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    • Describe how the environment influences a sense of self.
    • Consider the importance of adult self-awareness as part of the environment.
    • Consider unique challenges and opportunities affecting a sense of self for members of military communities.
    • 识别自我保健的方法,使家庭儿童护理提供者更有效。万博体育下载官方网站




    Think about some of the memorable environments you experienced as a young child. Hopefully, you can think of many places that left you with happy memories, like your childhood home, schools, favorite vacation spot, or your neighborhood park. These environments bring back good memories because you felt safe and secure and had fun. Think about what else makes these environments memorable. Was it just the place itself, or was it also the people there with you? The people in a learning environment play a crucial role in making it positive. Now think about environments that you experienced that you would not consider as memorable. What was different about these environments that made them less memorable? Was it a feeling of uncertainty, fear, boredom, or anxiety? Was it a feeling of not being welcomed and encouraged? Was it unsupportive or emotionally unavailable adults? The environments we are in and the people we share our environments with help shape who we are. Our self-concepts are developed in our homes, schools, playgrounds and with our families, friends, child care providers and teachers. The learning environment that you create for children has an impact on the people they become.


    • 家庭万博体育下载官方网站幼儿提供者在进入家庭时迎接家庭。三岁的海登在他妈妈的肩膀上埋在妈妈的肩膀上,同行,对爬行看到它们的宝宝来说。提供者笑着说,“看着你在弗朗塞卡微笑!你在调情吗?什么是女士们的男人!你来这里,伙计。“几分钟后,乔西,也是一个3岁的,和她的母亲抵达。像海登一样,乔西在她母亲的肩膀上埋葬了她的头,笑着笑了笑,因为她转向她的提供者。这次提供者说:“我想知道今天早上你有点害羞吗?你需要几分钟的时间来搂抱妈妈吗?“
    • Clarice,一名新妈妈,填写了她婴儿的进气文书工作和发育筛查员。当她试图回答有关家族史的问题时,她会变得更加沮丧。她通过了她的儿子,不知道在哪里或如何沟通该信息。



    • 三岁的海登在他妈妈的肩膀上埋在妈妈的肩膀上,同行,对爬行看到它们的宝宝来说。The provider laughs and says, “I can tell you’re so excited to see your friends.” A few minutes later, Josie arrives with her mother. Like Hayden, Josie buries her head in her mother’s shoulder and smiles as she turns to glimpse her provider. This time the provider says, “We’re so glad you’re here! Hayden and Mariah are playing with books. Would you like to come over?”
    • Clarice,一名新妈妈,填写了她婴儿的进气文书工作和发育筛查员。She struggles to answer personal questions and is relieved to see a statement that she can skip any question or talk to the provider in person about the form.

    Environments that Promote Children’s Sense of Self


    作为一个成年人,你可能对wh有几种选择ere you get to spend your time. You can seek out places that you feel good in and you can avoid places that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed. Children don’t have this level of control about where and how they spend their time. In Lessons One and Two, you learned that children develop their sense of identity primarily as a result of the messages they receive from the significant adults in their lives. The children in your program will likely spend a large amount of their day with you. Therefore, every choice you make regarding the environment will send messages telling them if they are accepted, valued, and capable, or not.

    Infants and toddlers in particular come to identify themselves by the images they hold and see of themselves within their caregiver’s eyes. Infants and toddlers come to learn about how they appear to others. According to J. Ronald Lally, an expert in infant-toddler development, infants and toddlers learn the following things from their caregivers that influence a sense of self:

    • What to fear
    • 哪些行为是合适的
    • How messages are received and acted upon
    • How successful they are at getting their needs met by others
    • What emotions and intensity level of emotions they can safely display
    • How interesting they are

    What messages do you want your family child care environment to send? How do you want children and their families to feel when they are in your space? What do you want them to learn about themselves?

    我们都想为孩子提供环境that are safe, welcoming, and responsive. For school-aged children, intentional planning and design can help ensure your family child care home is a special place for the children and families in your care. Your family child care environment should be a nurturing and supportive space that encourages children of all ages to be who they are with you and explore new ideas. It should be safe, stimulating and developmentally appropriate, and it should validate children’s thoughts and feelings and provide them with numerous opportunities to practice skills and experience success. Ongoing attention to many aspects of your environment—for example, the social, verbal, physical, and academic dimensions—is key to creating a high-quality space that promotes learning, exploration, and respect for individual differences.

    Environments tell a story and should reflect the different cultures, personalities, needs, interests, strengths and development of the infants, toddlers, families and caregivers who spend time there.

    • Clean, safe and properly lighted environments to support young children’s exploration
    • 平静的环境支持年轻的孩子的能力,专注于他们的照顾者,彼此和他们正在探索的材料
    • Child-sized furniture to enable young children to reach materials on low shelves and take part in daily routines
    • Family child care provider nearby to interact with children and encourage and support social experiences for children of varying stages of development
    • Cozy area for children to support relaxation, comfort, and ongoing nurturing
    • 适用材料和设备,如身体定位的特殊座位,适用于用于响应声音而激活的食物或玩具的用具


    As highlighted in Lesson Two, no two children or families will ever be the same in your program, and it is your responsibility to be sensitive and responsive to each child’s and family’s needs. This becomes crucial when it comes to how you organize and plan your family child care environment to ensure that all children will be successful. For example, while some children in your program may be able to thrive in busy, crowded, and even loud surroundings, others may require quiet, less crowded, and less busy spaces.

    The National Association for the Education of Young Children states that in order to support children in developing a positive sense of self, providers should begin all practices with a foundation of nurturing and responsive caretaking. Responsive family child care environments need to be dynamic to meet the diverse and ever-changing needs of every child in your care. You will have to:

    • 修改您的家庭儿童保育环境万博体育下载官方网站,满足您计划中个人儿童的需求
    • Adjust for differences in individual children throughout the day or day-to-day as circumstances change and events occur
    • Provide modifications as children grow and their needs change
    • 使您在每项活动和学习环境中提供的儿童的多年龄或发育阶段狗万app怎么下载


    Think about the military families you know or serve. How are their identities shaped by the experience of being military families? For many families, military service and personal identity can be intertwined. Consider these potential influences:

    • 生活在军事安装上:Many families, military and civilian alike, base their identities in some part on where they live. Where a family lives sends messages about their lifestyles, preferences, and experiences. For military families, living on an installation can build a strong sense of community. This helps shape how the family sees itself in relation to others.
    • Deployment:Deployment is one of the most stressful events a family can experience. Families must learn to adapt to changing circumstances before, during, and after a deployment. The service member’s sense of self may change drastically as a result of experiences during deployment. Family members, particularly spouses, can also experience changes in how they perceive themselves after long periods of independence or single parenthood.
    • Frequent moves:由于儿童适应新的育儿设置,学校,计划和朋友,因此永久变化可能对家庭造成大量压力。儿童或家庭成员可以在新的位置重新发明自己,或者他们可能会努力在新的学校或社区中定义自己。
    • Work hours:Military family members may also work unconventional or long hours when they are home.
    • 退休并返回民用生活:Many individuals who retire from military service are young and find themselves ready for a second career. This can be a difficult transition. Service members may have a difficult time finding new employment in which their skills are valued. They may feel a sense of loss as they leave the active-duty community and may struggle to develop their civilian identity.
    • 请记住,影响民间家庭的问题也影响军事家庭:Divorce or marital conflict, unemployment for a spouse or partner, and health-care needs are just a few of the events that can shape a family’s identity.

    Military life is not all about challenges, though. Military families have a variety of supports that you can help families maximize. Military families are often part of a strong military community. They may live on an installation with other military families, and they may have a group of friends in similar circumstances. They also have access to health-care, mental-health, and advocacy resources through their service or installation. These can be valuable assets for families as they work to define themselves. Finally, they have access to you—military child care. You understand the families’ contexts and can be a valuable source of social support.

    Here are some additional ways to support military families, based on recommendations from families surveyed in the National Military Family Association Report on the Cycles of Deployment (2005):

    • 帮助一个家庭在他们对自己和彼此的期望中变得现实。这适用于部署,永久性变更站(PC),退休和其他主要寿命过渡。帮助家庭与彼此的期望,恐惧和兴奋相互开放通信。
    • Provide families with information about what they can expect before, during, and after deployment or other transitions. Recognize that every child’s response may be different on the basis of age, developmental stage, and temperament.
    • 为返回和团聚挑战提供持续的讨论和支持家庭。
    • Remember that families—even those with experience—do not always have the information and support they need.





    Supporting Yourself by Reducing Stress: Taking Care of Yourself while Taking Care of Others


    Many of us are accustomed to saying “yes” to everything that is asked of us for fear of appearing weak or uncooperative. Learning how to say “no” is a good skill to cultivate, and it shows you know your limits and are able to put your needs first, which will make you a better family child care provider and caregiver. It is also important that you learn to let go of stress. Here are a few tips:

    • Consider keeping a journal. It can be therapeutic to write the day’s events and your perspectives on paper. You might also consider keeping a gratitude journal to help you be mindful about the positive aspects of your life.
    • Make connections. Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances. Go out for lunch or for a cup of coffee with a friend. Speak to the person in front of you in line at the grocery store. These small moments can help you feel connected and supported.
    • Even a little regular exercise can help you feel better, sleep better, and cope better with life’s daily stressors. Healthful eating can make a difference, too.
    • Remember to breathe. As we get stressed out, we tend to breath more shallowly. By taking a moment to take a few deep breaths, we take time for ourselves and lower our stress levels.

    根据儿童保健专业杰夫·约翰逊(2010), your attitude can help make changes in your life and your program. Johnson has six suggestions:

    • Positive outlook: Thinking positively about situations and people can help bring about beneficial outcomes. Your personal outlook on life plays a critical role in your level of self-care.
    • 自我意识:知道你是谁包括了解你的感受,你的呼吸,情绪,你的思想和你的关系。首先占据你的优势和劣势。检查你的生活,过去和现在。注意你到了多远,你拥有的技能让你到这一点。
    • Healthy selfishness: It’s important to recognize your own needs as valid and do what is necessary to meet them.
    • Relinquish control: Allowing yourself to relax and see things as gray instead of black and white can allow you to see more options and opportunities in life.
    • Playful attitude: Changing your mindset requires playfulness, curiosity, and excitement. Try exploring life through the eyes of a child and see how different things seem.
    • Thoughtful choices: As life gets busy, slow down and make sure you are making thoughtful choices. Reconcile with yourself that you may never master a task perfectly, and sometimes it is going to have to be good enough.

    As you see these examples of supportive environments within family child care programs, reflect on how your program builds a supportive environment for children. Consider how you specifically help support military families and children’s sense of self.





    In your daily interactions and your family child care environment, you support a developing sense of self for the children in your care when you:

    • Get to know and respect each child in your program as an individual.
    • Show interest and be actively involved in what children are doing in your program.
    • Respond to and meet children’s individual needs in a timely manner.
    • Respond positively as each child develops new skills or accomplishes tasks.
    • Organize materials in a way that enables all children in your care to actively participate.
    • 在家庭照顾的男孩和女孩身上以类似的方式回应。万博体育下载官方网站检查您的程序材料(例如,书籍,海报,其他学习材料)是否有关不同群体的个体的偏见或误解)。狗万app怎么下载
    • Plan activities that enable children to express themselves and explore their sense of self and others (e.g., ask them to draw pictures of themselves or their family and friends, trace their bodies on paper on the floor, share their favorite foods, toys, places of interest, books, etc.).



    What types of spaces helped you feel safe, valued, confident, understood and successful while you were growing up? Which of these characteristics or qualities do you want to try to recreate within your family child care setting? Read and review theSelf-Reflection: Environmentsactivity. Take a few minutes to respond to the questions. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach or family child care administrator.



    In this lesson, we introduced the idea of self-care and its importance in your work as a family child care provider. Self-care is actually discussed in many different caring professions, including nursing and social work. Read the following attachment,什么是自我保健?,and take theSelf-Care Assessment为了确定您目前用于帮助促进自己的恢复力和战略,您可能希望纳入自我保健计划(资源) Work to develop a self-care plan that is balanced in the different areas: physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual and professional. Try to form habits that span these different areas of self-care.




    True or false? The environment of your family child care program consists of the physical space and the materials in it.




    Finish this statement: Self-awareness in family child care involves…


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    Wittmer, D. S., & Petersen, S. H. (2013).Infant and Toddler Development and Responsive Program Planning—A relationship-based approach(2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice-Hall.