Secondary tabs

    • 名称良好库存管理实践的两个优势。
    • Determine how often inventory should be ordered using the inventory turnover rate.
    • Name two types of records associated with inventory management that are required by the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
    • Describe the different parts of a food production record, who completes each part, and when they should be completed.
    • 了解如何使用食品购买指南购买食物。




    How much inventory should you have on hand? The correct amount is what you will need to produce food for your "customers," with a small cushion for unpredicted usage, substitutions, or other unforeseen events. Apar value system是一种库存控制:它建立了最大数量的库存,以便保持在手边。PAR值是满足一个订单期间的菜单要求所需的金额,以及少量safety stock, or the amount of "buffer" inventory to have on-hand in the event of any unforeseen circumstances that might affect your program.

    When placing orders, the amount of product to order is the amount needed to bring inventory back to the maximum or par level. If an item is served more than once between delivery periods, such as a favorite fruit or vegetable, you must also consider how much will be used before the order is received.

    Par levels are typically set for items served each day, like milk, ingredients used in multiple recipes, cleaning chemicals, and paper goods. For foods used as entrees, fruits, vegetables, and grain products like bread, it is best to estimate how much you will serve over the course of the week’s menu.


    存货÷ average daily food use =days of inventory on hand

    服务天数÷库存上的天数=turnover rate

    If your facility receives weekly deliveries for most products you order, a good target is to have enough inventory on hand forseven to ten days周转率两到三,这我ans the inventory should be used up two to three times per month. If your deliveries are more frequent, you will need less inventory on hand. Conversely, if your deliveries are less frequent, you will need more inventory available to prevent shortages of food or other supplies. The following document gives a general overview of inventory management that is used in some programs, including general terminology and best practices. Save the PDF file with your records.


    Record Keeping







    When to complete each section


    • 食品使用和形式
    • 食谱或产品
    • 年龄/年级组
    • Portion Size


    Nutrition manager (food service manager)—assigns job duties to staff based on food production records

    • 膳食服务日期
    • List of food items
    • Person responsible (staff assignments)
    • 预计的儿童服务
    • Total projected servings (for adults & children)


    Nutrition assistants (food service staff)

    • 使用的食物量
    • 实际的儿童服务
    • 实际成人服务
    • 点菜份量的金额
    • 吃剩的食物


    Source: National Food Service Management Institute


    联邦法规(CFR)第226部分(CFR)第226部分表示,儿童和成人护理食品计划(CACFP)的赞助方案必须展示收到CACFP的资金的财政责任。这样做的方式是通过准确的记录保持,包括库存摘要。CACFP要求提案国作为财政管理进程的一部分进行年度物理库存。一个annual inventoryis an itemized listing of all unopened food and nonfood supplies that a facility has on hand at the end of the fiscal year. Inventory represents money in the form of previously purchased food and nonfood supplies. The monetary value of inventoried items must be included in the determination of the food and nonfood costs incurred at the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of the next fiscal year. To complete annual inventory requirements, a count of all food and associated nonfood items, such as paper goods, that are physically present in your facility is taken at the end of each fiscal year. These values, in turn, become the starting inventory values for the next fiscal year.


    BusinessDictionary.com定义采购as the process of obtaining or buying goods and services that includes preparation and processing of an order as well as the end receipt (delivery) of the product or service and approval of payment. In child care food service, foods and goods can be procured in several ways, but the two most common are from wholesale vendors and from retail establishments (such as grocery stores). Often, both methods are used. Wholesale vendors allow for better price control, bulk ordering capabilities, and routine delivery windows. Buying from retail vendors, like grocery stores, is usually more expensive per unit and requires a food service staff member to leave the premises in order to buy food. But, if a last-minute menu substitution has to take place, retail vendors are a simple and quick solution.

    Facilities purchasing products in volume from vendors must have a written contract with that vendor. The contract must specify the guaranteed pricing and how long it is good for, as well as what financial adjustments will be made in the event of problems with goods or services. Below is an example of a vendor contract template for a child care center. Contracts for initial bids are lengthier and more detailed than renewal contracts for current vendors.

    Whether you order from a wholesale vendor or a retail vendor, all food and supply orders should be menu-driven. Centers participating in CACFP that contract with vendors must comply with the regulations outlined in the Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR Part 226). It is a good idea to check with the state agency or local funding authority for CACFP before negotiating a contract with a specific vendor.

    Estimating How Much to Buy

    这USDA Food and Nutrition Service has several resources dedicated to food purchasing for CACFP. The儿童营养计划的食品购买指南在USDA网站上提供(。文档的每个部分都可以直接从网站上单独下载。


    To calculate how much of a type of food to purchase, consider these questions:

    • How many servings will I need?
    • 是否适用于各个年龄或等级分组的不同服务尺寸?
    • What is my planned serving size for this food?
    • 我将在什么形式购买此食物?
    • 食物提供什么服务尺寸提供膳食贡献吗?
    • 列出的服务大小与我计划的服务大小相同吗?
    • 我需要购买多少购买食物?


    Working with the Menu

    库存管理从菜单开始。菜单决定需要购买哪些类型以及频率和其他物品的频率。周期菜单是管理库存的绝佳方法,因为它们允许有必要的供应,这改善了预测。预测是指基于以前的结果在下订单时进行知情预测的能力。规划菜单提前 - 包括使用周期菜单订购预测更准确。

    Receiving and Storing

    When you receive food from a wholesale vendor, have your order summary ready. Check each food that is being delivered against the initial order summary to make sure that everything you ordered is received and that the price is correct. Foods that require time and temperature control for safety are known as TCS foods. TCS foods should be free of off-odors and colors and be delivered at the correct temperature (41° F [5° C ]or colder for refrigerated foods and 0° F or colder for frozen foods). Ensure that frozen foods have not been previously thawed and then refrozen. For dry goods, check cans for the presence of bulges, severe dents, or rusted cans with pitted edges. Reject any food that does not meet these criteria.

    这following table contains information about the receiving process for specific food items.





    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • COLOR: Bright red
    • 纹理:坚定和弹性
    • USDA inspected
    • TEMP: Above 41ºF
    • COLOR: Brown or green
    • 纹理:粘稠,粘稠或干燥
    • ODOR: Sour


    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • COLOR: Bright PINK
    • 纹理:坚定和弹性
    • USDA inspected
    • TEMP: Above 41ºF
    • 颜色:黑暗,腐臭脂肪
    • TEXTURE: Slimy, soft
    • ODOR: Sour


    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • 颜色:浅色
    • 纹理:坚定和弹性
    • USDA inspected
    • TEMP: Above 41ºF
    • 颜色:紫色或绿色
    • TEXTURE: Sticky under wings or joints
    • ODOR: Unpleasant

    Fresh Fish

    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • COLOR: Bright red moist gills
    • TEXTURE: Firm
    • 没有气味
    • TEMP: Above 41ºF
    • 多云,红环,沉没的眼睛
    • 黑暗,暗红色鳃
    • 软皮肤
    • 可见的肿瘤或囊肿


    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • 在冰上发货或脱掉冷冻
    • 必须在闭合的壳体中活着或触摸时关闭
    • 伴随着识别标签(保留标签90天)
    • TEMP: Above 41ºF
    • 死(开放或破碎的贝壳)
    • No identification tags
    • ODOR: Sour


    • 温度:45ºF或更低
    • 发货干净,没有裂缝
    • yolks公司,白人坚持yolk
    • USDA inspected
    • 温度:超过45ºF
    • Dirty or broken
    • No USDA inspection
    • ODOR: Sour


    • 温度:41ºF或更低
    • 级和巴氏杀菌
    • 注意届满或销售日期
    • USDA inspected

    Fresh Produce

    • No signs of spoilage
    • 没有令人不快的气味
    • 没有疲惫
    • 没有虫害的迹象


    • Thoroughly Frozen
    • Packaging intact
    • 检查解冻和重新排列的迹象
    • 解冻证据:
      • Ice crystals on products
      • Wet packaging
      • Product improperly colored (e.g. Meat color pale at top, dark on bottom due to pooling)


    • 正确标记
    • 密封完好无损
    • 颜色正常
    • No pin holes, swellers, springers
    • Natural swellers: coffee, syrup, molasses

    Dry Foods

    • 正确标记
    • 完好无损的
    • 颜色正常
    • 没有洞,泪水,穿孔
    • 没有虫害

    从供应商处收到您的食品订单后,需要立即将气温放在横跨温度危险区域(41°F至135 f)。理想情况下,当您不忙于享用饭菜时,您将能够让您的交货。(在交货日时也是一个良好的准备菜单是一个很好的做法。)


    冷藏食品应根据烹饪温度以等级的方式储存,在顶部的架子上用即食(未煮过的)食物,在下一个架子上烹饪到内部温度为145架的食物,烹饪的食物160 f在第三架上,以及在底架上煮到165 f的食物。(这在第七课中更详细地覆盖。)与冰箱食品一样,冷藏食品应根据FIFO旋转,使最古老的食物在更新的食物之前使用。

    干储存区域应保持在50-70 f并通风良好。不易耐料的食品需要从地板上至少6英寸,远离化学品。在可能的情况下,应根据FIFO旋转旋转食物以确保最大质量。使用国家食品安全管理研究所的以下迷你海报,Storeoom基础知识, and hang it in your facility’s store room.

    Watch this video clip featuring a registered dietitian nutritionist who explains the process of inventory management in child care kitchens. Make notes of anything you learn from this video that you would like more information about in your own facility.











    学期 Description
    年度库存 所有未开封的食品和非食物的逐项列表,该设施在财政年度结束时手头
    First-in, First-Out (FIFO) rotation 一种类型的库存旋转,其中最旧的产品首先使用,更新产品被放置在后面以后使用
    食物production record 帮助食品服务人员沟通,组织和规划生产日常菜单所需的任务的行动计划;这些记录文件记录了可偿还膳食所生产的食物的类型和数量
    预测 根据以前的结果,在下订单时进行明智的预测的能力
    存货 食品或供应设备在干燥或冷藏处
    存货turnover rate 清单在指定的时间段内有多迅速
    par值系统 库存管理系统,建立最大数量的库存,以便保持;PAR值是满足一个订单期间的菜单要求所需的金额,以及少量安全库存
    Procurement 获取或购买商品和服务的过程,包括准备和处理订单以及产品或服务的最终收据(交付)以及付款的批准
    safety stock 在可能影响您的计划的食品服务供应的任何无法预料的情况下,在发生任何可能影响您的食品服务供应的情况下,“缓冲区”库存的数量
    沼碎 在罐头食品中,肿胀是可以凸出的两端凸出的那些,并且在不施加压力的情况下,既没有末端都没有平坦。当施加手动压力时,软膨胀将产生;但不是在硬膨胀。更多信息








    Which type of kitchen foods should be stored in a FIFO (first in, first out) rotation?

    References & Resources

    Child and Adult Care Food Program 7 CFR part 226 (2005). Retrieved from

    食物and Nutrition Service. (n.d.). Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs Interactive Web-Based Tool. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from



    儿童营养研究所。National Food Service Management Institute. (2005). NFSMI Food Purchasing for Child Care Centers. Oxford: University of Mississippi.

    儿童营养研究所。National Food Service Management Institute. (2008). NFSMI Working with Vendors. Oxford: University of Mississippi.

