
    • 确定家庭和护理人员影响儿童对性别的理解和性别认同的早期形成。

    • Describe some experiences of gender-expansive children as they move through developmental stages.

    • Reflect on sensitive ways to respond to gender-expansive children.


    Gender Identity is Another Part of Human Development

    正如在课程中所讨论的那样,我们每个人都有多种身份或我们自己的多个方面。性别认同是一个人的一个方面。在应用活动中lesson 1您被要求通过采取一些在线测试来检查您自己的性别身份,旨在查看与与男性或女性相关的陈规定型属性或行为对齐多少。通过在世界上生活和互动,人们培养了对文化内部的预期内容的理解。花一点时间来反思你的性别认同。

    • 您与通常与男性或女性相关的特征对齐多少?
    • 你对应用活动的调查结果感到惊讶lesson 1
    • Did you feel constrained by what was expected or associated with your gender identity?
    • How might these assumptions about the characteristics of males or females influence how children behave or their interests?


    性别膨胀children often become aware at very young ages that they are not meeting the expectations of their families or culture. These experiences of feeling “different” come over time as they grow and develop. Due to society’s often rigid enforcement of gender rules, most gender-expansive children have experiences of rejection or conflict in some social contexts.

    A child’s gender identity is often shaped and first challenged within family interactions. Think about all the ways families start assigning value to and assumptions about a child’s gender long before that child is able to self-identify. Families may learn through an ultrasound the genitalia of the fetus, or through prenatal testing the chromosomal make-up (XX or XY) of the fetus, and with this information, some parents begin choosing colors, clothing, and toys even before the child’s birth. Researchers have noted that adults, using gender stereotypes, perceive children differently based on the gender they believe a child is, and thus treat children differently based on their assigned gender (Eliot, 2010). Often adults are not even aware that they are doing this. This different behavior can frequently be observed in how adults speak to children, the kinds of words they use with them (e.g., “sweet” girl, vs. “strong” boy), how they physically handle children (e.g., engaging in more rough-and-tumble play with boys), and how they reinforce or discourage certain activities or toy choices. What may look like ‘natural’ or inborn child characteristics can often be a result of the interactions that take place with adults over the course of a child’s early development.


    Infants and Toddlers (to 24 months)

    By the time children are 2 years old, they often recognize voices by gender and they assign gender to a person based on physical appearance. We also know from research with adults who are transgender, that around age two is often when individuals who are gender-expansive or transgender began asserting their experienced gender as opposed to their assigned gender in their home life. In fact, one parent whose child was assigned female at birth, reports that one of the child’s first sentences was, “I’m a boy.” (Whittington, 2016). Children at this age are interested in sorting their worlds. They respond to subtle and overt responses from adults about gender norms by asserting their budding sense of self, perhaps with a new favorite word, “no,” as in “No, not wearing dress.”




    此外,学步的一起玩is replaced by more interactive social groupings, often by gender. Peers may comment on gender expression. They may ask, “Are you a boy or a girl?” They may say, “Boys don’t do that!” Care providers who acknowledge, affirm, or advocate for children at this developmental age will be able to prevent some negative peer interactions.


    During these years, children continue to form stronger bonds with peers. Acceptance and inclusion by peers becomes increasingly more important. Children who are different for any reason are often ostracized if adults do not present information about the experiences of diverse individuals. Peers and adults often organize social groups by gender (e.g., in lining up to go outside, saying “girls get your coats first” or playing boys against girls in trivia). Child care providers who respond creatively by organizing children in other ways can better support and include gender-expansive children. Sharing literature that acknowledges diversity of all kinds is another way to support gender-expansive and transgender children. Many young school-age children experience a period of rigid rule enforcement, and they can apply rigid rules about gender and gender expression if there is no one available to challenge their assumptions. This can mean that without adult intervention, peers may be very judgmental about diverse gender expression. These slight adjustments can really benefit all children, not just children who are gender-expansive. All children benefit from environments that are inclusive and allow for individual differences.

    由于个性,性别膨胀或变性的孩子可能会努力遵守学校的性别规范,取悦他们的家庭,或因为他们自己选择隐瞒他们的性别认同,通常是为了安全的原因。由于限制或隐藏其性别表达的压力,行为问题可能成为一个问题。If the child care provider has been unaware of the child’s gender expression up to this point, they can show themselves as a safe adult by making statements that affirm diversity, such as saying to a child assigned male at birth, “I see you drew yourself as a princess. What bright colors you chose for your drawing!” By acknowledging children’s greater personal expression, child care providers create an environment that values diversity.

    Older School-Age Children (11 – 12)



    Many transgender children become depressed during this time, especially if they are experiencing conflict at home or at school. Fifty percent of transgender children report contemplating suicide with 25 percent saying they have attempted suicide. There is a significant reduction in suicidal tendencies among children receiving supportive, affirming treatment for gender identity concerns (Meier & Harris, n.d.). By providing resources to children and families, child and youth care programs are in a position to improve the quality of and possibly save lives.





    Potty Training


    Two-year-old Sarah is learning to use the potty. Your center has small toilets for the toddlers to use. When it is Sarah's turn to use the toilet, you help to remove her skirt and try to help her sit on the potty. She pulls away and says, "Stand up. Me Cole (her 4-year-old big brother)!" She wriggles away from you and stands in front of the potty. Urine runs down her leg and she happily says, "Big boy go potty!"







    领先的护理人员或也许是培训和课程专家,可以介入和使用这是助手的教育时刻。首先,为了验证菲利克斯的兴趣,成年人可以收集闪闪发光的蟒蛇,说,“哦,菲利克斯,你到达这个吗?在这里,您也想尝试一下吗?它柔软且闪闪发光,不是吗?“您还可以跟进助理护理人员,了解如何支持更多性别接受语言。“我今天注意到你告诉菲利克斯的蟒蛇是女孩。在我们的计划中,我们强调事情没有性别 - 他们是适合每个人的。人们有性别,每个人都能定义自己。“

    "Girls Only"


    You have been trying to support 4-year-old Alex in your preschool classroom. Some days, Alex identifies as a girl, sometimes as a boy, and sometimes both. One day, three girls build a fort using cardboard boxes and blankets. Alex watches the girls for a few minutes then grabs another blanket and tries to add another room to the fort. One of the girls yells, “No! This fort is for girls only, Alex. Go away!”








    故事表明Maddox可能会经历一些压力。通过您的培训和课程专家或计划经理的指导和协助,护理人员可以随着时间的推移观察Maddox,看看他是如何表达他的性别并看到自己的指导。这些额外的观察也有助于了解Maddox在厕所的回归可能还有其他原因。如果基于与MADDOX的观察和互动,那么熟悉MADDOX有更多的流体性别表达或将自己视为与他在出生时分配的性别不同,培训和课程专家或计划经理以及护理人员可以提供一些对Maddox的家庭的资源来帮助他们更好地了解Maddox的要求和行为(见https://www.genderspectrum.org/resources/parenting-and-family-2/as one possibility). Lesson Four will offer more resources and ideas for supporting families.






    一名工作人员可以要求一群男孩聚集在一起。他或她可以对他们的陈述表示关注。“当你在玩时,我听说你说,'你像个女孩一样奔跑。”像一个女孩一样,它是什么意思?“”允许孩子们回应。“我担心的是,当你说话的时候,它没有帮助我们所有人都看到女孩强大,快速和强大的方式。”工作人员可以指出您自己的计划中有一些快速的女性跑步者或运动员,并要求孩子们思考这些陈述可能会让他们感受到。该计划工作人员还可以创造一些有关您计划所有儿童的后续体验,了解有强大的女运动员的技能和经历,或者将它们暴露于竞选活动,如#likeagirl始终(见http://www.always.com/en-us/about-us/our -epic-battle-like-a-girl.)。工作人员还可以创造更多的经验,帮助孩子们找到并召唤性别刻板印象。

    此外,工作人员可以跟进那些离开戏剧的女孩。“我注意到你正在和男孩一起玩,但随后走开了。那为什么?“工作人员也可以清楚地困扰他或她的情况,“我注意到他们正在谈论女孩的负面方式,并利用女孩的速度和权力互相嘲笑。我能够与男孩们谈谈他们的话语是什么意思,以及这些词语如何不属于我们的计划。我想帮助我们的计划中的孩子了解有关一些强大的女运动员的更多信息。也许我们也可以帮助小组思考女孩有时被视为不同的方式 - 你能想到一些例子吗?你想和我一起研究更多,看看我们能找到什么分享吗?“



    Your program director lets you know a new child will be joining your program. Breck was assigned female at birth but he has identified as a boy since kindergarten. His parents support him and want to make sure his transition to your program will be as smooth as possible. Although Breck has short hair and wear’s “boy clothing,” people at his last school often interpreted him as a girl, which caused a great deal of stress for Breck and confusion for the other children. Your director wants to work with you, and the other staff, to come up with a plan to support Breck as he enters the program.


    工作人员,计划经理或培训和课程专家可以与Breck和他的家人合作,以创造过渡计划。他们可以要求家庭对帮助Breck感到安全和在计划中接受的最佳方式的思考。During this discussion, the training and curriculum specialist and/or program manager can ask Breck’s family if they would like to disclose his transgender identity to all the program staff, or a select few leads, or to keep it private between the family and the administrative team. If Breck’s family requests that only the administrative team, or a few lead staff are aware of Breck’s transgender identity, than it is important the rest of the staff receive adequate training on gender assumptions and stereotypes. The program staff can be prepared to assure Breck that they will call him by the name and pronouns he prefers (see more in Lesson Three). The program administration can work together to identify a bathroom that works best for Breck (e.g., using the male restroom or a unisex bathroom).











    Experts and families discuss developmental milestones regarding gender identity, and the experiences of gender-expansive and transgender children.




    儿童和青少年可以像成年人一样。事实上,所有孩子的少量少量都是变性人。孩子们从一个很小的时候了解性别差异。And transgender children strongly identify with the other gender, often from age 2 or 3. Because we don’t talk about transgender people with children, adolescents, or even adults, children who are transgender lack basic information about who they are and struggle with feeling like they were born in the wrong body. And adults typically react as if there were something wrong with these children, as well.






    In terms of knowing how to address or best support gender-expansive versus transgender children, the truth is that key concepts discussed throughout this course help all children, regardless of their gender expression or identity. Here are two key points to remember:

    • 确保性别可以以各种方式表达。所有性别的儿童都可以享受,穿,喜欢和做同样的事情。
    • 在他们希望得到解决的情况下,地址人民,青年和家庭。这在第三课中讨论了更多,但使用儿童和家庭要求的名称和代词偏好对于承认他们的经验很重要。



    完成Gender Bias Reflectionactivity. This exercise invites you to think about the gender messages children receive throughout their development. Share your responses with a trusted colleague. Consider how you might use this attachment in training with your staff.




    Review some of the links below and read about real children’s experiences. Use the儿童经验和发展活动反映。选择一个故事或两个故事来审查并回答反思问题。与可信任的同事分享您的回复。


    学期 Description
    性别膨胀 不符合陈规定型性别规范的儿童。性别膨胀的儿童正在探索与二元建筑的性别表达;他们可能会说他们是一个男孩,一次和女孩在另一个时间或拒绝性别标签。有时被称为性别流体,性别创造性或性别不合格






    支持for children's understanding of gender and their gender identity development is不是必要的发展阶段?



    References & Resources


    布里尔,斯蒂芬妮和胡椒,雷切尔。(2008)The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and ProfessionalsSan Francisco, CA: Cleis Press Inc.

    艾略特,L.(2010)。粉红色的大脑,蓝色大脑:差异有多小的差异变得麻烦的差距 - 我们可以做些什么。波士顿,质量:水手书籍。


    levens,C.,&Ault,A.(2015)。跨性别和变性身份。在T.K.Wayne&L.横幅(EDS。),妇女在美国的权利A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Issues, Events, and People, Vol. 4,pp。209-213。圣巴巴拉,加利福尼亚州:ABC-CLIO。在线版本。


    Procter & Gamble (2016).我们的史诗战斗#likeagirlRetrieved athttp://www.always.com/en-us/about-us/our -epic-battle-like-a-girl.

    Ryan, C. & Brill, S. (2018)我怎么知道我的孩子是变性人吗?Help Starts Here.org. Retrieved fromhttp://www.helpstartshere.org/?p=1114.


    Sperry,L.(Ed。)(2016)。心理健康和精神障碍百科全书的条件,治疗和福祉, Vol. 2,pp.503-504。圣巴巴拉,加利福尼亚州:格林伍德。在线版本。

    Hittington,希拉里。(2016)Raising Ryland: Our Story of Parenting a Transgender Child with No Strings Attached.纽约,纽约:Harpercollins出版商。