Complete the following self-assessment and discuss your answers with a coach, trainer or administrator.
Key:1 = Strongly Disagree2 = Disagree3 = Undecided4 = Agree5 = Strongly Agree
Sexual development and behavior is a private matter.12345
It is parents’ responsibility to educate children about sex, sexual development, and sexuality.12345
Part of my role is to promote healthy sexual development in children.12345
I am knowledgeable about childhood sexual development and behavior.12345
If I have questions about sexual behavior and development, I have coworkers to turn to for support.12345
Sexual behavior in children is inappropriate.12345
I know how to determine if behaviors are red flags for child abuse.12345
I know the correct terms for parts of the body.12345
Children who act out in sexual ways have definitely been abused.12345
If families ask questions about sexual development and behavior, I am comfortable responding.12345