best to support the child’s development.



    Methods of supporting all learners in physical activities.

    Influences and Factors Affecting School-Age Growth


    环境: Living and learning in a positive environment where one feels valued, loved, and challenged, both at home and school, will help foster positive growth and self-esteem. Factors such as environmental pollution and a lack of cleanliness can have negative effects on a child’s physical development.




    Socioeconomics: The financial status of a family can affect the types of food that are available as well as the types of activities a child can participate in. Families having financial issues may also not be able to provide proper medical care.




    An introduction to developmental milestones in school-age children.


    The changes that school-age children go through as they develop and grow can be difficult for children and families to understand. It is important that you provide any resources necessary to answer questions about a child’s development.

    • 意识到这是normal for all children to develop at their own pace.
    • Support children as they go through changes in their physical appearance.
    • 创建支持所有学习者的环境。



    儿童的大脑继续发展,而他们的身体在学龄年龄的年龄迅速变化。对于孩子来说,这可能是一个令人兴奋的,但有时尴尬的年龄。想想如何最好地支持您的护理,阅读和审查Explore: Scenarios活动。当您通过每个场景工作时,请考虑如果在您的家庭幼儿环境中发生这种情况,您将如何回应。万博体育下载官方网站完成后,与您的培训师,教练或家庭保育管理员共享您的工作。万博体育下载官方网站



    Explore the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention’s BAM Body and Mind website. This website is designed just for youth and is a great resource to share with school-age children and their families.
    访问http://www.cdc.gov/bam/并回答问题Planning with BAM! Body and Mindattachment. When finished, share your work with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.


    Term Description
    Motor skills 肌肉的协调,包括一些skills, or actions that use the large muscles in our bodies, like our arms and legs, for skills such as walking, running or jumping, and fine-motor skills, or actions that use the smaller muscles in our bodies, like those in our fingers and toes, for skills such as writing, or using tools
    Egocentric When one’s outlook is limited to his or her own needs, wants, and activities
    Puberty The process of development when a child’s body matures into an adult body




    Finish this statement: School-age children may sometimes feel awkward or clumsy because…


    Maria’s mom mentions that she has noticed that Maria’s coordination and balance have improved. You respond by saying:


    Which of the following are not changes that usually accompany puberty?

    References & Resources:

    The American Academy of Pediatrics. (2004).Caring for Your School-Age Child. New York: Bantam Books.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). BAM! Body and Mind. Retrieved fromhttp://www.cdc.gov/bam/

    National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth (2013). CHILDHOOD SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT.
    Retrieved fromhttp://www.ncsby.org/content/childhood-sexual-development