- Describe your role in helping staff members differentiate between developmentally expected, concerning, and unsafe behaviors.
- 确定促进积极关系和防止相关行为的指导策略。
- 描述你在制定行为支持计划以及通过建模、观察和反馈支持员工实施计划方面的角色。
- 与员工和家人就行为进行礼貌对话。
教练are the first line of support when staff members are concerned about a child’s or youth’s behavior. Because of the professional relationships you have built with staff, they feel comfortable coming to you with concerns and see you as a source of support and ideas. At times, however, you may find yourself unsure of how best to support a staff member: Are their concerns valid? Are the environments and curricular experiences appropriate? Have they built a healthy relationship with the child’s or youth’s family? Do the staff members have the skills they need to support the child or youth? This lesson helps you learn to distinguish between the answers to these questions and design plans that meet the needs of children, youth,和staff. You can find additional information on your role in supporting behavior concerns, specifically how you can support staff in responding to problematic sexual behavior in Lesson 8 of the Focused Topics course Sexual Development & Behavior of Children and Youth.
Trainers and coaches often find themselves facing several common scenarios related to behavior. You may think about this as understanding staff development alongside child and youth development.
Coach's Roles
Use the menu at left or the pager below to cycle through scenarios
Coach's Role
A staff member regularly requests your support for what appears to be typical or expected behaviors. During your observation, you notice the staff member seems overwhelmed, overly strict, or unaware of typical child development.
Coach's Role
The coach’s role here is to help the staff member increase their knowledge of typical child development while still feeling supported in day-to-day concerns. Coaches should consider whether cultural values or temperaments influence the staff member’s expectations or responses to children’s behavior. Open and honest conversations about the program’s philosophy of behavior can be helpful. Review resources from the Positive Guidance course and the earlier lessons in this course. Provide activities in which the staff member distinguishes between expected and concerning behaviors; help set shared understandings around frequency and intensity of behavior concerns. If your program has closed-circuit video, this can be a useful tool to watch with the staff member and talk together about the behaviors they find concerning. Spend time modeling in the classroom, so the staff member sees that children respond to typical child guidance procedures. The staff member may also be experiencing a great deal of stress, so a coach may encourage mindfulness and make sure the staff member has scheduled breaks, supportive teammates, and opportunities to ask questions. See theSocial Emotional Learning for Teacherscourse for more information about helping teachers improve their well-being.
A staff member spends all coaching time complaining about a child’s behavior but cannot produce any clear observational evidence that challenging behavior has occurred. When you observe, you do not see any issues.
Coach's Role
Coach's Role
A coach should reemphasize the importance of the classroom or program team. They spend the most time with the child and know the child best. Also emphasize the importance of community: what does it say to the child about their place in the program if strangers are regularly called in to work with or take them out of the room? This may also be an opportunity to remind the staff member about the possible extra attention the child gets when this occurs or the fact that a child may get out of undesired routines with the group—such decisions may actually make it more likely for challenging behavior to occur in the future. Spend time modeling with the staff member while they observe. As soon as you try a strategy, invite the staff member to step in and try it right away. Observe and provide immediate feedback and encouragement. Celebrate each success between the child and staff member.
A staff member has been working incredibly hard to put a child’s behavior support plan in place over the past two weeks. The child had a difficult day, and the staff member is ready to throw the whole plan away. The staff member comes to you frustrated, disappointed, and with self-doubt.
Coach's Role
Spend time connecting with this staff member and build their confidence back up. This is a good opportunity to share data that shows the child’s progress—despite one difficult day. Remind the staff member that it often takes at least a month to see long-term effects of the plan, and there will still be difficult days. Hard work pays off, but it is a long-term investment in the child’s well-being. Offer to observe how the plan is being implemented and talk with the staff member about small changes that could make it easier. Also ensure this staff member gets scheduled breaks, that other staff are trained to implement the plan, and that the staff member has time to step away from their intense responsibilities. It is also important for coaches to recognize that highly skilled staff members often get “rewarded” by having more children with behavioral concerns in their classrooms. Talk with management to make sure staffing is adequate and all staff members get the support they need.
Recently, it has become clear that bias plays a role in how adults understand, observe, interpret, and respond to behavior. A 2016 Yale University study found that preschool teachers of all races were more likely to focus on the behavior of boys—and African American boys in particular—when they were asked to watch a video that contained challenging behavior. Adults have internalized messages about who is likely to misbehave, and this affects the care children receive.
You can help staff members reflect on their own ideas, values, and assumptions about behavior and who “misbehaves.” Then you can help them challenge their thinking and reflect on whether they are making fair decisions.
- Whose behavior do they stop right away and whose behavior is not seen as quite so problematic?
- 他们赋予儿童或青年什么样的角色和责任?这些角色和责任与种族、性别或能力有何关联?
- Whose families are regularly involved in the classroom or program, and are there race, gender, or economic patterns in who feels welcome?
- Does the staff member encourage certain children or youth to explore independently more than others? Who is asked to hold the adult’s hand? Who gets called on to answer questions? Who is praised or encouraged?
Observing Children, Youth, and Programs
When a behavior has occurred that risked immediate harm:
你可能会被要求审查闭路视频footage of the event with your administrator or the staff member involved. You will be asked to determine the possible antecedent (trigger) for the behavior, the observable action that took place (behavior), how adults responded to the behavior (consequence), and how the child or youth recovered from the incident.
You will be asked to observe the child or youth in their program setting. Look for the foundational and environmental supports already in place, evidence of relationships between the youth and peers or staff, the youth’s interactions with materials or the environment, and behaviors directly observed. You should use forms provided by your program for this observation and document observations according to policy. Help staff come to understand and plan for common triggers while plans are being developed. You may find it helpful to use the questions on this form from the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) to guide your conversations with staff:http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/modules/module3a/handout5.pdfThe following are common triggers identified in the Army Child and Youth Programs’ Operational Guidance for Challenging Behavior (p. 5–11):
Observe regularly while staff put a new plan in place. Collect data on plan implementation to make sure all elements of the agreed upon plan are in place. Also collect data on the child’s progress and share it with the staff. Provide feedback and modeling until the plan is implemented as planned.
Your Role in Developing and Implementing Behavior Support Plans
One of the biggest sources of stress for staff can be talking with families about their concerns. Program administrators will also support staff as they open conversations with families, but you can help staff members prepare for these important conversations too. Help them gather the information they need and practice with you (see探究第六课中的活动). You can teach staff members about sharing objective information with families and including positive information about the child or youth.
模型Being Fully Present to Coach
When faced with concerning behaviors, staff members, may feel overwhelmed or doubt themselves. You can help a staff member “quiet the static” around themselves and be fully present with the child or with you (see Coaching with Powerful Interactions in the Resource List for more details on this approach). Take a few moments before every coaching interaction to ask yourself:
- 我给这种互动带来了什么?对我个人和职业来说,我将把什么带入这个领域?
- What do I know about this other person right now? What do I know about myself right now?
- 我需要做些什么才能完全听懂?
You can also model how to have positive relationships with families. ReviewLesson Six例如强烈的以家庭为中心的谈话。与员工进行角色扮演,直到他们觉得可以用支持的方式与家人谈论他们的担忧。你还可以确保家人知道你在这栋楼里是谁。如果你被视为一个只在出现问题时才被叫来的人,你会感到不舒服。示范以家庭为中心的做法:
- 在走廊或节目区点名问候家人。
- Attending or leading family events at the program.
- Maintaining a family information board and resource library.
- Listening to family stories and sharing your own.
模型Targeted and Intensive Supports
When a behavior support plan is written, staff may be unfamiliar with the new strategies they are being asked to try. You should feel comfortable going into classrooms and modeling these strategies with children or youth while staff observe. To make sure modeling is effective, follow these guidelines (Rush and Shelden, 2011):
- 确保工作人员能真正观察到你。这意味着房间里有足够的工作人员,工作人员不负责在你们一起工作期间积极监督其他孩子。
- 给员工一些具体的东西去寻找。例如,你可能会说,“我要等5秒钟再提醒你。数一数,确保我每次都这样做“或”观察孩子在我表扬他时的反应。我很好奇他是否喜欢表扬。”
- 立即提供一个练习的机会。确保员工可以立即尝试他们刚刚看到你做的事情。观察并提供反馈。
- 根据需要使用“团队超时”。当你在做模特的时候,你可以随意叫一声“暂停”。询问员工他们认为你下一步应该做什么,或者花点时间描述一下你为什么要这么做。然后重新开始行动。这一策略对年龄较大的年轻人来说可能具有挑战性或分散注意力,但在儿童早期和小学早期非常有效。
回想第四课,我们跟随几个例子,有针对性地支持一个叫布雷迪的孩子。让我们回到这个孩子的场景。首先,阅读附件Observation Noteswritten by a coach. Next, answer the反射questions in the corresponding handout.
有很多资源可以帮助你反思你的指导。反思积极行为支持辅导的最佳方法之一是金字塔模型股权辅导指南. Review this resource and consider how you can use it to support staff.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
Dunlap, G., Wilson, K., Strain, P., & Lee, J. (2013).Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children. Baltimore, MD: Paul. H. Brookes.
Dunlap,G.,Iovannone,R.,Kincaid,D.,Wilson,K.,Christiansen,K.,Strain,P.,和English,C.(2010年)。Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: The School-Based Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support. Baltimore, MD: Paul. H. Brookes.
Jablon, J., Dombro, A. L., & Johnsen, S. (2016).Coaching with Powerful Interactions: A guide for partnering with early childhood teachers. 华盛顿特区:全国幼儿教育协会。
Kids Included Together (KIT). (2019). Retrieved fromhttps://www.kit.org/who-we-are/our-work/
Lentini, R., Vaughn, B. J., & Fox, L. (2008).Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior[光盘],佛罗里达州坦帕:南佛罗里达大学,幼儿社会情绪干预技术援助中心。
Military One Source: About FAP. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttps://www.militaryonesource.mil/family-relationships/family-life/preventing-abuse-neglect/the-family-advocacy-program
Military One Source: About MFLC. (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttps://www.militaryonesource.mil/confidential-help/non-medical-counseling/military-and-family-life-counseling
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttps://challengbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/
Pyramid Model Consortium. (2016). (n.d.). Retrieved fromhttp://www.pyramidmodel.org/
Rush, D. D., & Shelden, M. L. L. (2011).幼儿辅导手册. Baltimore, MD: Paul. H. Brookes.
Simonsen, B., Freeman, J., Goodman, S., Mitchell, B., Swain-Bradway, J., et al. (2015). Supporting and Responding to Behavior: Evidence-Based Classroom Strategies for Teachers. Retrieved fromhttps://www.pbis.org/common/cms/files/pbisresources/Supporting%20and%20Responding%20to%20Behavior.pdf
U.S. Army, Child, Youth and School Services. (n.d.).行为支持操作指南。