
    • Learn about characteristics of effective professional family child care providers.
    • Discuss the four developmental stages of teachers.
    • 确定反映您在工作中的专业性的实践作为家庭幼儿提供者。万博体育下载官方网站




    Developing your sense of professionalism does not happen overnight. On the contrary, it is a process that involves a wide range of experiences. Just like when you are learning a new skill, you have to invest time and effort in getting information, practicing new things, and interacting with other individuals. Nurturing your professionalism requires ongoing work, energy, and commitment. In your daily interactions with children, youth, and families, you always bring who you are: your interests, your personality, your temperament, your background experiences, and your special abilities and talents.

    Characteristics of Effective Professional Family Child Care Providers

    Professionals who deal directly with children and their families have a special obligation to behave in ways that benefit those they serve. According to the author of幼儿教育的专业精神,斯蒂芬妮福伊,基于人际关系的专业的价值观是关心,同情,同理心,尊重他人,尊重。最先进的早期儿童保育专业人员致力于为儿童,青年和家庭提供服务。作为家庭幼万博体育下载官方网站儿提供者,您应该有一个明确的使命和哲学,您可以表达,并且您每天都通过您的专业行为表现出来。

    Essential elements of professional behavior include knowledge and skills about a field, communication and relationship skills, work ethic, and professional ethics. Each of these elements is further discussed below.

    知道ledge and Skills


    你应该把这些courses for comprehensive information about child and youth development. Along with child and youth development, knowledge about topics such as safe environments, learning environments, healthy environments, positive guidance, child abuse, and family engagement will strengthen your competence and enable you to positively affect the lives of children and families you engage with. Optimum development is achieved when children and youth are healthy, emotionally secure, and socially connected. It is your job to:

    • 通过保持干净的环境和促进健康习惯,确保儿童健康安全。
    • 通过回应他们的提示并以培育和及时的方式解决他们的需求,确保孩子们是情绪安全的。
    • 在日常和计划例程期间,确保儿童通过培养它们与其他人之间的关系和其他人来说。
    • Make sure that children’s families and home cultures are at the forefront of your work.


    An important aspect of your work as a family child care provider is the relationships you create and nurture with children, youth, families, and other supporting professionals. Establishing these relationships can make or break your experience. Relationships form over time and require ongoing effort and commitment. Whether you are engaging with children, youth, families, or community members, nurturing those relationships early on is critical to your success. While working with others can present difficulties or challenges, it is your responsibility to maintain professional conduct. When faced with a challenging situation, it may help to process your experience by seeking advice or feedback from a trusted colleague or mentor.

    Work Ethic

    Being a family child care provider can be rewarding and at the same time challenging. It requires dedication, commitment, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to learn, change, and be flexible to address the multiple and often complex needs of the children in your care.


    谈论专业精神,Lilian Katz博士识别了那些关心和教育儿童的人的四个发展阶段。当您阅读以下每个阶段的信息时,请考虑您在您自己的职业生育服务提供员工的旅程中。万博体育下载官方网站

    Developmental Stages of Those Who Care For and Educate Children

    Stage I: Survival 这一阶段通常是指教学家的主要关注点在与儿童和家庭的角色“幸存下来的教学中的第一年或两项教学。在此期间,教育工作者需要支持,指导和鼓励。
    第二阶段:整合 随着他们初始教学的初始教学,教育工作者来看自己能够管理他们的日常责任。在他们的计划中继续培训和支持继续对其增长很重要。
    第三阶段:更新 在这个阶段,teachers become interested in new developments in the field. They may benefit from joining professional organizations and participating in various professional-development experiences, such as conferences or other professional meetings.
    Stage IV: Maturity It may take a few years after beginning to work with children and families for an educator to reach maturity. During this time, educators feel confident about their own competence and begin to ask more complex questions about their practice. At this stage, they also continue to benefit from conferences or seminars, ongoing education or training, reading professional literature, and engaging with other educators.


    Effective family child care providers enjoy their work and show it. They create positive, welcoming environments for the children, youth, and families they work with. And they strive for excellence in their interactions with others and in the experiences they plan. Effective professional family child care providers value collaboration and acknowledge it is important to work with families, other family child care providers, supporting professionals (e.g., staff members from schools and agencies), and community members. They also know it is important to have fun and laugh, celebrate successes, and acknowledge their efforts and the efforts of others.

    You may plan joyful events that build community among the children you care for and their families. Some examples are celebrating children’s birthdays and family life events with potluck suppers, attending a professional conference with some parents in your program, organizing family events at a local park, or inviting families to share a skill or hobby with the children in your home setting.


    Developing Your Sense of Professionalism

    Watch this video to learn about developing your sense of professionalism.


    • 尊重每个孩子和家人的护理,并承认增长,背景,价值观和信仰的多样性和个人差异。
    • 对所有儿童和家庭展示真正的兴趣,并努力了解他们。
    • Acknowledge that families know their children best and learn to view them as partners and collaborators in your practice. Reach out to them and invite their input.
    • 保留有关儿童及其家庭的信息。
    • Provide a variety of developmentally appropriate choices and experiences for children in your care.
    • 在处理具有挑战性行为时,对儿童行为具有发展的适当期望,并积极主动。
    • Honor individual differences in children and families and strive to address the unique needs of those you serve.

    Acknowledge all the great things children do on a daily basis and share those with their families often. Even though at times you may have to address topics of concern about children and youth with families, remind yourself to also highlight a child’s successes and positive attributes.



    Learning about the values and philosophy of professionals you know and admire can be a powerful tool toward your own professional development. Take a few minutes to interview a family child-care provider that you admire. Share and discuss your responses with a trusted colleague, mentor, or family child-care administrator.



    Smartphones and social media have become a way of life for most of us. In your daily interactions with children or youth, you should be very careful about handling social media. Photographs or information about children and families in your family child care home should be carefully shared if using social media. For example, you should not post pictures without prior consent for families, and you should consult with your Service or licensing agent to understand the policies around using social media as a way to communicate with families in your family child care program. You should always think about how new technologies can affect children and families and maintain confidentiality at all times. You should also consider how information you share about yourself may affect you and be careful about what you post on social media.

    下载并打印专业和社交媒体handout. Take a few minutes to access and read the artcle,Smartphones and Social Media: Ethical Implications for Educatorsathttps://www.naeyc.org/system/files/YC0315_Focus_on_Ethics.pdf。阅读文章后,反思问题。与您的教练,培训师或家庭保育管理员讨论您的思考。




    真的or false? An important aspect of your work as a family child-care provider is the relationships you create with children, youth, families, and community members.


    According to Katz’s four developmental stages, in your first year of teaching you…



    References & Resources:

    Allred,K. W.,&Hancock,C. L.(2015)。协调领导力和伙伴关系:赋予专业人士和家庭的策略。Young Children,70(2), 46-53.

    Bloom, P. J., Hentschel, A., & Bella, J. (2013).Inspiring peak performance: Competence,承诺和协作。导演的工具箱管理系列。湖森林,il:新的视野。

    幼儿师的司。(2014)。早期干预/早期推荐的建议做法childhood special education 2014。Retrieved fromhttp://www.dec-sped.org/recommendedpractices

    Feeney,S.(2012)。专业in early childhood education: Doing our best for young children。上部鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育,Inc。

    Katz, L. K. (1995).Talks with teachers of young children: A collection。Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

    Kouzes, J.M., & Posner, B.Z. (2012).The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary thingshappen in organizations(5th ed). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    国家后学会结束。Core knowledge and competencies for afterschool and youth development professionals。Retrieved fromhttps://naaweb.org/resources/core-competences.

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2009)。naeyc.早期儿童专业准备标准:全国幼儿教育协会的立场声明。Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/sites/default/files/globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/2009%20Professional%20Prep%20stdsRevised%204_12.pdf

    National Association for Family Child Care. (2017).NAFCC的质量标准accretitation.。Retrieved fromhttps://www.nafcc.org/file/bfae1239-d67e-41d9-820d-96c059842fac

    Schweikert, G. (2012).赢得幼儿专业人士的胜利方式:成为一名专业人士。圣保罗,Mn:Redleaf按。

    Simon, F. (2015). Look up and out to lead: 20/20 vision for effective leadership.Young Children,70(2), 18-24.

    沙利文,D. R.(2010)。Learning to lead: Effective leadership skills for teachers of young children(2nd ed.). St. Paul MN: Redleaf Press.

    威斯康星州早期童年协作伙伴。(2014)。Wisconsin core competencies for professionals working with young children & their families。Retrieved fromhttp://www.collaboratingpartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/CPlinkedDocs/WI_Core_Competencies_2014_16WITHlinks.pdf