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    • Describe the program administrator’s support role concerning challenging behavior.
    • Define and describe program-level policies and procedures that support positive behaviors.
    • Identify strategies for collaborating with intervention teams throughout the behavior support process.
    • Describe administrative practices that prevent challenging behaviors in programs.




    The Program Administrator’s Role in Supporting Positive Behavior

    作为项目管理员,您有一个responsibility to:

    • Develop or revise standard operating procedures based on operational guidance.
    • Act as a support for staff during the learning process.
    • 仔细观察计划内的基础和环境支持。
    • Lead the team through discussions about the process at the program level.
    • Oversee implementation.

    As you’ve seen throughout this course, one of the primary roles of program administrators andcoaches是帮助工作人员了解发育预期,讨论和不安全行为之间的差异。

    When a staff member experiences concerning or unsafe behavior, they should notify you as soon as the immediate safety threat is addressed. You may also be part of the response to the unsafe situation.


    Once you have been notified of an unsafe or concerning behavior, you will work with the coach to ensure appropriate documentation of the event and make sure subsequent support planning processes are developed, signed, and placed in the child’s or youth’s file. Follow your program’s standard operating procedures for behavior support planning,


    After the coach has worked with staff members to access relevant resources and has observed in the classroom or program, you will convene a behavior support planning meeting with all members of the team, including the family. Youth over the age of 10 should also be involved in the meeting. You will work with the team to write a behavior support plan, work with the coach to ensure that the plan is implemented as written, and reconvene the team quarterly to check on progress and update the plan. It may be necessary to meet more often. Make this decision based on the individual team, child or youth, and family.

    在极少数情况下,一个团队可以决定孩子的或youth’s behavior presents a persistent safety risk to themselves or others. If the child or youth cannot be safely supported in your program, you have a responsibility to continue supporting the family in accessing other programs or supports. Follow your community procedures to refer the family to relevant programs and supports.

    Designing Program-Level Policies and Practices

    As a program administrator, you have an opportunity to design program-level policies and practices that ensure the safety and well-being of children, youth, and staff. The following practices can prevent concerning behaviors and make the behavior support planning process easier when it occurs:

    • Make sure your program has a written child-guidance policy that is shared with all staff and families. This should include a clear description of the support pyramid and the steps your program takes when concerning or unsafe behavior occurs. The child-guidance policy should also emphasize your program’s commitment to promoting relationships and positive child and youth development.
    • 合作coach(es)to offer learning events for staff and families related to child guidance. When deciding on topics, consider: What child-guidance issues do you see in your program? What parenting supports are families requesting? What community events (natural disasters, etc.) are affecting your program?
    • 确保家庭获得信息要什么g well for their children. Work with staff to create positive newsletters, give time and resources to write brief notes home, and prioritize friendly positive conversations at pickup and drop off.
    • 开发,分享和练习清除程序,以应对不安全的行为。有关资源的应用部分。
    • Define the situations in which the support planning process may not apply. For example, situations that involve drugs, alcohol, theft, vandalism, or weapons should be reported to the appropriate authorities.
    • Recognize that staff may be particularly concerned about child or youth behaviors that appear sexual in nature. Be prepared to discuss and plan for situations that involve sexual behavior challenges. This is covered in detail in the Focused Topics courseSexual Development & Behavior in Children & Youth
    • Ensure that staff have the time, support, and training they need to be effective. Work with your program’s coach(es) and other key personnel to plan break schedules and staffing patterns that carefully consider the behavioral needs of children and youth in the space.
    • Recognize that supporting a child or youth engaged in concerning or unsafe behavior can be emotionally and physically tiring for staff members. Celebrate their efforts and successes.

    Collaborating with Intervention Teams

    Before the Behavior Support Planning Meeting

    • Talk with families and help them know what to expect before, at, and after the meeting. Find out if families would like anyone else to be present at the meeting (private behavior therapist, pediatrician, etc.). Let them know who will be present from the program. Make sure the group is small enough so that families do not feel overwhelmed.
    • Gather and organize all the information the team has collected (i.e., plan for support form, KIT recommendations, coach observation forms, child or youth support survey, etc.).
    • 确保您有足够的数据有关儿童或青少年的行为来提出知情决策。跟踪行为随着时间的推移,并在跟踪系统中包含以下内容:正在跟踪的特定操作和行为,行为,位置和活动,行为持续时间和触发器(可能的影响)。
    • Talk with the team before the meeting. Help them work through emotions before sitting down with families. Practice reframing all descriptions of the behavior to be as subjective and factual as possible. Think together about the questions staff may ask the families to ensure that families do not feel blamed or pressured.
    • 准备表格,您需要在会议期间和之后完成,以确保在会议上处理所有所需的组件。

    During the Behavior Support Planning Meeting

    • If there are any people in the room who do not know one another, offer an opportunity for introductions by name and role or relationship to the child or youth.
    • Provide an agenda for the meeting and stick to it closely. Make sure the meeting begins and ends on time.
    • 专注于孩子的优势开放会议。提醒大家,这次会议是以孩子或青少年的最佳利益在一起。
    • Remain objective and professional at all times. Keep the group focused on the observational data and the specific plan to support the child.
    • 保持会议协同和积极的。如果你感到沮丧或怨恨,请暂停会议并花一点时间重新组合。你可能会说些什么,“我可以告诉这是情绪化的。让我们走一步,看看这种情况不同的方式“或”我听到你对这个想法持怀疑态度。我们可以更好地帮助它更好的变化吗?“
    • 确保每个人都有机会分享。你可能会说,“女士史密斯,我们没有听到你一段时间。你对这个想法有什么看法?“或者“我对BCBA的作用感到好奇(董事会认证的行为分析师)。你在这次会议结束后如何在一起工作的想法是什么?“请家庭分享关于家里的孩子的想法。
    • 想想所有孩子或青少年的环境。支持哪些支持在家里,在公交车上,并在该计划中受益?
    • Summarize the major decisions: “I’m hearing that we all agree on teaching her to take turns. That will look like…”
    • Honor disagreement but look for ways to compromise: “This is a complex situation, and I’m hearing you say you don’t think it will work. What’s a first step that you think we can all agree on?”
    • Make sure the meeting is documented according to your program’s policies.
    • Outline clear roles and responsibilities in the plan. If there are specialists involved (special educators, BCBAs, social workers, occupational or speech therapists), what are their roles in supporting the team?
    • Refer the family to relevant programs and supports
    • Ensure that the team write the plan as discussed, that the plan is reviewed by you and the coach, and that copies are distributed to all parties.

    After the Behavior Support Planning Meeting

    • 合作the staff and coach to make sure the plan is put into place as soon as possible. Find out what kinds of supports staff need (materials, time, training) and help get them access to those resources.
    • 确保行为支持计划是由与儿童或青年合作的所有工作人员一致地实施。
    • 出席在课堂或计划中支持团队。
    • Continue monitoring the child’s or youth’s behavior using the tracking system you designed before the meeting.
    • 确保在不安全情况下遵循安全程序。
    • Reevaluate the new observational data to monitor how well the plan is working.
    • Bring the team back together at least quarterly (more often as necessary) to make data-informed revisions to the plan.

    Supervise & Support

    Your administrative practices promote positive child and youth development and prevent concerning behavior. Consider the following practices:

    • Support by walking around:Spend time walking the halls and program spaces. Be a visible presence known by staff, children and youth, and families. Model friendly, positive relationships with families. Sit down with children and youth to talk, share a snack, or play.
    • Offer an open-door policy:Make sure families and staff know you have an open door. Your job will be easier if adults know they can come to you whenever they want or need to talk. You can often prevent larger issues if you learn about them early and take steps before they escalate. Make a point of being accessible during busy pickup and drop-off times. Greet families near the front door. Encourage them to pop by and say hello.
    • Follow closed-circuit video policies and practices:Use your video resources thoughtfully. Never use the videos to “catch” staff doing something wrong or to penalize staff. Use the videos as an opportunity carefully analyze a situation, ask questions, and help staff members think about the child’s or youth’s behavior and their own responses.
    • See something, say something:If you see staff using practices that are not consistent with your child-guidance policy or that jeopardize child health or safety, step in immediately and talk to the staff member. When applicable, follow your program’s reporting procedures. Work with the coach to develop a longer-term training plan.
    • Work as a team with coaches:Administrators and coaches have unique, but complimentary, roles. Seek transparency in your interactions about behavior. Make sure you each know who is taking specific actions related to the plan, when those actions will occur, and how progress will be communicated. Talk together about the role you will play in supporting staff performance: how do you want to work together? When and under what circumstances will each of you get involved in a classroom or program interaction? How will you keep each other informed about discussions you had with staff about the plan?
    • 以身作则:Always model the kind of professionalism you want to see in staff. Avoid having conversations about staff or families that could be seen as gossiping or complaining. Remain objective in conversations and remember your responsibilities to all members of the team. Frustration is common whenever there is a concern about a child’s behavior. You must not take sides, and you must avoid developing the kind of situation in which staff or families take sides. If you notice these kinds of feelings developing, call another team meeting to check in about the plan and make changes.

    Administrators play a critical role in ensuring whole programs support children, teachers, and families in promoting prosocial behavior and preventing challenging behavior. As you listen to Rosemarie Allen, Ph.D. speak about this topic, reflect on your program’s system-level practices and if there are areas or new initiatives you would like to introduce.

    Program-Wide Support

    Rosemarie Allen, Ph.D. speaks about the importance of a program-wide multi-tiered system of support.



    Consider the ways you may talk with staff about behavior throughout the year. Review theMonth-by-Month Discussion Guide旨在支持计划领导人在员工会议或其他活动中提供关于行为的简短讨论。您如何在您自己的程序中使用一些讨论主题?



    通过Mincic,Smith和Rsuts撰写题为标题的问题,Administrator Strategies that Support High Fidelity of the Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competency & Addressing Challenging Behavior。Then complete theHow I Support My Programhandout.


    术语 Description
    BCBA. Board Certified Behavior Analysts are professionals who provide behavior-analytic services




    Which process doesnot使行为支持过程更轻松:


    True or false? Direct care staff are responsible for scheduling support plan meetings with families and for helping families set expectations about meeting goals.


    Select the administrative practice that doesnotsupport the staff members caring for the child with challenging behaviors.

    References & Resources:


    Dunlap, G., Wilson, K., Strain, P., & Lee, J. (2013).Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children。巴尔的摩,MD:保罗。H.布鲁克斯。

    Dunlap,G.,Iovannone,R.,Kincaid,D.,Wilson,K.,Christiansen,K。,菌株,P.和英语,C。(2010)。Prevent-Teach-Reinforce: The School-Based Model of Individualized Positive Behavior Support。巴尔的摩,MD:保罗。H.布鲁克斯。

    Kids Included Together (KIT). (2019). Available at

    Lentini, R., Vaughn, B. J., & Fox, L. (2008).创建具有挑战性行为的幼儿教学工具[CD-ROM], Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children.

    Military One Source: About EFMP. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Military One Source: About FAP. (n.d.). Retrieved from advic-program.

    Military One Source: About MFLC. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. (n.d.). Available at

    Pyramid Model Consortium. (2016). Available at

    Rush,D. D.,&Shelden,M. L. L.(2011)。The Early Childhood Coaching Handbook。巴尔的摩,MD:保罗。H.布鲁克斯。


    U.S. Army, Child, Youth and School Services. (n.d.).Operational Guidance for Behavior Support.