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    • 反思一下继续培养你的职业意识意味着什么。
    • 学习about the importance of self-care.
    • 探索专业成长的资源。





    在过去的几年里,儿童护理领域有了巨大的发展,关于成人在儿童发展中所起的重要作用,总是有新的信息和研究。你真的可以有所作为。The more skilled, committed, and knowledgeable you become, the more effective, meaningful, and long-lasting your influence will be on children’s and families’ lives. As a family child care provider, you want your practice to be continuously improving as you strive to make it the best that it can be for children and families. You should look forward to creating positive, caring environments for children and families in your care. You should also access resources to support your professional learning and growth. Your high standards and expectations for professional behavior will positively affect the quality of care you provide, as well as those around you.




    To be successful, you need to care about the children and families you work with. This means that you want to improve your knowledge and skills, update what you know, and strive for practices that will positively affect development and outcomes for all children and families.

    Think about working with children with special learning needs, for example. Because you care about what you do, you will approach working with children with diverse abilities as an opportunity to meaningfully engage them in experiences, and you may invite their families in your program to share their knowledge about how to best work with their children. Ultimately, you want to provide best practices for those you serve, and your love for what you do drives you to be the best in doing that.




    Being committed to ongoing learning can improve your knowledge, skills, and performance. This learning will help you gain new skills and hone existing skills, and this may bring increased confidence.


    The Indian mystic Ramakrishna said “As long as I live, so long do I learn,” and the Greek philosopher Socrates mused “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.”

    All professionals need to keep up with new information, knowledge, and research in their fields. As a responsible and committed professional, you have an obligation to keep up with new information and use that in your practice with children and families.


    有许多优秀的专业资源。教育家Fran Simon(2015)提供了一系列建议:

    • Be open to what is possible, not held back by what you think is impossible.
    • Join professional associations, attend conferences, volunteer.
    • 保持好奇心,提出问题。
    • Value and work to establish and maintain relationships in your daily practice.
    • Make time to learn, connect, and network.
    • 与沿途遇到的人坦诚相见,即使你不认同他们的观点。
    • Participate in live and virtual professional learning networks.
    • 与其他家庭儿童护理提供者分享您的想法。万博体育下载官方网站
    • 从事正式的专业、职业和领导力发展。
    • 找个导师。每个人的生活都需要有灵感的人。
    • 建立一个关于领导力和相关主题的图书馆。
    • Subscribe to email and print newsletters and professional journals from a variety of sources.


    自我意识是非常重要的对于自己的教授essional growth and learning. Educators Donna Wittmer and Sandy Petersen highlight that, “Knowing ourselves involves exploring our strengths and vulnerabilities. We need to wonder about, and try to understand the meaning of, our reactions, our frustrations, and the parts of our job that bring us joy. This exploration can sometimes be difficult or uncomfortable” (2013, p. 409). Another way to think about this is the “care” that is behind “caregiving.”


    Another strategy you can use is visualization. As a family child care provider, you are likely to encounter children and families from a variety of backgrounds. It is important for you to understand the complexity of culture’s influence on identity and equally important to understand individual differences. For example, a family member who has had a lifetime of encouragement, praise, and support may have a very different parenting style or needs from a family member who has experienced extensive criticism, doubt, and isolation. To practice visualization, see yourself interacting positively with each child or family. If the child is displaying behaviors that seem disruptive, try seeing this child without those behaviors and you responding in a caring way. If the family has views that are different from your own views (e.g., when it comes to eating independently or providing assistance with tasks), try to understand the family’s point of view and respond in a respectful and caring way. You will need to be able to provide children and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care and help them be successful.

    Practicing self-care is the very active and powerful choice to engage in the activities that are required to gain or maintain an optimal level of overall health. This includes not just attending to the physical, but the psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual components of an individual’s well-being. In your role as a family child care provider, you can create an environment that supports children’s development. Your own self-care practices can be a starting place to demonstrate the importance of self-care. Learning to use self-care practices is an indication of developing a strong self-concept. You can act as a positive role model for children and families.


    • 考虑写日记。把一天的事情和你的观点写在纸上是有治疗作用的。你也可以考虑写一本感恩日记来帮助你保持对生活中积极方面的关注。
    • Make connections. Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances. Go out for lunch or for a cup of coffee with a friend. Speak to the person in front of you in line at the grocery store. These small moments can help you feel connected and supported.
    • 即使是一点点有规律的锻炼也能帮助你感觉更好,睡得更好,更好地应对生活中的日常压力。健康的饮食也能起作用。
    • Remember to breathe. As we get stressed out, we tend to breathe more shallowly. By taking a moment to take a few deep breaths, we are taking time for ourselves and lowering our stress levels.





    • 积极的观点:积极地思考情况和人可以帮助你带来有益的结果。你个人的人生观对你的自理水平起着至关重要的作用。
    • 自我意识:知道自己是谁包括了解自己的感受、情绪、想法和人际关系。从清点你的优点和缺点开始。审视你的生活,过去和现在。注意你已经走了多远,你所拥有的技能让你走到了这一步。
    • 健康的自私:重要的是要认识到你自己的需求是有效的,并做必要的事情来满足它们。
    • 放弃控制:让自己放松下来,把事情看成灰色而不是黑白,这样可以让你看到更多的选择和机会。
    • 玩乐态度:改变心态需要玩乐、好奇和兴奋。试着用孩子的眼睛去探索生活,看看事情看起来有多不同。
    • Thoughtful choices: As life gets busy, slow down and make sure you are making thoughtful choices. Reconcile with yourself that you may never master a task perfectly and that sometimes it is going to have to be good enough.





    How do you plan to work toward your ongoing professional development? For this activity, read and review the information below. You may want to review the Quality Standards for NAFCC Accreditation( help you set professional development goals.



    使用的资源在这一节中学习更多about continuing to pursue your own professional development.



    • 为提供者提供有儿童保育意识的资源( 本网站提供免费的专业发展资源。这包括一份电子通讯。儿童保育提供者可以按州搜索儿童保育资源(例如,提供持续专业发展的儿童保育资源和转介中心)。
    • 托儿所( articles and other resources for professional development. At sign up, child care providers can access up to five articles; after that there is a fee to join the organization.
    • 城镇广场,家庭儿童护理专业人士学习和成万博体育下载官方网站长的地方( website contains modules, handouts, and other resources for family child care providers. Membership is free.






    是的or false? Self-care practices such as keeping a gratitude journal or exercising regularly can help you serve as a positive role model for children, youth, and families.




    Bruno,H.E.,&Copeland,T.(2012年)。Managing Legal Risks in Early Childhood Programs. 纽约:师范学院出版社。

    Feeney,S.(2010年)。早期护理和教育中的伦理学:回顾、反思和未来。幼儿,65岁(2), 72-77.



    Johnson,J.(2010年)。保持你的微笑:用快乐、爱和意愿去关心孩子. 明尼苏达州圣保罗:红叶出版社。

    Koralek, D. G., Dodge, D. T., & Pizzolongo, P. J. (2004).照顾学龄前儿童万博体育全站app(第3版)。华盛顿特区:教学策略公司。

    全国课余活动协会(2009年)。全国课外协会道德规范. 检索自

    National Association for the Education of Young Children (2011).道德行为准则和Statement of Commitment. 检索自

    全国家庭儿童保育协会(NAFCC)(2017年)。万博体育下载官方网站Quality Standards for NAFCC委派. 检索自

    Porath, C. (2018). Why being respectful to your coworkers is good for business. TEDxUniversityofNevada. Retrieved from\u porath\u为什么对你的同事友好对生意有好处

    Simon,F.(2015)。向上看并领导:有效领导的20/20愿景。幼儿,70(2), 18-24.
