
    • 探索如何在减少压力减少活动中涉及同事。
    • Examine how to incorporate practices into your work with children.
    • 识别与感恩相关的福利。




    花点时间思考一下你试图学习作为群体的一部分的新技能 - 它可能是一家学习小组,研讨会中的一个小讨论组,或绗缝课程。想想它如何有助于让你身边的人们努力朝着同一目标,他们是理解和支持自己的努力。



    Another practice that helps build our own resilience and can build the resilience of those we work with is to become intentional about being thankful and expressing gratitude. Gratitude has been the subject of much recent research with both children and adults, and it has been shown to have benefits related to both psychological and physical functioning. It not only helps boost the well-being of the person or group receiving the gratitude, the act of identifying what you are grateful for and specifically expressing to others what you appreciate helps the giver's well-being, too. Moreover, gratitude strengthens relationships, a key factor in social competence and social-emotional functioning. Take a moment and think back on your life. Is there a person who has supported or influenced you in some way? Who is this person (maybe a family member, friend, former or current colleague, coach, children or their parents)? How did this person affect you for the better? Did you have an opportunity to thank and express gratitude to this person? Now imagine that you came face-to-face with this person. What would you say? How would you describe your emotion and the physical reaction that accompanied your feelings?


    在第三课,你知道大脑的natural inclination toward negativity, although important to survival, may be responsible for negative emotions and behaviors in your interactions with others. Although it is adaptive to analyze "bad events" so that they can be avoided in the future, too much time spent on the negative is not beneficial to our resilience. Expressing gratitude is a conscious strategy for overcoming the brain's negativity bias and for bolstering resilience and increasing feelings of wellness in you and in the recipients of your kindness. As with other resilience strategies, we can learn to cultivate and express gratitude. And, just like with other strategies we have explored, gratitude can be adopted as part of a workplace culture. Particularly in early-childhood settings, being surrounded by adults who model generosity, thankfulness, and gratitude enhances children's social-emotional development.


    When you involve children in self-care practices, you are helping them build strategies to identify their own feelings and attend to them in socially productive ways. Watch the video below to see how one preschool teacher incorporated a breathing exercise in her classroom practices. What do you notice about the children's responses? How do you think incorporating this with your children and colleagues could help you and others in your program?



    • 向您的中心询问其他教师和照顾者探索自己特别喜欢的自我的过程或课程。如果他们发现它有用,建议在您的部分 - 甚至只是在您的课堂上与您的合作教师或助手 - 您可以通过练习一分钟的呼吸或图像一起开始您的一天。
    • 与您的同事和护理人员谈论减少压力并分享探索的重要性活动从课程。头脑风暴方式您可以将策略纳入您的工作。例如,当存在压力迹象时,同意为彼此提供支持,并同意当事情感到压倒时请求支持。学会提醒对方呼吸。通过您学到的技术来策略减少压力的方法。
    • 在呼吸运动中引导孩子们的护理。保持简短,积极,并适应他们的年龄。考虑将其纳入圈子时间的常规部分。即使有了非常幼儿,你也可以把它们聚集在一起,模型深呼吸。与他们谈论人和让他们开心的东西。您也可以在练习一些伸展或初级瑜伽运动中聘请学万博体育全站app龄前儿童或年龄较大的孩子,甚至在一些指导的图像经历中。将此资源视为如何在引导图像中聘请幼儿的一个示例:http://www.healthpoweredkids.org/lessons/guiding-imagery-for-younger-children/。在学校环境中看到来自儿童趋势的短剪辑:https://youtu.be/2chenjde0fu.
    • 创建课堂或计划的区域,帮助支持自我保健。尝试创建儿童或同事成员的空间,可以听取舒缓的音乐或引导呼吸运动。提供一个安静,平静的空间,也许是有助于帮助标记情绪的工具,识别思维陷阱,以及争议负面信。您可以打印并包含本课程中提供的一些资源,或者为儿童提供,尝试使用可用的一些资源Positive Guidance, Social & Emotional Development, and Learning Environments courses
    • 与孩子们在标签情绪上工作,如在第三课,建模如何挑战敏感,发育适当方式的负面信。您所提供的语言和观点可以在促进护理环境中的恢复力方面进行很长的路要走。
    • 点评5种有趣的方式,为孩子们呼吸,海星呼吸,镇静闪光瓶,五种感官和娱乐页面的第52-58页(以下资源)https://www.zerotothree.org/document/1262
    • Write a gratitude note to someone you work with or a parent whose child is in your class. Note a kindness, a helping hand, or a word of support they have given you. Explain the importance of this gift to you. Be concrete in describing the behavior and the impact.
    • 在感激的活动中引导您的课堂或计划中的孩子。让孩子分享他们在圈子时间或小组会议上感恩的东西。模特表达描述性和真诚谢谢他人 - 其他人和儿童。感谢识字或创造性的表达经验;您可以鼓励他们构建信件或图片,表达他们对大楼内的家庭成员,社区助手或其他主要工作人员的感激之情(例如,当天的美味零食的厨师)。花点时间与孩子们谈论感恩,因为他们画一张照片或制作物品以表达他们的感激之情。



    Follow the link to a short article published in关键护理护士总结了对感恩的益处的研究。分享您与同事学到的一些东西或生命中重要的事情。然后,使用Gratitude Stone Activity对于一项练习,您可以单独或与团队一起做,以创建感激思想的视觉提示。



    本课程标题的首字母缩略词,为教师社会情感学习的自我T,也是一种良好的缩写,当您面临压力情况时,可以为您提供良好的方法,包括您在教室中狗万app怎么下载可能遇到的方法。使用SELF-T Approach for Teachers资源下面并发布它将提醒您练习减少压力,恢复性建筑技术。


    术语 描述
    Gratitude The state of being grateful; thankfulness; expressing appreciation is one technique that helps reduce stress and increase resilience











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