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    • Reflect on what it means to be a professional family child-care provider.
    • Describe practices that are associated with professionalism.
    • 在与儿童和家庭合作时,描述专业精神的重要性。




    “Learning is like rowing upstream; not to advance is to drop back.” - 中国谚语


    当你听到“专业精神”这个词时,花一点时间来记下几句话或铭记的短语。关于一个领域或一组技能的知识是什么?是个人特征,品质还是性格特征?你对一个被称为专业人士的人的期望是什么?您可能会参考您或您所知的许多角色中的一些职位,例如遵守诸如展示知识和共享信息或与儿童和家庭互动的互动或互动的问题。Allof your descriptions offer a window into your sense of professionalism.

    Consider the following definitions that different dictionaries provide about professionalism: The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines professionalism as “the high standard that you expect from a person who is well trained in a particular job,” and “great skill and competence.” Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as “the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well” and “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” How do these definitions compare to your own definitions of professionalism?

    This course will help you better understand the concept of professionalism and how it relates to your own competence, confidence, commitment, and awareness as a professional. This course will also help you learn how you can develop a sense of professionalism and what this means to you as a family child care provider.

    What is Professionalism in Family Child Care?


    Families rely on you to be much more than a babysitter for their children. In your daily work, you make conscious, intentional decisions about how to interact with children and parents. You may also be faced with difficult ethical situations. Ethics is the study of right and wrong, duty and obligation. Following an ethical code can help with those decisions.With guidance from mentors or family child care administrators, you should strive to set and maintain positive examples of professionalism in your daily interactions with children and families.

    Professional organizations and state agencies that work on behalf of children, families, caregivers, and teachers have created standards and competencies to guide child and youth professionals. Each professional organization includes standards that address professional behaviors. Professional organizations and state agencies rely on research-based principles and bring together highly respected experts to draft and verify the standards and competencies for the field. For example, the National Association for the Education of Young children (NAEYC), the largest professional organization in the field of early care and education, has developed the Code of Ethical Conduct to guide professional behavior (。The National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) has developed professional competencies for professionals caring for children in family child care homes ( -96c059842fac.)。

    When you review the various organizations’ sets of standards and competencies, you will find many similarities when it comes to professionalism. This indicates a common understanding that engaging in professional behavior is important for those working with young children, youth, and families.


    可以找到一个州对专业精神的承诺明尼苏达州早期童年专业人士的知识和能力框架:与家庭育儿一起工作万博体育下载官方网站。This document is an example of how family child care providers can reflect on their skills and knowledge about caring for children and youth. Your state may have a similar document. Check with your state’s Child Care Resource and Referral agency to learn more about your state’s framework for early-childhood professionals.

    What Does it Mean to Be a Professional?

    万博体育下载官方网站家庭儿童护理提供者发挥强大的作用children’s lives, and your encounters with children and their families leave lasting impressions. Children’s growth takes place over time, and each experience affects development. Who children become has everything to do with the experiences they have early in their lives, and the experiences they have when in your care. Outside of their families, you might be the person they spend the most time with during these critical years of development. Optimum development is strengthened when children engage in meaningful interactions with adults who maintain high-quality professional standards.


    The work you do with children, youth, and their families lays the foundation for healthy development, growth, and success in school and life. Recognition of the significance of the early years on children’s development strengthens a desire to strive for excellence in your work. This course will help you understand how your professionalism contributes to the growth and development of children and families you serve.

    As a family child care provider, you are likely to encounter children and families from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. It is important for you to understand the significance of always striving for high-quality practices while acknowledging diversity and individual differences. A child’s family may not share the same values with you when it comes to topics such as sleeping, toilet training, or completing work independently. You may need to use your sense of professionalism in order to provide children and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care to help them become successful now and in the years ahead.


    Professionalism: An Introduction

    Hear family child care providers share what being professional means to them.


    In the field of early-childhood education, professionalism encompasses many specific behaviors and skills that address how individuals present themselves to children and other adults. Take time to review the following traits identified by Schweikert (2012) as they contribute to professionalism in the field of early care and education:

    • 你如何展现自己to others through your appearance and communication
    • Knowledge of the field of early care and education
    • The quality of your work
    • Relationships with others (children, families, your own family members)
    • 你的职业道德
    • Your determination and dedication
    • Most important, your attitude

    By including a focus on professional behaviors (appearance, communication, attitude, interpersonal relationships, orientation to learning, etc.) you will enhance the quality of your home-based child care for children and families.

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the ProfessionalismCompetency Reflection那and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Family Child Care ProfessionalismCourse Guide

    请注意引用和参考资料部分the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.




    How might a trusted fellow family child care provider rate you on professional behaviors? Are there areas of your professionalism that you want to improve? What goals do you set for improving your professionalism? What professional atmosphere do you want to set for the children and families you serve?

    Review theStandards of Professionalism附件。花几分钟才能阅读并回复这些问题。您可能希望与培训师,教练或家庭儿童保育管理员分享和讨论您的回复。万博体育下载官方网站



    Write a brief paragraph about your definition of a professional. Use the characteristics listed in the attachment to help you complete your definition. Then share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or family child care administrator.


    术语 描述
    COMPETENCE 能够做某事,尤其是针对标准的衡量
    伦理 A theory or set of moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behaviors
    PROFESSIONALISM The conduct, aims, or principles that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person






    What are the traits that contribute to professionalism in your work as a family child care provider?


    A friend, also a family child-care provider, mentions that she feels more like "a babysitter” than a professional. How do you respond?


    Allred,K. W.,&Hancock,C. L.(2015)。协调领导力和伙伴关系:赋予专业人士和家庭的策略。Young Children70(2),46-53。

    Bloom,P.,J.,Hentschel,A.,&Bella,J.(2013)。鼓舞人心的高峰表现:能力,commitment, and collaboration。The Director’s Toolbox Management Series. Lake Forest, IL: New Horizons.

    Child Care Aware of America. (2017). Retrieved from

    Feeney, S. (2012).幼儿教育的专业精神:为幼儿做最好的。Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.


    Minnesota Department of Education.明尼苏达州早期童年专业人士的知识和能力框架:与家庭育儿一起工作。万博体育下载官方网站从...获得

    National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation: A position statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from

    Schweikert, G. (2012).Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals: Being a professional.St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

    西蒙,F.(2015)。抬头抬头:20/20愿景有效领导。Young Children70(2),18-24。
