Training and curriculum specialistsCoaches当工作人员关注儿童或青少年的行为时,是第一行支持。This lesson specifically targets training curriculum specialists coaches and helps to clarify your role in supporting staff members, children, and youth. Learn how to help staff differentiate between types of behaviors, use coaching strategies, model for staff, and support the implementation of behavior support plans.
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- 描述您在帮助工作人员区分发展的职责,有关和不安全的行为。
- Identify coaching strategies that promote positive relationships and prevent concerning behavior.
- Describe your role in developing behavior support plans and supporting the staff’s implementation of them through modeling, observation, and feedback.
- Model respectful conversations about behavior with staff and families.

A staff member requests individualized support for a child’s behavior, but when you observe you realize the issue is really much more foundational. You expect that the child’s experience would be improved by paying careful attention to relationships, environments, and routines rather than individualized supports.
教练必须敏感地帮助员工认识到the importance of foundational and environmental supports. A systematic observation process can make this easier for coaches. Whenever there is a concern, always look for foundational and environmental adjustments before planning individual supports. During conversations, be prepared to help the staff member work through defensiveness. When they are concerned about a child’s behavior, it can be easy to assume the problem is with the child. When you ask staff to adjust their practices, they may feel like you are saying the problem is with them. Avoid pointing fingers or blame. Instead focus on how refreshing foundational supports benefits everyone, including staff members.
The coach has an opportunity to teach about the importance of data-based decision-making. Provide simple tools for collecting information on the frequency of behaviors or ask the staff member to collect simple A-B-C data for a short period of time. You may also look for opportunities to shift the staff member’s focus off this particular child. Encourage the staff member to spend time observing a child with whom there are no concerns—what are typical behaviors in this age group? What emotional buttons does the original child push that other children do not push?
A staff member seems disinterested in putting individualized supports into place. The staff member sees these supports as a specialist’s responsibility, or the staff member calls you to work directly with the child when the child begins to act out.
教练应该重新审视课堂或计划团队的重要性。他们和孩子一起度过最多的时间,并了解孩子。还强调社区的重要性:如果陌生人经常被召唤与他们走出房间这也可能是一个机会提醒工作人员关于孩子的额外注意力,当发生这种情况或者孩子可能会与小组有不期望的例程出现的事实 - 这种决定可能实际上可以使其更有可能挑战行为发生在未来。在观察时与工作人员共度时光建模。一旦您尝试战略,请邀请工作人员进入并立即尝试。观察并提供即时反馈和鼓励。庆祝儿童和工作人员之间的成功。
最近,很明显,偏见发挥着成年人如何理解,观察,解释和响应行为的作用。2016年耶鲁大学学习发现,所有种族的学龄前教师都更有可能专注于尤其是男孩和非洲万博体育全站app裔美国男孩的行为 - 当他们被要求观看包含具有挑战性行为的视频时。成年人有关于谁有可能行为不端的内化信息,这会影响受护人的收到。

- 他们的行为是否立即停止,其行为并不看得如此有问题?
- What kinds of roles and responsibilities do they give children or youth? And how are these roles and responsibilities associated with race, gender, or ability?
- 谁的家庭经常参与课堂或计划,并在那里有竞争欢迎的种族,性别或经济模式?
- 工作人员是否鼓励某些儿童或青少年独立探讨比其他人更多?谁被要求抓住成年人的手?谁被打电话回答问题?谁受到赞扬或鼓励?
In the Apply section of this lesson, you will have a chance to use the Pyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide to reflect on questions like these at each level of the behavior support pyramid. Use it as a tool to support your own professional learning and that of the staff you support.
There are a variety of times you will be called upon to observe behavior. Always check with your program administrator to make sure procedures are followed and staff are supported. A coach should expect to observe:
Prior to developing the formal behavior support plan:
Most Common Triggers
Early childhood
When children are not sure what is going to happen:
- 过渡
- Change in schedule or routine
- 护理人员或期望不一致
- 挑战或要求苛刻的任务/活动
- Being left out of a group
- 感觉像是不公平的
Middle school/teens
- Strong personalities in the group
- 非结构化时间太多或太少
- Internal stress or anxiety
While staff implement the behavior support plan:
You are a member of the behavior support team. This means you will participate fully in observing, generating ideas, partnering with families, developing the plan, putting the plan in place, and evaluating its effectiveness. You will also provide staff with the professional development they need to implement the plan well. You may be called upon to connect the staff with the many resources available to them and the other sources cited throughout this course.PUBLICCoachesplay an important role in ensuring that the behavior support plan is reviewed, understood, and implemented by all staff members working with the child or youth.
员工最大的压力来源之一可以与家庭讨论他们的担忧。计划管理员还将支持员工与家庭打开对话,但您也可以帮助工作人员为这些重要的谈话做好准备。帮助他们收集他们需要的信息和与您练习(见Explore activity in Lesson Six)。您可以教授工作人员与家庭共享客观信息,包括有关儿童或青年的积极信息。
- What am I bringing to this interaction? What is going on for me personally and professionally that I’m bringing into this space?
- 我现在对这个对方了解了什么?我现在对自己了解了什么?
- 是什么I need to do to be able to listen fully?
She is out of control all of the time.
Then say:
Then say:
She has no idea how to get along with other kids.
Then say:
It sounds like she's still learning how to be with the group. What skill do you think would help her the most right now?
您还可以模拟如何与家庭建立积极的关系。审查第六课for examples of strong family-centered conversations. Role play with staff until they feel comfortable talking to families about their concerns in supportive ways. You also can make sure families know who you are in the building. It can be uncomfortable if you are seen as someone who is only called in when there are problems. Model family-centered practices by:
- Greeting families by name in the hallways or program spaces.
- 在该计划中参加或领先的家庭活动。
- 维护家庭信息委员会和资源库。
- 倾听家庭故事并分享自己的故事。
- Make sure the staff member can actually observe you. This means that there is adequate staff in the room, and the staff member is not responsible for actively supervising other children during the time you are working together.
- Give the staff member something specific to look for. For example, you might say, “I’m going to wait 5 seconds before I give a reminder. Count to make sure I do that every time” or “Watch how the child responds when I praise him. I’m curious whether he likes praise or not.”
- Offer an opportunity to practice right away. Make sure the staff member can immediately try what they just watched you do. Observe and provide feedback.
- Use “team time outs” as needed. Feel free to call a “time out” while you are modeling. Ask the staff member what they think you should try next, or take a moment to describe why you took the action you did. Then jump back into the action. This strategy can be challenging or distracting with older youth, but it is very effective in early childhood and early elementary years.
While you are a key person in your program for children with challenging behaviors, your primary responsibility is to ensure that direct care staff carry out recommendations created by multi-disciplinary teams. Reflect on the skills and practices you implement that guide staff to best support children with challenging behaviors.
Self-Reflection for Coaches

Recall in Lesson Four we followed several examples of targeted supports for a child named Brady. Let’s return to this child’s scenario. First, read the attached观察说明由教练撰写。接下来,回答Reflection在相应的讲义中的问题。

There are many resources available to help you reflect on your coaching. One of the best for reflecting on positive behavior support coaching is thePyramid Model Equity Coaching Guide。查看此资源并考虑如何使用它来支持员工。
Dunlap, G., Iovannone, R., Kincaid, D., Wilson, K., Christiansen, K., Strain, P., & English, C. (2010).防止教导 - 加强:个性化积极行为支持的学校模式。巴尔的摩,MD:保罗。H.布鲁克斯。
Jablon,J.,Dombro,A. L.,&Johnsen,S.(2016)。强大的互动教练:与幼儿教师合作的指南。Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Lentini,R.,Vaughn,B. J.,&Fox,L.(2008)。创建具有挑战性行为的幼儿教学工具[CD-ROM], Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children.
Military One Source: About EFMP. (n.d.). Retrieved from
军事一个来源:关于FAP。(N.D.)。从...获得 advic-program.
Rush,D. D.,&Shelden,M. L. L.(2011)。The Early Childhood Coaching Handbook。巴尔的摩,MD:保罗。H.布鲁克斯。