Secondary tabs

    • Understand how risk factors impact sexual development and behavior.
    • 了解适合发展的干预方案,包括咨询。
    • 让自己熟悉可能会被要求纳入针对性行为挑战接受干预的儿童的建议的方法。




    Variability of Causes for Sexual Behavior Challenges and Other Concerns


    作为照顾者和教育者,了解儿童和青年中性虐待的迹象是很重要的。然而,意识到问题性行为或严重性行为的其他潜在原因也很重要。儿童和青年notbeen sexually abused may also exhibit sexual behavior challenges. Consider a child with developmental delays who struggles with issues of personal space and inappropriately touches themselves or others. Or a child who mimics sexually explicit material they saw on TV after an older sibling left the TV on. Children may also display sexual behavior challenges to self-soothe through masturbation in response to traumatic events. These are all examples of paths to sexual behavior challenges that are not the result of sexual abuse. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2009), the following experiences and needs of children are risk factors for sexual behavior challenges:

    • 暴露于创伤体验,例如滥用,自然灾害或事故
    • Exposure to violence in the home
    • Excessive exposure to adult sexual activity or nudity in the home (including media exposure through television or the internet)
    • Inadequate rules about modesty or privacy in the home
    • Inadequate supervision in the home, often as a result of parental factors such as depression, substance abuse, or frequent absences due to work


    • 在邻居的玩伴
    • 兄弟姐妹的诞生
    • 共沐浴
    • 打扮时的隐私较少,去洗手间或沐浴
    • Viewing another child or adult in the bathroom
    • 看到他们的母亲母乳喂养
    • 共病诊断,如品行障碍、注意力缺陷多动障碍、创伤后应激障碍或对立违抗障碍(儿童通常有多个诊断)
    • Developmental level of child or youth


    • 冲动和倾向于在他们思考之前采取行动
    • Difficulties following rules and listening to authority figures at home and in the community
    • Problems making friends their own age and a tendency to play with much younger children
    • A limited ability to self soothe (calm themselves down), so they may touch their own genitals as a way to release stress and calm down






    • Depression
    • 焦虑
    • 认知和行为问题
    • Improving the participating parent’s or caregiver’s personal distress about the child’s traumatic experience
    • 有效的育儿技巧
    • 与孩子的支持性互动

    PSB-CBT is also provided by a trained mental health professional. This model includes:

    • 关于性行为和界限的规则
    • Abuse prevention skills and safety planning
    • 情绪调节和应对技巧
    • Impulse-control and problem-solving skills for children
    • 发展适当的性教育
    • Social skills and peer relationship
    • Acknowledgment of sexual behavior, apology, and making amends

    Additional key clinical components for caregivers include (NCTSN, 2016):

    • Behavior parent training to prevent and respond to problematic sexual behavior and other behavior problems
    • 一般儿童发展强调心理和情绪变化
    • 分散有关有问题的性行为和对儿童影响的误解
    • 与孩子交流性行为和性发育
    • 支持儿童使用应对和决策技巧

    During the child or youth’s initial assessment, the mental health provider may ask that you as the caregiver or educator contribute to the assessment of the child. Often, you will be provided with a questionnaire or checklist to complete. In addition to other assessment materials, your information helps the mental health professional make a recommendation for outpatient or more intensive therapy, such as inpatient or residential care, depending on the severity of the problematic sexual behavior, the presence of additional mental health concerns, or previous unsuccessful treatment.

    As intervention progresses, the mental health provider will work with the child or youth and with the family, possibly in individual and or group/family therapy formats, to create a developmentally appropriate intervention plan. Often times, counseling will consist of, but is not limited to, learning to identify and establish healthy boundaries, self-regulation skills, and parent management training. The following are examples of what intervention for sexual behavior challenges may look like based on the recommendation of a mental health professional:

    • 当哥哥姐姐不看电视时,模仿性露骨行为的孩子可能会被建议每周进行门诊干预,包括所有家庭成员,以建立健康的界限,并支持改善父母的监督。
    • 使用不恰当的触摸的发展延误的孩子可能会受益于每周两到三次的门诊咨询,以帮助父母和孩子建立健康的界限,并解决孩子的其他需要领域。
    • The child who self-soothed through masturbation due to traumatic events may be best served in a half-day outpatient setting to learn coping skills for their traumatic stress responses and appropriate times of when to explore their sexuality. If, in that intensive outpatient setting, the mental health professional identifies that the child’s home life is more of a risk factor or that trauma is more intense than originally diagnosed, the child can be moved into an inpatient or residential care facility. Depending on the facility, the child may have limited interaction with their family and increased daily structure with regular therapeutic interventions that can include individual and group counseling. While the child or youth intervention plan is confidential, it is crucial to be aware of what you as a caregiver or educator can do to help the child or adolescent, especially if and when they reintegrate back into your program.


    除了接受干预,孩子with sexual behavior challenges who will continue to attend your program may be asked to follow recommendations. Mental health specialists may request that you incorporate strategies into your daily routines to reinforce what the child learned during intervention. According to Mitten, Sigel, and Silovsky (2017), discussing rules about sexual behavior is a strategy that can prevent sexual behavior challenges. It is also appropriate to communicate with families before such information is discussed with children so that families will not be caught off guard in case questions or comments occur at home after the information is presented. Presenting information in a calm manner helps children and youth to be more open in discussing these sensitive, challenging topics. Interventions are important to consider as preventive--before learning of a child or adolescent with sexual behavior challenges or in response to a presenting sexual behavior concern).


    • 触摸其他人的私人部件并不办
    • It is not OK for other people to touch your private parts.
    • It is not OK to show your private parts to other people.
    • 它是不可以看别人的私人不相上下ts.
    • Touching your own private parts when you are alone is OK.

    Rules for School-Age Children & Youth

    • 它是不可以看别人的私人不相上下ts.
    • It is not OK to show other people your private parts.
    • 触摸其他人的私人部件并不办。
    • 使用性语言是不行的。
    • 让其他人对你的性行为感到不舒服是不可能的。
    • 只要您私下触摸您的私人部件即可触摸您的私人部件即可干扰您的日常生活和活动。

    Programs are charged with keeping all children safe while in care. With this in mind, caregivers need to consider ways all children and youth stay safe. To address this concern, you may be asked to provide additional supervision for children receiving intervention for sexual behavior challenges. This may mean you will want to create a supervision or safety plan with the child or youth’s parents or caregivers and program administrators to ensure the safety of all children. This is especially important if the child or youth who exhibited sexual behavior challenges toward other children or youth.

    Supervision plans can include:

    • Adult-only supervision of child or youth.
    • 在儿童或青年到达时、休息和午餐期间以及离开时对其进行监督。
    • 在较少结构或减少监督的那一天的其他时候监督儿童或青年。
    • 指定的游乐区。
    • 监督儿童或青少年使用洗手间。
    • 体育监督,包括改变区域(例如,在游泳池处)。
    • Procedures for the child or youth to check in with a designated adult throughout the day.
    • A plan to respond to subsequent inappropriate sexual behavior, which may include a set of escalating consequences.
    • 具体的行为管理策略,包括加强适当行为的计划。
    • A plan to involve the child in positive activities with peers.
    • 一个通信计划,指定如何和与其共享谁。
    • 指定的案例经理(最好是程序管理员)。
    • 计划和更新计划和规则的清晰沟通。
    • Implementation of coping or calming skills, including those for the caregiver or educator similar to the CAPPD model in第一课自我照顾策略第四课of the VLS Focused Topics Trauma-Informed Care in Child Care Settings course.




    • 审查有关性教育宣传的政策,促进防止虐待,并与受性行为挑战影响的家庭合作。
    • 为家庭提供性教育,使其融入整个支持系统,就适当的性发展进行健康的交流。
    • Employing school counselors or collaboration with clinical counselors to implement classroom developmental lessons on healthy boundaries, self-regulation skills, and safe touch. School and clinical counselors can also meet individually with children and youth or with families to assist with supervision plans and discuss counseling referrals.




    具有性行为的儿童挑战受益于基于研究的干预措施。首先,俄克拉荷马州健康科学中心大学的许可专业顾问Millington描述了有问题的性行为 - 认知行为治疗(PSB-CBT)和创伤 - CBT)。这些干预措施由训练有素的心理健康专业人员提供。然后,Amanda Mitten,也是俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心的持牌专业顾问,股票的建议示例,即精神卫生专业人员可能要求育儿计划。

    Intervention for Sexual Behavior Challenges

    Listen to experts speak about interventions for children with sexual behavior

    As noted in Lesson Two, promotion and prevention are common terms used in the Virtual Lab School. As you think about your role as a professional working with infants, toddlers, preschool children, or school-age children and youth, reflect on what you can do to be a part of a supportive team. Consider these guidelines and standards of care for professionals working with children and youth with sexual behavior challenges, provided by the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth:

    • 认识到您促进社区和家庭安全工作的重要性。
    • 了解您的做法可能对青年及其家人有重大影响和改变生命的影响。
    • 告知儿童,青年及其家人,专业人士是虐待儿童的任务记者。
    • 确保儿童或青少年在发育和认知的适当语言中完全了解。
    • 随着家庭的同意,与外部专家和机构合作,因此儿童的干预感觉就像团队努力。
    • 遵循相关的实践指南和道德标准(例如,性虐待者的介入协会的标准和指导方针以及您的职业的协会)。



    重温扩展的案例研究您阅读了下面的第四课,并复习了随附的监督计划示例。监督计划可以是基于对项目评估的建议专家or created by program leadership to bridge the gap between when an incident occurs and when aspecialist可以咨询或提出建议。头脑风暴如何使用教练,培训师或管理员实施计划。



    Review the documents on触摸类型and性行为挑战记录指南。Discuss your thoughts with a trusted colleague.


    术语 Description
    咨询 受过训练的心理健康专业人员提供的治疗干预,以治疗行为,精神,社会和情绪症状
    住院治疗 强化咨询,要求患者留在医院的干预中心,为24/7支持
    Mental Health Professionals Individuals who have been trained and licensed to assess, diagnose, and treat issues of mental health including counselors, clinicians, therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and psychologists, each having different training and expertise
    Outpatient Therapy 病人或客户住在家里,在社区参加咨询会议
    Problematic Sexual Behavior 术语often used in the early childhood education field to describe sexual behaviors that children and youth exhibit that fall outside the range of normative sexual behaviors for children and youth of a given age; synonymous with sexual behavior challenges
    寄宿护理 安全的生活住宅通常需要支撑住房恢复;可以是住院治疗的干预计划中的一步














    全国儿童创伤应激网络。(2009). 儿童性行为挑战的理解与应对。加利福尼亚州洛杉矶和北卡罗来纳州达勒姆:国家儿童创伤应激中心。检索自

    国家儿童创伤应力网络。(2016)。PSB-CBT-S:有问题的性行为 - 学龄儿童认知行为治疗。从...获得

    国家儿童联盟。(2017). What we can do. Retrieved from

    Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. (2019) About trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy (TF-CBT). Retrieved from