作为专业的照顾者,您将在您的工作中遇到具有挑战性的行为,并且必须准备回应。发展的促进适当的行为,如具有挑战性的行为,由成年人定义,每个孩子都是独一无二的。In this course you will have an opportunity to reflect on how your beliefs affect your responses to children’s behavior, learn a systematic way to ensure all children receive social-emotional support, and acquire strategies to ensure that children with behavior that is unresponsive to universal and targeted support get the help they need for optimal learning and development.
- 定义具有挑战性的行为。
- 审查普通童年行为。
- Understand developmentally appropriate behavior.
- Describe observation, reflection, and reappraisal.

专业护理是一个奖励demanding job, and responding to challenging behavior is one of the demands you will face. Individuals’ knowledge of child development, culture, and beliefs all affect how one defines challenging behavior. While there are a few behaviors nearly all people agree are challenging (e.g., destroying property, injuring self and others, bullying, problematic sexual behavior), most behaviors are not clearly either challenging or not challenging. Smith and Fox define challenging behavior as, “any repeated pattern of behavior….that interferes with or is at risk of interfering with the child’s optimal learning or engagement in pro-social interactions with peers and adults” (2003). Notice that this definition is broad and open to interpretation, not a list of specific behaviors such as biting or hitting. To explore this, let’s begin by thinking more closely about pro-social behavior.
Common Childhood Behavior
年龄组 |
适合发展的行为 |
Pre-mobile infants |
流动婴儿 |
幼儿 |
万博体育全站app学龄前儿童 |
年轻学龄儿童 |
年龄较大的学龄儿童 |

Let’s use language diversity to think more about the individual nature of developmentally appropriate behavior. You likely care for children from multilingual families who speak English, or Spanish, and other languages. Sometimes, especially if these children visit family in non-English speaking environments for extended periods of time, multilingual children may only speak their families’ home language when they return to primarily English-speaking environments such as a child care program. They may refuse to respond to questions and requests in English or only respond in their home languages. While this is developmentally appropriate behavior for multilingual children, caregivers who do not have this knowledge may feel frustrated and view this as challenging behavior. This same behavior, refusing to speak when capable of doing so, is not normally typical or developmentally appropriate in monolingual children. Can you think of other examples where the expectations for children’s behavior are different?
As you reflect on the uniqueness of each child in your care, also think about your own uniqueness. The factors that contribute to your development and learning, as well as the culture of your specific program, influence what you think of children’s behavior and how you respond. As you complete this course, reflect on your own abilities, disabilities, social identities, cultural and familial experiences, interests, and language(s).
While you should learn about the family practices and expectations of children while they are at home, it is equally important to have clear and consistent expectations for children’s behavior while in your program. Though most children, with time and support, can learn to flexibly shift based on the specific environment they are in (home versus child care program), your thoughtful guidance is necessary to help them understand different expectations in ways that respect families’ beliefs, culture, and identities. This guidance is key to using developmentally appropriate practice to prevent challenging behavior.
There is not one universal definition or list of challenging behaviors, and children’s behavior occurs in the context of their environments. Some behaviors may feel challenging to some caregivers, despite being a normal part of development. As you listen to the experts in the video speak, reflect on your expectations for the children in your care and how your expectations influence how you define challenging behavior.
Challenging Behaviors: An Introduction
- Observation让你思考孩子的行为没有偏见或意见,并确定,“发生了什么?”
- 反射帮助您了解为什么行为发生以及儿童的特定环境和经验如何影响其行为。要反映,问问自己这些问题:
- 我对儿童发展和学习了解多少?狗万app怎么下载
- What do I know about the individual child?
- What do I know about the social and cultural context of the children I care for, myself, and my program?
- 重新评估,还讨论了Social Emotional Learning for Teachers课程是能够以不同的方式考虑情况并掌握您的观点。你可能会想到重新评估,因为看到玻璃半满而不是半空。For example, if a teacher feels that a child’s behavior makes them feel frustrated, reappraisal of this thought might look like this: “This behavior is an opportunity to help this child learn and for me to grow my ability to support children through even the most challenging situations.”

阅读方案发展适当的行为:案例研究。Then complete the questions in the适合发展的行为:反射与同事讨论你的想法。

分享此讲义Children with Challenging Behavior与家庭引导他们对孩子的行为和发展的理解。
Hepach,R.&Warneken,F。(2018)。编辑概述:早期发展的女性行为:揭示人类Prosociality的基础。Current Opinion in Psychology那20。