首先,审查关于艾利的案例研究。您可能会发现在课程中提到探索活动的建议答案很有帮助。然后回答问题性行为反射工具。最后,完成在此刻回应性行为和After the Fact活动。
艾弗里是一个四岁的孩子在幼儿园同学万博体育全站appsroom with delays in social-emotional and communication. An intervention specialist and speech therapist each come to the classroom once a week to fulfill services on Avery’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). The family has mentioned that Avery goes to weekly speech therapy at an outpatient clinic, too. Avery is the youngest of five children, and the program staff think the parents “baby” Avery. Staff have discussed that the family let’s Avery “walk all over them.” Adam, Avery’s father, has shared that they feel bad for Avery because of their difficulty with speech, and the family feels the need to “spoil” Avery.

Now complete the response tool. First, describe the behavior:
Responding: In the Moment

- 在艾弗里在这些方式触及其他孩子时,保持冷静,控制挫败感。
- 考虑到艾弗里努力与同龄人沟通,并思考这一学龄前儿童必须有多难。万博体育全站app

- 平静地提醒艾利那舔,触摸私人部件和拥抱而无需询问不安全。
- 建议她做了另一项活动,她喜欢或要求她帮助你完成任务。

- 艾弗里·坎诺特解释了她所做的或为什么,因为她延迟了沟通。
- 您认为行为的意图是与同行互动和沟通。

- 加强安全触控与所有儿童不安全触摸。当您使用安全触摸看到它们时,请赞美儿童。
- 在她参与不安全的触摸之前,通过干预来支持Avery。艾弗里可以喜欢将书籍/玩具传递给同行,或者你可以建议她给朋友给“高诉讼”。

- Avery is delayed with communication and social-emotional but is typical in other ways. It must be very frustrating to not be able to talk with peers. Some things are not black-and-white but if we think about Avery's expressive communication as more similar to an 18-month-old (though atypical) and delayed social-emotional skills, it makes since that she responds to redirection in the moment but needs reminders from day-to-day.

- 了解在此刻此行为的步骤。
- 促进所有孩子的健康性发展和安全触摸。
- 当她使用安全触摸时赞美艾利,找到您可以促进对等相互作用的方法。想想典型的同伴模型如何使艾弗利有益。“看看玛丽亚如何给萨姆高五,你也可以这样做吗?”

- 与同事沟通,所以回复是一致的。
- Speak with Avery's family about the behavior and what your team is doing to support her. Ask for their feedback and if they have suggestions.
- 考虑与干预专家和语音治疗师进行咨询,以便您实施一致的支持。