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    • Explain the importance of controlled breathing in relaxation.
    • 了解图像的方式,即促进放松响应的方式。
    • Practice controlled breathing, imagery and positive self-statements for achieving a relaxed state.



    Breathing is one of those automatic body functions that ensures survival. You are barely aware of the number of breaths you take a day, but how you breathe influences both physical and psychological well-being. Under non-stressful conditions, you breathe in a slow, rhythmic pattern, but when you perceive a threat and your stress hormones "fire you up," your body begins the shallow breathing that facilitates survival in life-threatening situations. This reaction occurs whether the threat is real or imagined, whether it is physical or psychological.

    一位名称的神经心理学家Rick Hanson表明,当一个人感到恼火,强调和焦虑或焦虑时,我们需要“冷却火灾”。意思是,您必须重新获得自己管理自己的能力以及您所面临的情况并返回轻松的呼吸模式。受控的呼吸有助于安静的心灵,身体和心灵。


    One way to help you maintain a more relaxed state is ‘salutogenic” thinking, focusing on habits and activities that promote one’s good health rather than on what causes one to feel unwell or stressed. For example, you might purposefully direct your attention to your daily walks, an activity you enjoy and helps you relax, instead of focusing on the stressful aspects of your day. Another way to think about 'salutogenic’ thinking is to view the glass as half full, rather than half empty.

    You can use controlled breathing to reduce your stress in an immediate situation. You can also use it to train your body’s relaxation response even when not under stress. Once you have mastered the basic technique, you can add other methods for boosting effects.



    Activity: Just Breathe Video






    The diaphragm is the muscle just beneath your lungs that aides in breathing. When working properly, it is effective in reducing anxiety.

    1. 把你的双手略微重叠轻轻地哟ur stomach just below the upside down “V” in the middle of your rib cage.
    2. 通常呼吸,俯视你手的运动,略微上下上升。
    3. 留在这个职位上,想象一下,你的腹部有一个流放的气球,你的工作是填补气球。
    4. 通过鼻子慢慢呼吸,让气球开始充气。在你这样做时,你会注意到你的手开始轻轻地升起。
    5. Gently hold the breathe for a slow count 1, 2, 3 and slowly release your breathe through the mouth on a slow count of 1, 2, 3.
    6. Repeat the process. Breathe slowing in through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth.
    7. 从您用于练习的任何位置慢慢上升,因为您可能会在一开始时遇到轻微的灯光感。

    After practicing a few times, you will begin to see the pattern of relaxation associated with controlled breathing as you "cool the flames" and you consciously engage your parasympathetic nervous system in the relaxation response. You may begin to experience a sense of wellness. Continue to practice this technique using the imagery of a balloon or some other imagery that works for you. When you feel that you have mastered the breathing technique, stop using your hands and employ the tool at work and in other settings.


    In addition to abdominal breathing for relaxation, you can deepen your experience of being calm and relaxed by systematically tensing and relaxing different body parts. This allows you to notice the difference between tensed and relaxed muscles. When you have mastered the ability to notice the difference, you are then able to employ a simple "body scan" to detect areas of physical tension to be targeted for relaxation.






    Now that you have experienced controlled breathing, you are in a position to add strategies to enhance the experience and deepen the relaxation. Through the use of imagery, you will use mental pictures to imagine scenes that will aid in relaxation and free the body of tension. You may include sights, sounds, smells, and feelings. You will use the imagery and pair it with proper breathing to deepen your relaxation. You should use any imagery that works for you. For example, many people find beach scenes relaxing, so picturing yourself in a beach chair with the warm sun shining down on you may be helpful. Other people like to walk through forests and be close to nature. Hearing sounds like babbling brooks and birds chirping helps them feel relaxed. Use as many senses as possible to make the image real for you. What you use is up to you, but here are images of some popular themes that inspire relaxation:

    forest scene with a small babbling brook

    1. Walking through a forest during early morning, seeing the dew upon the leaves and pathway. Smelling the scent of pine and catching glimpses of sunlight through branches overhead as you walk along. You stop by a babbling brook to watch water flow over small smooth stones. The air is clear and refreshing.

    inside a cabin by a warm fire with snowy mountains outside the window


    beach overlooking a blue ocean and a blue sky

    3.. Lounging on a beautiful beach on a clear bright day. You hear the rhythmic splashing as the waves roll onto the shore. The warmth of the sun soothes your body. Bright, white clouds float against a vivid blue sky.

    Once you have mastered the techniques of controlled breathing, muscle relaxation, or imagery, you can try adding in positive self-statements to enhance the relaxing benefit. For example,

    • 在呼气期间,你提醒自己,“我平静而有能力。”
    • 当你紧张并释放不同的肌肉时,你认为,“我可以释放我的压力。”
    • 正如你想象一个平静的场景,你对自己说:“我是这个世界的美丽部分。”

    You can add any positive self-statement that helps you harness the resiliency within yourself.



    Please set aside several minutes to attempt this exercise the first time. For the first practice, use the Progressive Muscle Relaxation Chart (attached below) so you can follow the directions closely and make notes of any particular body areas that seem to be more prone to stress-related tension; you will experience this as tightness or soreness. This chart was adapted from the Center for Clinical Interventions of the Western Australia Department of Health (。

    您可能还想探索网站上的资源:SmartLab(压力管理和弹性培训实验室, specifically the Mindfulness Apps and the Guided Meditations websites:


    Mindfulness Toolkit.

    指导d Meditations





    学期 Description
    Controlled breathing 使用隔膜调节呼吸
    Imagery A technique that uses mental images to recall or induce a particular body state or emotion
    神经心理学家 专家涉及心理观察对行为与脑神经理学的思想融合
    Parasympathetic nervous system Subsystem of the autonomic nervous system which functions to conserve resources and energy during periods of relaxation
    积极的自我陈述 对自我作出的非发声陈述that help to emphasizes one's resiliency and strength
    进步肌肉放松 系统张紧和放松身体肌肉的技术
    唾液生成 Factors that support health
    Self-statements 对自我作出的非发声陈述
    交感神经系统 Subsystem of the autonomic nervous system which activates during periods of stress and arousal






    Finish the sentence. Mindfulness and meditation…


    Your friend wants to try progressive muscle relaxation but comments, "I don't have any place in my house that's quiet or comfortable!" What positive response might you give her?

    References & Resources

    Center for Clinical Interventions. (n.d.). Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Retrieved from。PDF.

    Gehl, M., & Hackbert, L. (2019). Getting started with mindfulness: A toolkit for early childhood organizations. ZERO TO THREE.


    Hanson,R.(2009)。佛陀的大脑:幸福,爱情和智慧的实用神经科学。奥克兰,加利福尼亚州:新的Harbinger Publications,Inc。

    Lippelt, D. P., Hommel, B., & Colzato, L. S. (2014). Focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness meditation: effects on attention, conflict monitoring, and creativity - A review.Frontiers in psychology5.,1083. DOI:10.3389 / FPSYG.2014.01083

    Sapolsky, R. M. (2004). Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (3rd ed.). New York: Henry Holt and Company

    Tamir, M. (2016). Why Do People Regulate their Emotions? A taxonomy of motives in emotion regulation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 20(3), 199-222.
