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    • Identify what makes a rule effective for young children.
    • Distinguish between a rule and an expectation.
    • 为幼儿创造有效的规则。
    • Explain how to teach rules to young children.




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    Rules are the guidelines that help all of us know how to act in different situations. Sometimes the rules are clearly stated. They might even be posted in writing:

    • Keep your seatbelt fastened at all times on the airplane.
    • You must be 18 years old to vote.
    • You must drive 25 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood.
    Children are accompanied by an adult in an elevator


    • Wait in line quietly at the grocery store checkout.
    • Face the front in an elevator.
    • Say, “Hi” when someone greets you.

    These behaviors are examples of showing respect or being friendly. No one specifically taught us that it is respectful to face the front and give others personal space on an elevator, but we have come to know this.

    Prop up gardening equipment, like rakes, instead of leaving them lying in the grass.


    • Walk when carrying hot coffee.
    • Prop up gardening equipment, like rakes, instead of leaving them lying in the grass.
    • Turn skillet handles so they don’t stick out where people might bump them.


    Effective Rules or Expectations

    Rules are just one part of a larger plan for keeping children safe. Remember that rules work side-by-side with other parts of good early childhood teaching: a well-designed environment, appropriate learning activities, and nurturing relationships. Rules are guidelines or reminders about what it means to be a member of the family child care community. Effective rules for young children reflect what we know about how young children learn. According to Fox, Jack, & Broyles (2005):

    • Rules should be short and clear. Infants, toddlers and preschoolers understand short sentences best. A common example is “Use walking feet.” Can you see how this is easier to understand than a sentence like, “When we are in the house, you should always walk so you stay safe?”
    • 规则应该积极。年幼的孩子have a hard time connecting their behavior to “not to” or “don’t” statements. State rules as what children should do (use gentle touches) rather than what they should not do (don’t hit).
    • 规则的数量应限制。幼儿只能在他们记忆中占据少数物品。最好只教授3至五个基本规则为您的家庭保育环境。万博体育下载官方网站如果您主要与学龄儿童一起工作,您可以添加更多,理想地由儿童自己生成。
    • 规则应该与图片一起发布。幼儿只是开始了解印刷有意义。使用图片或图纸来帮助孩子了解哪些规则意味着什么。这是儿童成为您计划中规则的活动贡献者的好方法 - 他们可以帮助找到或创建举例说明不同规则的图片。
    帖子er: Be Safe, Be Respectful


    • Be respectful.
    • Be safe.
    • Be friendly.
    • Respect others.
    • Respect the environment.
    Staff created and display this poster about playground rules at their program.


    • Use walking feet.
    • Clean up toys when you finish with them.
    • Use gentle hands.
    • Follow directions.

    作为家庭护万博体育下载官方网站理提供者,您可以开发期望,规则或两者。请记住,幼儿仍在培养他们的认知技能。保持规则和期望简单很重要。不要害怕使用像“尊重”这样的复杂词汇。如果你教导意味着尊重,孩子们会理解它 - 你会以积极的方式扩大他们的词汇!




    You have choices in how you design your program rules or expectations: you could write the rules and introduce them to the children, or you can write the rules together with the children.




    Learn how to effectively present and reinforce safety rules to the children in your care.


    Teaching Rules



    你有多少次看到成年人提高他或她的声音,告诉孩子安静下来?需要一分钟思考在那种情况下收到的消息。确保您的规则适用于每个人:儿童和成人。响起了关于规则的大声思考。当你在地板上清理泄漏时,你可能会说,“我希望安全和负责任。在有人滑倒之前,我会清理这个泄漏。“如果有一个以上的成年人,每个人都可以参与其中。在孩子面前练习解决问题。您能想到其他时候,您可以模拟儿童规则吗?饮料或食物消耗的地方怎么样? Do adults and children follow the same rules?


    A well-designed environment prevents safety problems. Your rules should be a part of the environment. Post rules where you are likely to need them: the main play area, by the door to the house, and the eating area. When your rules are posted for children to see, you can refer to them quickly and easily. Children can remind themselves and others of the rules, as well. Post your rules at eye level for the children. Be sure to include pictures or drawings of the rules. You can use clip art, hand drawings, or photos of the children.

    如果你只照顾婴儿,发帖规则是莱克阀门ely not critical, as very young children learn the most about safety from your careful, personal feedback, and may not yet be able to interpret the pictures or drawings next to printed rules. However, if you have toddlers, preschoolers, or school-agers in your setting, developing and posting rules is one important aspect of safety in your environment. They provide a visual reminder of what rules and expectations are important in your program. You can also invite older children to be models and to provide helpful reminders to younger children who are still learning how to be safe and respectful in their child care community. Older children may become frustrated when younger children take their toys or neglect to put items away, and shout “he is not being respectful!” You can encourage older children to politely share their feelings and fears with the younger children, and also help them to be a resource about why the rules exist. Explain to the older children where the younger children are in their trajectory of learning, e.g., “When you were younger and learning about respect, you needed lots of reminders too. Part of our job right now is to keep showing our younger friends what it means to be respectful. When we show them our respectful actions and give them kind reminders when they need it, we help them learn.”

    Remind and Reinforce

    Once you have developed effective rules on your own or with the children in your program, it is important to remember to use them! Posting rules, even with a picture, is not enough. We have to actively teach young children how and when to follow the rules. Here are some ideas for teaching the children how to follow the rules in your family child care home:

    • Discussions. Talk about why we have rules. Talk about situations when the rules help us. Ask children to generate examples.
    • Act it out. Let children role play the rules. Have them show each other how to be gentle, what walking feet look like, etc. Also remember it can be fun to act out non-examples of the rules (when it can be done safely). If “inside voices” is one of your rules, let children demonstrate what “outside voices” sound like. This will help them contrast the two volumes.
    • 玩游戏。关于早期学习的社会和情感基础的中心有几种方法可以帮助孩子记住和练习您的规则。狗万app怎么下载观看停止/去视频(在模块1中的视频1.12万博体育全站apppreschool.html.)对于想法。
    • Refer to the rules when children use challenging behavior. This will help you stay positive with children and redirect them to an appropriate behavior.
    • Read scripted stories about the rules and safety (for example, “I Can Stay Safe” from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning; You can also read other books at group time that help children think about safety, e.g.,官员扣和格洛丽亚由Peggy Rathman。提出后续问题,以帮助孩子们考虑安全行为以及为什么他们如此重要。



    Sometimes we get in the bad habit of telling children what not to do. Review the重新恢复规则Activity. Take a look at the program rules and rewrite them so they are stated positively. Then compare your ideas to the suggested responses.



    使用此表单为您的程序制定规则。如果您已经有规则,请使用它来决定您是否为您提供护理中儿童的有用规则。点评审查Developing RulesActivity and discuss with your trainer, coach or family child care administrator.


    Term Description
    Expectation 期望是您希望儿童拥有的特征和行为的一般描述。期望通常适用于每个设置一个孩子可能进入。例子是“尊重”,“善良,”或“成为一个好朋友”。
    rule A rule is a specific way of behaving in a certain setting. Examples are “Use walking feet,” “Use inside voices,” “Gentle touches.”




    Which of the following in an example of an effective rule for preschool children?


    True or false? Seven is a good number of rules to teach preschool children.



    References & Resources:

    Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning.

    Fox, L., Jack, S., & Broyles, L. (2005). Program-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Supporting young children’s social-emotional development and addressing challenging behavior. Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.

    Rathman, P. (1995).官员扣和格洛丽亚. New Jersey, USA: Putnam Juvenile.

