
    • Reflect on what it means to implement meaningful curriculum and assessment as you manage your family child care program.
    • 确定发育适当实践的关键要素,并反思这些元素如何为计划管理有所贡献。
    • Understand the importance of being a lifelong learner with regard to working with children and their families, and identify ways you can pursue your own professional development.




    Two of the most basic and at the same time significant questions family child care providers need to consider are: “什么孩子们在照顾时应该知道吗?“和 ”How我们知道儿童是否正在发展并学习我们希望他们知道的东西?“狗万app怎么下载花几秒钟考虑如何回应这两个问题。

    你可能已经确定了什么问题是指课程,或者您在与儿童的日常互动中规划和使用的经验和活动,以及howquestion refers to the assessment, or the ways in which you find out about children’s development and progress over time.



    作为家庭护万博体育下载官方网站理专业,您将您自己的个性,人才和兴趣与幼儿充满课程。课程应建立在您的环境中儿童的兴趣,经验和背景。应邀请家庭在孩子的计划中与您分享信息和技能。对个人学习者的选择和修改以及他们的需求可以在特殊教育支持专业人员的帮助下或在您的家庭育儿管理员或社区专家的帮助下进行。万博体育下载官方网站您还应在制定适应和修改时参考您的军事服务特定政策。您的家庭托万博体育下载官方网站儿管理员酒吧或许可专家will support you in promoting high-quality developmentally appropriate practices for all the children in your care.

    In defining developmentally appropriate practices, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2009) highlights the following:

    • Meet children where they are in their development and supporting them in reaching achievable, and at the same time challenging, goals to promote their progress and interests
    • Use practices that are appropriate to children’s age and responsive to the social and cultural contexts in which children live
    • 确保目标和经验是基于知识和基于研究的证据 - 不是假设 - 关于孩子如何学习和发展

    环境是指令的关键部分(环境通常被称为第三名教师)。环境不仅包括家具,材料和设备,还包括教师 - 儿童互动。许多广泛的研究表明,对儿童的相互作用对儿童的成果产生了影响。

    书面课程计划是讨论您的惯例的另一种方式。您工作的设置可能具有书面计划的特定格式。与您的家庭儿童保育管理员或许可万博体育下载官方网站专家合作,审查计划并检查课程的有效性。狗万app怎么下载学习使用书面课程,创造出发达的课程计划是一个需要时间和指导的过程。您的教练,教练,酒吧local resource and referral child care specialist,或家庭万博体育下载官方网站幼儿管理员应准备好为您培养课程计划,为您提供建设性的反馈和建议。

    Activities should be meaningful and build on the interests of the children and youth in your program. Plans for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should include developmental information and how the planned experiences and interactions support development. Primary-age children and older youth can join with peers and providers to plan ongoing project work (e.g., creation of a science experiments, brainstorming costumes for a play or planning food for an upcoming event). As you work with your trainer, coach, or family child care administrator to review new activity plans, you should remember to ask reflective questions, like the ones listed below. These will help gauge your personal understanding of the curriculum processes, and you will learn where to ask for more support.

    • 你本周为您的活动计划提出您的想法在哪里?
    • 您认为这些计划将如何帮助个别儿童达到目标?
    • 什么are you hoping the school-age youth will gain from this experience?
    • How can infants and toddlers participate in these learning experiences?
    • 做you think any modifications might be necessary to ensure all children can engage in this idea?
    • 您需要哪些资源来使计划成功?
    • 是否有办法涉及在这项活动中的家庭?

    什么are Indicators of Effective Curriculum?

    Your goal should be to implement experiences and activities that are carefully planned, engaging, developmentally appropriate, challenging, and culturally and linguistically responsive. Aim for growth and positive outcomes for all children in your care. In doing so, you learn the following indicators of effective curriculum as stated by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS-SDE) (2009):

    • 您的计划中的儿童处于积极和订阅。
    • 所有孩子的目标都是清楚的,并由所有人(自己,家庭,任何相关专业人士或支持人员,您的家庭幼儿管理员或许可专家)分享。万博体育下载官方网站
    • Your curriculum is evidence-based. In other words, it is based on research-oriented knowledge about best practices in the field of early-childhood education.
    • 经验和活动是有意义的,有意的,并涉及儿童的参与和探索他们的环境。
    • Experiences and activities build on children’s prior learning and experiences.
    • Your curriculum is comprehensive and addresses each child’s multiple developmental domains.


    收集信息的发展children in your care helps you make informed decisions about their growth, and identify needs or concerns that may require further attention. Your goal should be to carry out assessment practices that are ethical, developmentally appropriate, and culturally sensitive. This means your assessment practices are based on a thorough knowledge of child development; they help children see themselves as capable and competent learners, and they respect and acknowledge children’s and families’ varied cultural experiences. The assessment practices you implement play an essential role as you manage your family child care program. You should use assessment information to support growth and positive outcomes for all children in your care. In doing that, familiarize yourself with the following indicators of effective assessment practices, as stated by the NAEYC and the NAECS/SDE (2009):

    • Your assessments are developmentally appropriate and culturally and linguistically sensitive for children in your care.
    • 家庭了解并被邀请成为评估过程的一部分。
    • 评估信息和证据来自现实的设置和情况,反映儿童在日常经验中的实际表现。
    • 您评估的是什么和每个孩子的发展和教育意义。
    • Your assessments include multiple sources of evidence about a child’s performance gathered over time.
    • 您从评估中收集的证据用于更好地了解孩子并改善他们的发展和学习。狗万app怎么下载
    • Your assessment practices are ethical and responsible. For example, assessment instruments or screening tools are appropriately used based upon their design and purpose. Assessment evidence is collected in realistic and multiple ways, and decisions regarding a child are not based on a single observation or assessment tool. In addition, children are not publicly compared to one another. Rather they, and their families, are encouraged to reflect on the child’s own growth over time.

    Work with your family child care administrators or licensing agent to ensure that assessment practices are developmentally appropriate for the children in your care. Ensure that you have the necessary resources (e.g., learning environment or playground supplies, materials, equipment) and supports (e.g., observational feedback on your practices, additional resources) to promote these experiences and offer children and their families high-quality care and education.


    In order to be knowledgeable about best practices in the field of early childhood education, you must stay current with the field. Joining a professional organization (e.g., NAEYC and NAFCC) is an excellent way to receive timely information about what is new in the field. Web sites that contain evidence-based information can be bookmarked. Attending local or state conferences is another way to learn about evidence-based practices and keep current on new information.





    In your daily work as a family child care provider, engage in the following practices with children, families, and other professionals that support you program:

    • Get to know the children and families in your care. Plan for bias-free experiences, materials, and assessment. Treat each child and family member with respect, and acknowledge and honor individual differences in gender, cultural background, family income, abilities, or family composition.
    • 为您提供各种儿童提供各种发育适当的选择和经验。
    • Make sure your expectations about children's behaviors are developmentally appropriate.
    • Ensure that curriculum goals are the basis for planning experiences and activities for children.
    • 审查与您的教练,教练或家庭儿童保育管理员的课程目标,并确保为每个孩子提供机会以实现这些目标。万博体育下载官方网站在此过程中,请务必邀请Families的输入。
    • 以负责任,可靠和可靠的方式行事。准备准备好按时开始,准备,并清楚地与儿童,家庭,同伴提供者进行沟通,酒吧许可专家,和你的家庭护理管理万博体育下载官方网站员。
    • 支持实践,是道德,负责任的和发育恰当的,并在他们不是的时候说出来。熟悉您的国家的法规,标准和期望的高质量实践。记得在面对困难的情况时,请随时了解您的家庭儿童保育管理员。万博体育下载官方网站
    • Develop and cultivate a collaborative spirit and work with other family child care providers. Ask a more experienced provider questions about his or her practice or offer ideas to a newer provider who may need assistance.



    Read and review the activity课程:决策。Take some time to reflect on the checklist provided. Then, share and discuss your responses with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.




    然后,阅读伯克利中心进行幼儿就业文章,“Mentoring and Coaching: Distinctions in Practice“并使用它来帮助您完成活动,Mentoring for Program Improvement。完整的问题,然后分享和discuss your responses with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.


    学期 Description
    CURRICULUM “知识,技能,能力和理解儿童是获取和学习经验的计划,通过这些经验将发生那些收益的经验”(Copple&Brenekamp,2009,p。20)狗万app怎么下载
    发展适当的做法 An approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education. Its framework is designed to promote young children's optimal learning and development (NAEYC, 2009)




    真的or false? Families should not know about or be invited to be part of the assessment process for their child.


    Which of the following are indicators of effective curriculum for children?



    References & Resources:

    Bruno,H. E.,&Copeland,T.(2012)。在幼儿计划中管理法律风险。New York: Teachers College Press.


    Heffron,M. C.,&Murch,T.(2010)。Reflective Supervision and Leadership in Infant and EarlyC隐藏性计划。华盛顿特区:零至三。

    国家幼儿教育协会(2011)。Code of Ethical Conduct and承诺陈述。Retrieved fromhttp://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/image/public_policy/Ethics%20Position%20Statement2011_09202013update.pdf

    国家教育幼儿教育与国家教育初期幼儿教育协会协会。(2003).Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessment, and Program Evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8.Position Statement with Expanded ResourcesRetrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/capeexpand.pdf.

    国家教育幼儿教育与国家教育初期幼儿教育协会协会。(2009)。我们在哪里支配课程,评估和计划评估。Retrieved fromhttps://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/StandCurrAss.pdf