
    • 反思你自己自我意识的经历,关系和看法,并了解这会如​​何影响与孩子的工作。
    • 定义恢复力及其对家庭育儿提供者的工作的重要性。万博体育下载官方网站
    • 确定文化和早期经验影响儿童及其家人的自我意识。





    How did you describe yourself? Funny? Smart? Emotional? Energetic? Tall? Brown-eyed? Some of your responses likely reflect personality traits and some may be physical traits. You may have responded with reference to the many roles you assume in a day, such as mother or father, daughter or son, provider, friend, community member. Your interactions with other individuals may also shape how you define yourself.Allof your descriptions offer a window into your sense of self.



    我们的自我意识包括角色、属性behaviors, and associations that we consider most important about ourselves, according to Mark Ylvisaker, a researcher in communication disorders (2006). Examples of things that help to develop who we are as individuals can include our occupations, hobbies, affiliations, abilities, personality traits, and spiritual beliefs. How we identify and how we feel about ourselves is largely the result of our environment and immediate surroundings. For example, if you are a member of an encouraging or nurturing environment, you are more likely to feel accepted and self-confident in your abilities. But if you are part of an unsupportive or negative environment, you may have difficulty discovering who you are due to a lack of acceptance and encouragement to explore your interests and positive attributes. Think of a person you know who is confident in his or her ability to perform a particular task or skill. Chances are this individual has received positive feedback and support from others, which helped to further the development of these skills and foster a sense of identity.

    As we grow and mature, our identities can also change depending on time and place. Relationships, parenthood, and life events can help shape our identities. Think back to who you were ten years ago. Do you feel like the same person now? Whether you were 19 or 59 a decade ago, it is likely that your concept of who you are has changed in some way. Perhaps you have accomplished major goals like earning a degree or starting a family and these events have changed how you see yourself. Perhaps experiences like caring for an aging parent or ending a long-term relationship have called into question things you thought you knew about yourself.

    Your interactions with others can also shape your sense of self. For example, if your family praises your cooking ability, you may come to believe that you are a good cook. However, if you were to enroll in a cooking class, your perception of your abilities may change when you are in the company of others with more advanced culinary talents. In this example, your sense of self was altered, though your ability to cook remained the same. Your sense of self was not judged to be true or false, but rather good enough or not good enough because of the situation. If you truly enjoy cooking, though, and gain joy from it regardless of who else is in your presence, you are less likely to need encouragement from others because you are motivated from within.

    A sense of self encompasses a child’s self-esteem, self-worth, identity, and self-image. It is a combination of the way children see themselves, their experiences, their environments, and how they feel about themselves. For children, a sense of self is linked to their developing identities, which become increasingly independent from their families.

    交流障碍研究者马克·伊尔维萨克(Mark Ylvisaker)发现了七种有助于形成积极和富有成效的自我意识的经历:

    1. 接受和尊重:

      The level of acceptance and respect from relevant adults remains a strong contributor to an individual's sense of personal identity at all ages. Respect for others is communicated through the expression of genuine thoughts and interests as well as holding reasonably high standards for their behaviors and ability levels.

    2. 成功与有意义的任务:


    3. Association of positive role models

      People who are reminded of someone with strong values or great inner strength prior to beginning a difficult task tend to put more effort into the task and achieve at higher levels than if they had not had the positive association before beginning the task.

    4. 诚实的反馈:


    5. Genuinely challenging and meaningful tasks:


    6. 有意义的同伴互动机会:


    7. Coping with defeats:

      Defeats are a part of everyday life. Sometimes, things do not work out or go as planned, and learning how to deal with these setbacks and turn them into opportunities for growth will help to build a positive sense of self. Managing frustration is important for children to learn, and they often need guidance to develop and practice this skill.



    当你思考你自己的生活,你可能记得pecific times when you became aware of particular circumstances that reinforced your own self-concept. Perhaps it was during a school or sports activity, a theatrical or musical performance, or another event when you realized you had accomplished a goal (either alone or with others) that you had set for yourself. Achieving goals you set and accomplishing tasks that required you to stretch beyond your comfort zone helped you develop a positive self-concept. The relationships that you had with caring adults in your life (e.g., parents, grandparents, child care providers, teachers, coaches, etc.) nurtured your self-concept as you learned about your unique abilities, gifts, and talents. Multiple factors, including cultural background, experiences, and, most importantly, relationships with adults and peers affect the development of a child’s self-concept. Just as your own experiences and early relationships with family members and peers have influenced the development of your self-concept, so, too, will you create positive experiences that help the children in your care learn about themselves.


    在出生时父母和婴儿之间发挥的舞蹈为幼儿提供了理解他们是谁,它们如何适应世界,以及他们可以从附近的人所期待的内容。这些早期的经历来塑造孩子心理学家John Bowby指的是“内部工作模式”。最令人着迷的Bowlby闻名于依恋理论,认为婴儿通过与主要护理人员的附件开发内部工作模型。内部工作模型提供了一种理解和接近持续关系和对自我和他人的理解的框架。通过安全,培养和响应的关系,婴儿可能会培养一种自信感,“我很重要,”“我为”,“我可以让事情发生。”相比之下,由于不可预测,较少响应的早期互动,婴儿可能会感到恐惧和焦虑,同时将世界视为不安全。

    由于高度依赖反应灵敏的成年人的照顾,语言交流能力有限,婴儿很难识别和描述他们如何看待自己。行为科学家约翰桑特罗克(John Santrock)表示:“在第二年晚些时候和第三年早些时候,幼儿表现出其他新出现的自我意识形式,反映出一种‘我’的感觉。例如,他们用“我很大”来指代自己;他们给内心的体验贴上标签,比如情感;他们监控自己,就像一个蹒跚学步的孩子说“自己动手”;他们说事情是他们的”(桑特罗克,2008)。

    What does a Sense of Self Mean for Preschoolers?

    Adults are able to view themselves in numerous dimensions and can describe themselves in detail with many distinctions in ability and worth within these dimensions, according to sociologist Viktor Gecas (1982). But young children are still developing, and their sense of self is not as complex or established as an adult’s.

    万博体育全站app学龄前儿童刚刚开始了解自己独特的特色及其在世界上的地方。他们以广泛的方式在少数范围内观察自己,特别是物理术语(Marshall,1989),身体能力,学术能力,社会能力和社会验收(Marsh,2002; Measelle,1998)。当被要求描述自己时,他们最常会回复诸如“我可以跑快”的身体行动,“我是一个大孩子。我可以自己散步“或者像”我是一个女孩,我有棕色的头发。“偶尔学龄前儿童可能会继续列万博体育全站app出他们的喜欢和不喜欢(Marshall,1989)。万博体育全站app学龄前儿童在“这一点”或“的角度来看,如”这一点“,如完全好或坏,并且不理解一个人可能同时都有。

    The experiences that occur during the early years lay the foundation for an individual’s sense of self, and once a perception is established it can be enduring (Marsh, 2002). Children whose culminating experiences cause them to view themselves as good or capable will likely carry on this confidence throughout their lives, whereas children who are consistently made to feel bad or inept early in life may have a difficult time seeing themselves as anything else later on.

    What does a Sense of Self Mean for School-Age Children?



    Significant relationships will have the most influence on a child’s sense of self, typically beginning with the family members, and later including teachers and peers. A teacher may be the first person to influence how a child feels about his or her academic abilities. And a provider can have a tremendous impact on how children engage in social interactions with each other.

    What is Resilience?

    According to Michele Tugade and Barbara Fredrickson (2004), there are individuals who seem to bounce back from negative events quite effectively, whereas others are caught in a rut, seemingly unable to get out of their struggling and negative streaks. Being able to move on despite negative stressors demonstrates a concept known as resilience. Someone who is said to be resilient is effective at coping and adapting even when faced with loss, hardship, or adversity. That is not to say that they are blind to negativity or do not experience high levels of anxiety and frustration. Instead, someone who is resilient chooses to focus on positive aspects and emotions of the situation at a greater rate.




    It is important for you to respect others’ cultures and to acknowledge and understand that individuals may not develop a sense of self in the same manner. A family’s cultural values shape the development of a child’s self-concept: Culture shapes how we each see ourselves and others. For example, some cultures prefer children to be quiet and respectful when around adults. This does not indicate that a quiet child lacks self-confidence. It is important to remember that not all families reinforce the mainstream American cultural values of individualism, competition, and assertiveness.


    Two of the most studied aspects of culture related to the sense of self are independence and interdependence. Independence views individuals as separate from one another, and ideas such as self-esteem, individual choices, and assertiveness are valued. Interdependence means more value is placed on the group, and ideas like conformity, concern for others, and group decision-making are valued. Children come from families and cultures that value independence and interdependence in different ways at different times.

    According to developmental psychologist Catherine Raeff (2010), culture can influence how you and the families you serve view:

    • 关系:Culture influences how you enter into and maintain relationships. For example, relationships may be seen as voluntary or as duty-based. This influences how adults encourage children to form relationships: Do they choose whom to play with, or are children encouraged to play in certain ways to promote group welfare?
    • Personality traits:文化影响是否以及如何与谦卑,自尊,礼貌和自信相同的价值特征。文化也影响了你如何感知困难以及你对依赖他人的感受。
    • 成就:Culture influences how you define success and whether you value certain types of individual and group achievements.
    • Expressing emotions:文化影响你如何以及是否将感情视为公开的还是私人的。


    What Does this Mean for You?

    As a family child care provider, you are likely to encounter children and family members from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences. It is important for you to understand the complexity of culture’s influence on identity, but it is also important for you to understand individual differences. For example, a parent who has had a lifetime of encouragement, praise, and support may have a very different parenting style or needs from a parent who has experienced extensive criticism, self-doubt, and isolation. One parent may recognize and celebrate a young child’s growing abilities and all she or he is capable of doing, while another parent may choose to take on tasks a child is already capable of doing. Depending on how often a young child experiences these different approaches, he or she may come to doubt his or her abilities to control and influence his or her world. As a family child care provider, you will need to be able to provide young children and their families with culturally and developmentally sensitive care to help them be successful in life now and in the years ahead.


    Watch this video as family child care providers reflect on their own and sense of self and the importance of self-understanding for children.

    Sense of Self: An Introduction

    Family child care providers reflect on their sense of self.


    • 在您的计划中建立和培养社区感。
    • 回应幼儿的意见,问题,感受或担忧。
    • Acknowledge and show excitement in young children’s discoveries.
    • 对儿童独特的背景和需求敏感。

    Reach out to families of children in your program and learn about their lives.

    Completing this Course

    有关本课程中的预期,自我和文化理解的更多信息能力反思以及陪同的学习,探索和应用资源和活动的列表,参观家庭儿童保健自我和文化理解万博体育下载官方网站Course Guide.

    Please note the References & Resources section at the end of each lesson outlines reference sources and resources to find additional information on the topics covered. As you complete lessons, you are not expected to review all the online references available. However, you are welcome to explore the resources further if you have interest, or at the request of your trainer, coach, or administrator.








    学期 Description
    Internal working model Framework for understanding and approaching ongoing relationships and an understanding of self and others
    Self-concept 个人认为是他或她是谁的属性,能力,态度和价值观
    Self-esteem The aspect of self-concept that involves judgments about one’s own worth and the feelings associated with those judgments
    自我认同 一个人是谁,包括他们对自己的自我概念,价值,能力和个性的看法,特别是在社会环境中
    自我形象 A mental picture of our own abilities, appearance and personality
    自我价值 Another term for self-esteem









    References & Resources:

    伯克,L。E(2003).儿童发展(第6版).Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

    Davidson, H. H. & Lang, G. (1960). Children’s Perceptions of Their Teachers’ Feelings Toward Them Related to Self-Perception, School Achievement and Behavior.The Journal of Experimental Education, 29(2), 107-118.

    Gecas, V. (1982). The Self-Concept.Annual Review of Sociology, 1-33。

    Marsh, H. W., Ellis, L. A., & Craven, R. G. (2002). How Do Preschool Children Feel About Themselves? Unraveling measurement and multidimensional self-concept structure.Developmental Psychology, 38(3), 376.

    马歇尔,H。H(1989). 自我概念的发展。幼儿,44(5), 44-51.

    Measelle, J. R., Ablow, J. C., Cowan, P. A., & Cowan, C. P. (1998). Assessing Young Children’s Views of Their Academic, Social, and Emotional Lives: An evaluation of the self-perception scales of the Berkeley puppet interview.儿童发展,69(6), 1556-1576.

    Raeff,C.(2010)。儿童发展体验中的独立性与相互依存。儿童发展Perspectives, 4(1), 31-36.

    Selmi,A.M.,Gallagher,R.J.,&Mora-Flores,E. R.(2015)。所有学习者的早期儿童课程:整合游戏和扫盲活动。SAGE Publications.

    Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2004). Resilient Individuals Use Positive Emotions to Bounce Back from Negative Emotional Experiences.人格与社会心理学杂志,86(2), 320.

    Verschuerena, K., Doumena, S., & Buyse, E. (2012). Relationships With Mother, Teacher, and Peers: Unique and joint effects on young children’s self-concept.Attachment & Human Development, 14(3), 233–248.
