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    • Identify ways to respond to staff members' diverse beliefs on sexual development.
    • 探索如何支持直接护理专业人员对儿童的性行为的回应。
    • 展示如何支持整个计划实现最佳实践。

    Responding to Staff Members’ Diverse Beliefs About Sexual Development



    • “Children don’t need to learn about this until they reach puberty.”
    • “这种行为是如此不合适;家庭需要处理这个问题。“
    • “我不是一种性教育教师,所以我没有资格。”
    • “这些是我们不应该与孩子讨论的私人问题。”
    • “那不是我的工作;社会工作者需要照顾这个问题。“

    While these feelings may be common, it is important that staff understand that their primary roles are to keep children safe and to support their learning and development, including sexual development. When you discuss staff’s feelings and beliefs on sexual development, during the我的童年性发展知识和信仰活动第一课那it is important to acknowledge the staff members feelings while emphasizing that they play an important role in teaching children about boundaries and appropriate touch and in responding appropriately to sexual behaviors when they occur. For example, you may acknowledge that a staff member might feel uncomfortable or unqualified to discuss sexual development and behavior with children and youth while also explaining the many ways that they can promote healthy sexual development in the program by using appropriate vocabulary, teaching what is “safe” versus “unsafe” touch, teaching children about boundaries (physical and verbal), and pointing out others cues and responses to touch. If you encounter beliefs from program staff similar to those mentioned above, you can do the following:





    Show the staff member you relate to how they feel by sharing about a time when you felt uncomfortable with a work responsibility or task. You could talk about what you felt before you formally learned about sexual development and behavior. Let them know you recognize that stepping outside of one’s comfort zone can be difficult.





    支持ing Direct Care Staff


    • 文化和家庭规范
    • 发展
    • Function of the Behavior
    • Frequency and participation
    • Environment
    • 对他人的影响
    • Response to redirection

    Though you will consider all of these factors, direct care staff may need the most help from you when analyzing children’s development and functions for sexual behaviors. You will likely need to be part of the process when staff complete theSexual Behavior Reflection Tool性发展定义与因素,和其他形式。即使在没有您的情况下更好的教学团队完成这些形式,您也应该审查他们的文件以确保最佳实践。




    • What behavior occurred?
    • 我们想要发生什么?
    • 孩子能做什么?

    点评审查example below about a child named Kari. Notice that we do not have information about Kari’s age because the focus of this exercise is for staff to think about developmental abilities.

    What behavior occurred?

    Kari walks out of the bathroom with her private parts exposed.



    • 何时是时候去洗手间了
    • 可以独立地拉下裤子和内衣,但还不能上拉
    • Needs help with clothing fasteners
    • Does not yet feel bashful about exposing private parts
    • 学ing about public versus private


    Function of the Behavior


    对环境的反应是对孩子经历的反应。孩子们没有想到他们事先要做的事情。相反,他们对他们的环境做出了反应。计划发生的事件涉及思考一个人提前做些什么以及行动对他人的影响。这需要高级认知技能,包括逻辑推理,自我意识和社会意识。Lesson FiveVLS集中的主题课程,支持ing Children with Challenging Behaviorsprovides additional information on the function of behavior.


    在这个例子中,一名学龄队的团队听到了一个涉及尼尔的性行为,这是一个9岁的自闭症的孩子。其他孩子们报告说,当尼尔在浴室里时,他将在使用小便池时走向他们,并试图看待他们的生殖器。听到这种行为后,团队完成了Sexual Behavior Reflection Toolbelow. Use the toggle feature to read the follow-up questions that Ashley, a training and curriculum specialist, asks the teaching team.

    No. Two children report that Neil has tried to watch them while using the urinal at different times.
    Is the behavior driven by curiosity, exploration, and playfulness?
    No. Neil has a lot of problem behaviors and usually hangs out by himself.
    No. The other children were annoyed.
    If other children are involved, do they know each other well and are they of a similar age and development (<2 years)?

    Ashley为团队的后续问题帮助他们决定虽然尼尔的性行为不适合9岁,但它没有意外的尼尔的发展。他们制定计划为尼尔的浴室常规进行绘制时间表。此外,尼尔是在浴室里有直接的监督。Ashley和团队计划在重新评估行为前两周实施预防计划。除了召开报告这一事件的两个孩子的家庭之外,教练将向尼尔的家人传达计划。她将保密地分享报告的内容,并且该计划有预防计划来解决行为。如果两周后仍有疑问,计划领导将咨询上市专家。您可能想知道为什么阿什利或计划管理员选择等待联系上市专家。Program leadership assessed Neil’s behavior to be consistent with his developmental abilities; therefore, they were confident in deciding that this sexual behavior is normative for Neil and can be easily prevented using universal and targeted strategies (supervision and picture schedule).

    Assessing Program-Wide Needs

    It is helpful to have a baseline for the knowledge and comfort level of program staff regarding sexual development and behavior. You can collect data to assess this by asking staff to complete theMy Knowledge and Beliefs自我评估工具应用课程部分。This is one way to measure individual staff members and your program as a whole. If you find that most of your program staff report limited knowledge on sexual development and behavior or feel uncomfortable with this topic collaborate with your program administrator to plan a professional development opportunity. You and the program administrator can support program-wide learning in the following ways:

    • 引导展示或讨论以对东方人的发展方式进行性发展。
    • Invite a specialist with expertise in this area to give staff a presentation.
    • 设立一个内部目标,比如“年底前calendar year, all lead staff members will have completed the Sexual Development & Behavior in Children and Youth Focused Topics Course.”
    • Provide group case study opportunities. For example, you could lead a small-group discussion and practice using tools such as theSexual Behavior Reflection ToolandSexual Behavior: Definition and Factorsworksheets.

    These opportunities support staff members’ knowledge and communicate that everyone, not just leadership and specialists, have a role in promoting healthy sexual development and preventing sexual behavior challenges.



    There is a tendency for child care staff to only discuss children’s sexual behavior with each other and with families when there is a concern. Even when sexual behavior is normative, staff may feel hesitant to ask questions or talk with their teaching team and families. You can help program staff gain confidence by allowing them to practice with you. During role-playing, you can model how you would talk about sexual behaviors and preventive strategies and also have staff practice what they would say to a coworker or family. Read the examples showing how a coach models communicating about sexual behavior.

    Coach:“I’ve noticed that Lola asks a lot of questions about where babies come from, and I do my best to provide developmentally appropriate responses. She recently asked, “Do mommies poop out the babies?” I let Lola know that when babies are born, they come out through the mother’s private parts or a doctor uses special tools to help the mother birth the baby another way. These kinds of questions are very typical for children this age and show that Lola is learning about how the body works and the human life cycle. What questions do you have?”


    如何Leadership Can Support Families with Children with Sexual Behavior Challenges


    • 对于在当天中期参加干预任命的儿童,提议通过让孩子留下来帮助员工和家人。然后家庭成员可以快速拿起他们的孩子。这对花时间休假的家庭成员特别有帮助。
    • 保留您收到的所有文书工作,例如支持计划或评估报告,组织和随时可用。如果一个家庭拆卸他们的文件,请为他们提供副本。
    • If a child leaves your program to attend intensive treatment for sexual behavior challenges, you or your program administrator can reach out to the family via a phone call to let them know you are thinking of them. Be available to listen if they would like to share updates, but it’s OK if the conversation ends with you sharing your thoughtful message.
    • 性行为挑战的儿童也不罕见,也表现出规范性行为。当孩子和青年有性行为挑战时,与之合作上市专家to communicate the range of behaviors observed, so families understand that some sexual behaviors are typical. This can help families with children with sexual behavior challenges feel less stigmatized and learn more about sexual development.

    如何上市Multidisciplinary Teams Support性行为挑战的儿童

    Direct care staff will have the support of program leadership,上市专家那and the family when they implement a support plan for children with sexual behavior challenges. While a team approach is best, it is important that everyone involved have clearly defined roles. Review the example below to see how programs may choose to designate specific responsibilities.

    • 完整的评估并创建育儿计划的支持计划。
    • 建议和协调与家人的外部干预(儿童护理计划外面)。
    • Coordinate conferences and team communication.
    Program Leadership (Administrator and Training & Curriculum Specialist)
    • 完成时协助直接护理专业人员Sexual Behavior Reflection Tooland other program tools.
    • 查看所有内部文档的性行为。
    • Be present when staff member speaks with children or youth after a sexual behavior incident has occurred; ensure documentation procedures are followed.
    • 在等待建议的同时将临时支持计划提供到位上市专家
    • Serve as point of contact for上市specialistsand families regarding questions or updates.
    • Serve as a point of contact for program staff regarding questions or updates.
    • 确保支持计划和其他文档放在儿童档案中。
    • 确保可以实施支持计划(人员配置等)。
    • Model recommended strategies for direct care staff.
    • 观察并向直接护理人员提供反馈。
    • May work with program leadership or in some cases with teaching team, to complete documentation of sexual behaviors.
    • 从程序leadershi通知和接收反馈p on all sexual behavior documentation.
    • Carry out support plan recommendations and strategies.
    • 为计划实施和行为带来问题和担忧来编制方案领导。
    • Share relevant communication from family with program leadership.
    • 继续使用最佳实践与家庭沟通。

    If there is a teaching team in your program that cares for a child or youth with sexual behavior challenges, that team will likely need more than typical support from you. They may be asked to carry out strategies that are new to them or possibly even have an additional staff member added to their team to provide closer supervision for the child with sexual behavior challenges. This can be challenging and stressful for staff. Be sensitive to the fact that they are caring for a child who has needs beyond what is typical for most children.


    Jane Silovsky,博士学位,俄克拉荷马大学健康科学中心儿科教授讨论了教练可以支持员工促进健康性发展和行为的方式。在您收听此视频时,请考虑所提出的建议,如果您已经在做过其中一些东西。您是否希望在您的工作中作为教练,培训师或管理员开始新的做法?


    Listen to an expert discuss ways coaches can support staff in promoting healthy sexual development.

    You will create a program environment where staff are able to reflect on their practices around children’s sexual development and behavior. As you read each scenario that follows, think about how you might respond. Then read suggested ways you might approach the situation with each staff member.

    Coaching and Creating Programs that Support Sexual Development Scenarios



    Carmen uses slang terms to refer to children’s private parts.

    You Say:

    Say to the staff member:

    • “What do you know about using correct terms for children’s private parts?”
    • “您是否曾在使用儿童私人零件的正确条款观察过工作人员或家庭成员?为什么你认为他们这样做了?“

    You Do:


    • 设定Carmen的时间观察您,或者在尿布在尿布变化或帮助儿童时使用正确的术语的其他工作人员。
    • 提供Carmen,并列出了身体部位的正确条款。



    • Terry frequently tells children “stop touching” when preschoolers interact with one another.

    You Say:

    Say to the staff member:

    • “I noticed that the children need to be reminded about touch a lot. What can we do so they learn this rule better?”
    • “How do the children respond when asked to stop touching one another?”

    You Do:


    • Model using positive guidance to communicate what children should do versus what they should not do.
    • Reflect on other ways you can teach children to ask permission to touch.



    • You overhear Diane and Shanae discussing Nicholas, a child with a history of sexual behavior challenges. You hear them refer to him as a “sexual predator” and make judgmental statements about Nicholas’s family.

    You Say:

    Say to the staff member:

    Individually discuss with these staff members what you heard them say.

    • “I heard you use some strong language when discussing Nicholas and his family. Tell me a bit more about how you are supporting them?”
    • What do you know about why children develop sexual behavior challenges?”

    You Do:


    • Coach Diane and Shanae to understand how inappropriately labeling children can further stigmatize, affect children’s behavior, and affect children’s view of themselves. Use lesson content to support this conversation.
    • 鼓励黛安和Shanae学习性行为挑战的风险因素。



    • Tiffany comes to you complaining about Mason, a program child receiving intervention for sexual behavior challenges. The family’s specialist has recommended that Tiffany discuss safe and unsafe touch with the entire class. Tiffany doesn’t think it’s her job to teach Mason these rules and feels it’s unnecessary to do whole group teaching when only one child has the issue.

    You Say:

    Say to the staff member:

    • “您如何认为具有了解安全和不安全触摸的同行会影响梅森?”
    • “Tell me more about why you feel it’s not your role to teach children this skill?”

    You Do:


    • Provide Tiffany the opportunity to reflect on her beliefs. Consider requesting she complete the first lessons of this course.
    • Provide Tiffany the opportunity to observe you or another staff member teaching children about safe and unsafe touch.



    完成Determining Children's Intentions对头脑风暴的活动是否是所描述的行为是反应或计划发生的。反思你的同事回答。



    点评审查Coaching Conversation: Reflecting on Staff Beliefsattachment to see an example of how a coach helps a staff member expand their thinking on their role in supporting children’s sexual development.


    Term 描述
    年龄年龄 Age of person measured from date of birth
    Logical Reasoning Ability to connect two or more ideas and think about future consequences
    耻辱 Attribute a belief of shame or disgrace




    When talking about children and youths’ challenging sexual behavior, several factors affect their behavior. Which two factors will direct care staff likely need the most help from you on?







    性教育倡议的未来。(2012)。国家性教育标准:核心内容和技能,K-12 [学校健康杂志的特刊]。

    Hagan, J.F., Shaw, J.S., Duncan, P. (Eds.). (2008). Theme 8: Promoting healthy sexual development and sexuality. In Bright futures: Guidelines for healthy supervision of infants, children, and adolescents (3rd.编辑。)(pp.169-176)。伊利尔麋鹿格罗夫村:美国小儿科学院。

    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network & National Center on Sexual Behavior of Youth. (2009). Sexual development and behavior in children: Information for parents and caregivers. Retrieved from