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    • 确定制作温馨环境的方法,有助于防止欺凌
    • 探索尊重所有儿童性别表达的实践和活动。
    • 证明use of language choices that are supportive of gender-expansive and LGBTQ individuals.



    Think back to a time when you were new to a group. Perhaps you joined a new sports team, or started a new school or a new class. You may have felt a little nervous entering this brand new setting. When you were preparing to join this new group, you may have asked yourself, “Will they like me? Will I belong? Will they accept me even if I’m different?” Now, think about what members or leaders of that group did to help make you feel comfortable and included in this new group. What made you feel valued? What made you feel “at home” and safe with this new group of people?

    When program staff learn that a new child is joining their classroom or program, they want to make that child and family feel welcome. Program staff should reach out to the new child and family to learn more about their interests and experiences. This knowledge provides information to help program staff facilitate positive peer relationships; staff members can create activities and foster conversations amongst children with similar interests and experiences. The caregivers should work proactively to introduce the new child and their family to the program community and provide support as peers interact.

    Sensitive caregivers also examine their program environment to ensure that the activities and materials offered, as well as the language used in the program setting, are reflective of, and respectful towards, different individuals. In addition, sensitive caregivers intervene when another child or adult says something disparaging or derogatory about a particular individual or a particular group of people. Anytime a staff member becomes aware that a child is being bullied or made to feel unwelcome in the program, they are responsible for finding ways to create an environment that supports that child and their family.

    Some children or youth may not feel safe sharing their gender and sexual identity or that of family members when they encounter messages that are homophobic and transphobic, including messages from their peers. People who assert that they do not know any gender expansive or LGBTQ people sometimes learn that they have created an unwelcoming environment by sharing homophobic or transphobic comments; the LGBTQ people they know chose not to share their identities because they felt unsafe.

    Some people mistakenly believe they have no gender-expansive or LGBTQ children in their center or school. As discussed in previous lessons, we know from population research (Bureau of Census, 2017) it is likely that at least one gender expansive or LGBTQ child is already enrolled in most child development or school age and youth programs. Although homophobic and transphobic communication are likely the most hurtful kinds of messages to people who are gender-expansive or LGBTQ, comments which assume children or their family members are heterosexual, or that they embody all the stereotypes or characteristics that are associated with the gender they were assigned at birth, may have a similar effect. For instance, asking a boy if he agrees that a female classmate is pretty or asking, “do you have a girlfriend yet?” conveys the expectation that the boy is heterosexual. Assuming a girl will want to wear the sparkly dress-up gown in dramatic play, or make pink and purple friendship bracelets in the art room, conveys the expectation that the child enjoys and wants “feminine” things. Without taking time to reflect, these kinds of messages confine children’s gender and identity expression.


    儿童开发中心和学龄课程可以创造减少欺凌的环境。欺凌的影响可能是深远的,影响自我形象,学校表现和社会发展。如前所述,欺凌会影响性别膨胀和LGBTQ儿童(Kosciw,Greytak,Bartkiewicz,Boesen和Palmer 2011)。

    GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, provides resources to support children, youth, and educators in creating positive program environments. GLSEN also conducts a climate survey of middle school and high school students to gauge the impact of bullying and unwelcoming environments on LGBTQ children. Some results from this survey are shown in the graphic above. This knowledge from older children provides useful information about what gender-expansive and LGBTQ children and youth experience. Older children can often provide a clearer description of their experiences and how these experiences influence their self-understanding. However, what constitutes bullying may be easier to understand and label with older children who may use derogatory terms (e.g., “sissy,” “queer,” “fag), physical violence or intimidation, or clear disparaging remarks about gender-expansive or LGBTQ peers. It may sometimes be more difficult for program staff to recognize bullying with younger children and know proper strategies to intervene. Name-calling is only one form of bullying. Younger children may also not have the language to specifically state they feel bullied, but instead may withdraw from the group, or perhaps display challenging behavior when they feel unwelcomed, unsafe, or threatened. Caregivers need to carefully watch children’s behavior and remain sensitive to children’s responses.

    在学前万博体育全站app班或年级学校,孩子们有时可能会形成游戏组或播放场景,在那里他们排除其他人。虽然这种行为在这种发展阶段有所常见,但这些行动需要适当的支持和成人干预,以帮助孩子们了解如何对同龄人恭敬地行动。在共同的项目或兴趣周围形成一个游戏组是一回事,但由于它们看起来,穿着或表现方式是另一个,并且需要从成年人的敏感反应而排除其他人。孩子们有时可能会根据其性别表达排除其他人。例如,一个孩子可以对另一个类似的东西说:“你不会再玩凯特了吗?凯特穿男孩的鞋子。“当工作人员听到这一点时,介入这将是重要的。工作人员可以说,“我敢打赌凯特受到这些话的伤害”强调凯特的感受和观点。工作人员还可以提醒孩子们的特定方案或社区规则,专注于尊重他人,“记住我们的统治,以爱和善待他人?你觉得你的话是否适合那条规则?“ Lastly, the staff member could also emphasize the ways Kate could contribute to the play idea or project the children are working on, “I think Kate could really add to your idea; just yesterday I saw her building an elaborate fort.” In addition, the staff member could also look for activities that would help these children and Kate work together, and incorporate more activities that ask children to reflect on bullying, including what it feels like to be left out by others.


    它可以是有用的一组关于牛的书籍ying on hand to read or incorporate in your lesson planning. See this learn resource for information on some books for children 0 to 12 that can help spark conversations around bullying, and open the door to emphasize what kind and inclusive behavior looks like. These books are not focused specifically on gender-expansive or LGBTQ children, but rather on the concepts of diversity, respect, and inclusivity more broadly.


    骆驼,骆驼和欺负山羊,由Anna Dewdney

    Following their teacher's lead, Llama Llama speaks to Gilroy Goat and tells him he should not act like a bully on the playground(小说家K-8加)

    马琳,马琳,皇后的意思,jane lynch



    How can Ralph be so mean? Lucy is one of a kind and Ralph loves to point that out. Lucy's defining moment comes when Ralph truly needs help. Because she knows what she stands for, Lucy has the courage to make a good choice. This charming story empowers children to always do the right thing and be proud of themselves, even when they are faced with someone as challenging as Ralph.(亚马逊编辑审查)

    由Trudy Ludwig忏悔一位前欺负者



    Ten-year-old Auggie Pullman, who was born with extreme facial abnormalities and was not expected to survive, goes from being home-schooled to entering fifth grade at a private middle school in Manhattan, which entails enduring the taunting and fear of his classmates as he struggles to be seen as just another student.(小说家K-8加)


    Seven fifth-graders at Snow Hill School in Connecticut relate how their lives are changed for the better by "rookie teacher" Mr.Terupt.(小说家K-8加)


    Ways to Embrace Gender Differences

    The following suggestions are excerpted and adapted from the article,在学校接受性别差异的6种方式(格林伯格,2014):

    1. 除了性别之外的某些东西组织儿童

      When it's time to work in groups, experts recommend separating or grouping children by something other than gender. The first letters of their last names, birthday months, clothing colors or their favorite type of pet are just some ways to do it, but many more exist.

      除了性别以外的类别分隔有助于儿童根据共同的地面识别和建立关系 - 或者至少开始对话。换句话说,它有助于他们基于除性别以外的相似性和差异来学习与他人联系。

      而不是说:“好吧,女孩去洗手,and boys pick a table choice,” think about a different way that you might group or help children transition. Be sensitive to the difficulty that some gender-expansive children might experience when forced to pick whether they are a boy or girl. Separating children in this way also reinforces differences along gender lines. Remember that part of what creates safe spaces for all children is by allowing and supporting diverse gender expression—challenging that there are “girl” or “boy” things or behaviors.

    2. 用包容性语言开始新的一天并坚持下去


      Using inclusive language throughout the day reinforces the idea that boys and girls are not limited by their biology to succeed in the same arenas, says Rhonda Thomason with Welcoming Schools. Often, we imply that boys or girls are only good at specific things through the subtle (and not-so-subtle) things we say or the activities we nudge them towards.

    3. 在书籍,海报和其他工作簿中的功能多样性




    我们对儿童的回应以及我们使用的语言影响他们的自我意识,以及他们对世界多样性的理解。当孩子以创造性的方式表达性别时,护理人员可以回应问题。当同龄人对性别膨胀的儿童负面反应时,护理人员和工作人员可以通过挑战性别周围的假设来响应。Anglican部长和Activist,Laurel A. Dykstra,在课堂或计划中为包容语言进行了这些建议:

    • 在讨论性别时使用“有些”或“大多数”字样
      例子:“Most boys grow up to be Daddies”or“有些女孩长大成为男人。”使用“有些”和“大多数”是有助于对儿童断言的帮助。例如,如果一个孩子说,“她不能成为一个男孩;男孩有一个阴茎!“或者“你是一个男孩,你不能长大成为妈妈。”使用“有些”和“大多数”都承认儿童的评论,并提供了了解生活的多样性。
    • 承认儿童的经历,建立您所能的连接
      例子:“Those aren’t girl’s shoes, those are Sam’s shoes.”and“My friend Cindy is a fire fighter.”
    • 鼓励孩子挑战他们的假设
    • Respectfully point out people who are gender-expansive in their behavior or dress.
    • 在差异背景下讨论欺凌。
    • Allow questions in your classroom.
    • Encourage exploration of feelings.
    • 通过他们选择的名字和代词叫孩子。当新的孩子,青年或家庭进入你的课堂或计划时,可以询问每个成员如何想要解决,给他们空间让你知道最舒适的感觉。

    当孩子分享自己或家人的信仰时,您也可以使用包容性语言。所有孩子都将家人的信仰带入计划中,当他们这样做时,该计划的利益从社区内看到多样性。然而,当孩子们分享对某一群人的信仰时,知道如何敏感地应对如何敏感,或者当孩子们分享相互矛盾的信仰时,它可能会敏感。有些孩子可以分享陈述,如,“爸爸说男人只能嫁给女性。这不是真的吗?“或者“你是一个男孩或一个女孩;你没有选择。“您可以通过使用关键词敏感地响应这些陈述:一些。“有些人认为......,其他人认为......”这句话可以是一个有用的指导。例如,你可以说,“有些人认为男人只能嫁给女性; other people think that adults are able to marry whomever they love.” This provides a simple, factual statement that respects different beliefs. Then, as needed, you can follow-up with what are respectful and kind actions in your program, for example, “although people can believe different things, it is never okay in our program to tease others or intentionally leave them out of activities.”


    与儿童合作时的非言语反应非常重要。一个安静的笑容,皱眉,交叉的胳膊,一种不耐烦的叹息,以及一心凝视所有沟通 - 他们沟通了照顾者的思想和感受。If a child who is assigned male at birth shows up to the program in a frilly skirt and bows, and a staff member gasps, makes a disgusted face, rolls their eyes, or giggles, this will likely be noticed by the child and that child’s peers. It signals that gender-expansive expression is not accepted or safe within the program. It can be hurtful to the child and the family in question, and it does not provide a model of respectful action for the other children and youth in the program. Nonverbal responses can also be subtle redirections, which indicate to children that the classroom or program does not welcome diverse gender expression. For example, if a staff member pays little attention to Carly’s stories about football plays, or ignores Joe’s request to be the mommy in their play scenario, this teaches children that to be heard, or positively noticed, they need to act in a way that aligns with their assigned gender. Unfortunately, individuals may not always be aware of their non-verbal responses. You can help your coworkers by gently pointing out when you notice a person’s non-verbal response and create a safe space to talk about their thoughts and feelings when children are not present. For example, “I noticed when Janice showed up in a buzzed-haircut and soccer gear today you looked really shocked. Do you want to talk about that?”

    此外,您可以更加了解您的非口头信号的一种方式是通过反映自己的感受并在需要时寻求支持。例如,一些护理人员可能会感到不舒服,当孩子们创造一个与生病的小狗和另一个孩子一起前往兽医诊所的双妈妈家庭创造播放情景时,不知道如何回应。“但是爸爸在哪里?”当您感到不舒服或不确定时,可以帮助您到达您的教练,教练,管理员或可信任的同事。请记住,儿童提出问题是正常和健康的,特别是在遇到新信息时。对于这种特定的场景,请记住使用有用的单词some那“some families have two moms and no daddy.” You can use acknowledgement to show children that you hear their different ideas and beliefs.

    These videos contain information, advice and experiences from families as well as experts in the field of early childhood education around issues of bullying, diversity and inclusion in programs.

    In addition, they provide concrete examples about the kinds of materials and activities that help support all children and youth. As you watch, where do you see families or experts discussing some of the concepts you have learned across this course? What strategies for creating and maintaining inclusive environments do you see and hear?

    Thoughtful Classroom Materials and Experiences


    Understanding and Reacting to Bullying




    以下是来自Laurel Dykstra关于旨在包含的活动的一些额外想法:

    • 色天。Encourage children to wear or try materials of a particular color including pink and purple. Have extra pink things including ties, vests, and hard hats.
    • 带来各种玩具或材料,包括或讨论圈子时间。When talking about the toy with children, take time to emphasize that it is for everyone, not for “boys” or “girls.” Try to avoid using pronouns for inanimate objects. Remember that things, like toys and clothing, do not have gender.
    • Try something different.有孩子尝试玩具,他们通常不会玩,然后谈谈它。
    • 刻板印象。教孩子刻板印象是(例如,怪物是可怕的,男孩吵闹,女孩喜欢娃娃)并要求孩子们在他们的教学中识别刻板印象,在你的教学中,在书籍和广告中。这项技能不仅可以为性别膨胀和LGBTQ儿童和青年制作安全空间,但它也有助于所有孩子都要注意到他们环境中信息的思想家。本网站提供了有关儿童媒体曝光的刻板印象以及这影响儿童发展的更多信息:。通过谈论刻板印象,您可以帮助防止刻板印象的一些负面后果阅读或以不同形式的媒体读取或看到。
    • 移动装长盒。确保打扮盒有许多选择,并在一周内,靠近下周的厨房附近搬到卡车附近。
    • 特邀嘉宾。为他们的性别邀请非传统工作中的人。当您邀请特殊客人分享有关或探索社区中的各种工作,利益或艺术的信息,不要害羞地邀请一个性别膨胀或LGBTQ的人。
    • 选择具有性别膨胀性的书籍。关于温柔男孩的书可能更难以找到。一些建议是奇异恩典由玛丽霍夫曼,王子柴油机Babette Cole,The Story of Ferdinandby Munro Leaf,纸袋公主by Robert Munschand奥利弗按钮是一个娘娘腔由tomie depaola。



    Lastly, read the resource,与幼儿交谈有关性别的from Gender Spectrum which gives some concrete ways to talk with young children about gender and provides sensitive ways and language to respond to children’s questions or comments about gender.




    This course has introduced many strategies to ensure that your classroom or program creates safe spaces for all the children, youth and families you serve. Use the attached document to think more deeply about the practices that respectfully include all children, including gender-expansive or LGBTQ children and youth. How successful are you at implementing each one? After completing this inventory, if you need support to feel competent in a particular practice, talk with your trainer, coach or administrator about receiving additional training to develop the skills you need to support the healthy development of all children in your care.




    In Lesson One, three ways of approaching gender-expansive and LGBTQ children were introduced: acknowledgement, affirmation and advocacy. After completing this training, take the time to reflect on what you have learned. Has this information affected the way you will work with children and youth in the future? Identify specific areas where you wish to improve your practice.



    学期 描述
    性别限制戏剧 播放组或播放主题划定为二元性别组,例如由一群女孩组成的播放组
    异变评论 促进异性恋的评论作为正常的存在方式,并加强男性和女性的陈规定型角色
    Homophobic language 语言表征为LGBTQ人的敌对
    翻译 展示对变性人的非理性恐惧










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    Buyea,R.(2010)。因为故障先生。New York, NY: Delacorte Books for Young Readers.

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    DePaola, T. (1979).奥利弗按钮是一个娘娘腔。纽约,纽约:青年读者的西蒙和舒斯特书籍。

    Dewdney, A. (2013).骆驼骆驼和欺负山羊。纽约,纽约:年轻读者的Viking Books。

    沮丧,M。(2008)。在热狗小圆面包的意大利面条:有勇气成为你的谁。Wixom, MI:基本规则按。

    Dykstra, L.A. (2005).贸易友好的幼儿园万博体育全站app中国同性恋问题杂志,3(1).




    霍夫曼,M.(1991)奇异恩典。New York, NY: Dial Books for Young Readers.

    Juhola,E。(导演)(2016)。成长coy [视频信息表]。从2017年2月15日检索到的

    Kosciw,J.G.,Greytak,E.A.,Bartkiewicz,M.J.,Boesen,M.J.,Palmer,N.A.(2011)。The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools。Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN).

    Leaf, M. (1936).The Story of Ferdinand。纽约,纽约:企鹅集团。

    Lenhart,A.(2009)。Teens and Social Media: An Overview。[PowerPoint幻灯片]。从...获得

    Ludwig, T. (2010).Confessions of a Former Bully。伯克利,加利福尼亚州:三轮车。

    Lynch,J.(2014)。Marlene, Marlene, Queen of Mean.纽约,纽约:年轻读者的随机房子书籍。

    Munsch,R。(1980)。纸袋公主。布法罗,纽约:Annick Bound。



    Pennsylvania Echoes. Avoiding Roadblocks in Listening. Retrieved from




