- 描述安全,不安全和不需要的触摸,允许触摸,公众与私人和主动监督。
- 了解在文化和发展恰当的触摸的建模。
- 通过不必要但必要的触摸来支持儿童和青少年。
安全触摸: These are touches that keep you from harm, help to keep you well-cared for, or make you feel good about yourself. Examples of safe touch are:
- 帮助孩子在浴室里保持身体干净
- 一名工作人员照顾伤害(投入带助手,让耳朵下降)
- 医生确保一个人的身体是健康的(牙医清洁牙齿,在医生办公室里遇到身体)
- 友好的触摸,如高vifs,握手,拳头碰撞,后面温柔的拍拍
- 对于一些家庭,抱着,拥抱和亲吻
- 一个孩子拒绝给家庭成员感情,如拥抱或亲吻
- A friend comes up behind another and gives a hug without permission
- Touch that may be a social norm in some cultures or families but not be practiced by everyone (hugging or a kiss on the cheek)
- 一个队友在一个运动队比赛后在臀部拍拍另一个
- In a crowded assembly, a student sits so close they keep brushing up against another’s shoulder or arm
- Pushing, hitting, biting
- A person touching a child’s private parts,other than确保它们健康和干净(如医生的访问)
- 在没有他们的许可的情况下,一名青少年触及另一个青少年的私人零件
- 一个人压迫或强迫孩子或青少年触摸他们的私人零件
- 身体暴力
- 迫使某人进入包含的空间或阻止它们移动
Though the lines for safe versus unsafe touch may seem very clear, knowing when touch is wanted or unwanted can be much more difficult to determine and will change for each individual depending on who the other person is and the circumstance. Providing families with information about safe, unsafe, and safe but unwanted touch will help them understand and communicate what types of touch are appropriate in the school setting.
Permission to Touch
First, you should know that children cannot legally consent to sexual behavior, even if they willingly participate in an interaction. While children cannot legally consent, it’s important to be familiar with the laws in your area regarding the age of consent for older adolescents, since this can be complicated and vary depending on where you live.
Oliviais a 7-year-old who is very interested in exploring pretend play themes around caregiving. She loves to play doctor and pretend that her peers are babies. One day while she is the “doctor” and Sammi, a peer, is having a checkup, Olivia lifts up Sammi’s shirt and places a toy stethoscope on her chest. Sammi begins to squirm and whine, indicating she doesn’t like it.
zoe., a 15-year old, has a new haircut and highlights. Nico, another student at school, comes up to Zoe and says, “I love your new hair,” and proceeds to put her hands on Zoe’s hair and “play” with it. Zoe quickly jerks her head away and scowls at Nico.
While your school should have clear rules and expectations on touch, as with most things, family and cultural norms will be diverse. For example, in some cultures it is customary to kiss on the cheek when greeting friends, family, and acquaintances. In other cultures, touching another person’s head, even a child’s, is disrespectful. Though you are primarily learning about permission to touch to prevent sexual behavior challenges in children and adolescents, it is also important that you are aware of your own behaviors. For example, many educators may not think twice about affectionately giving a young student a gentle pat on the head. But if you did that to a student who comes from a family that considers this disrespectful, what effect might that have? Read the examples below and notice how the caregivers modeled developmentally-appropriate permission to touch.
Bella, a 10-year-old student, unknowingly has a sticker stuck on the back of her shirt.
教育者反应: “Bella, there is a sticker stuck to the back of your shirt. Would you like me to pull it off?”
教育者反应: “Steven, do you need help? Are you all right?”
Although it may be natural to pull the sticker off Bella’s back or to immediately reach out and assist Steven, by asking permission, you are modeling an important skill for students. In these situations, students are given the choice to allow a safe touch or to decline and can assert their physical boundaries with others.
With recent advances in technology, students are connecting on the internet and through social media in new ways. There are a multitude of important decisions that students make regarding which information to share online or with their peers through social media. Students need to learn and practice decision-making skills. While it’s important for students to learn what not to do online for safety purposes, it’s just as important to teach students how to use and interact on social media in positive and safe ways. For example, instead of focusing only on “don’ts” think about how to also teach “dos”:
Instead of… | 考虑,讨论和教导...... |
不要发布或送不恰当的照片 | 是什么让照片适合或不合适?为什么?您可以发布或发送的适当照片是什么?您如何拥有负责任的在线身份? |
DON’T share personal information | Why is some information unsafe to share online? What information is safe to share online? |
DON’T use weak passwords | 是什么让密码强大?为什么?您如何在线创建强大而安全的密码? |
DON’T cyberbully others | 什么是网络欺凌?如果你看到它发生,你怎么能报告它?您如何尊重他人在线与他人沟通? |
Active Supervision
The school environment is a public space and should not have any areas where educators cannot provide active supervision. Active supervision occurs when school staff are able to engagingly observe and monitor student behavior and conversation. Active supervision is one way that educators can keep students safe and prevent a range of challenging behaviors.
Read this example of how the teacher below ensured that she could actively supervise the students while still encouraging them to engage in their original idea.
教育家回复:“教室里是一个公共空间,每一个人can see one another. How can we make changes to this fort so that your space stays public?”
When you first think of active supervision, you may think specifically about the ability to observe students’ behaviors visually. However, listening to students can be another critical way of monitoring behaviors. For example, in a tenth-grade science class as the teacher walks around the room during lab, he overhears a group of students laughing and making sexually explicit jokes. For this example, think back to the “responding to sexual behavior in the moment” graphic from Lesson Two, which outlines the process as: pause, redirect, listen, and teach. Here, the teacher may redirect the student’s behaviors by reminding them of what they need to be working on during class time and checking in with specific students after class regarding their inappropriate behavior. During this check-in the teacher can listen to the student’s point of view and teach, by communicating the expectations for class time.
- Computer labs
- 自助餐厅
- Playground
- 图书馆
- Gyms
- 壁橱
- 漂白剂
- Auditoriums
Asking, Accepting, and Declining Permission
You will need to teach children and adolescents how to ask, accept, and decline permission to touch. Encourage children and adolescents to be respectful but firm. Remember that communication is more than words, and it may be helpful for students with emerging language to learn and recognize gestures as well. Review the suggestions below and think about how you can use these ideas when working with children and adolescents.
- Model and teach students a gesture for “stop.” Extending your arm and hand (palm facing the other person) is a universal and often intuitive gesture. You can model this when you observe a student initiate unwanted touch. For example, Kori, a kindergartner, puts her hands on Jack’s face. Based on Jack’s facial expression, educator Simon recognizes that this is unwanted touch. Simon models the “stop” gesture to communicate to Kori, explaining that Jack says, “No thank you.”
- 帮助学生通过使用反思问题和叙述学会阅读提示。“当有人拉开你时,你认为这意味着什么?”“他有一个悲伤的脸。”
- 让学生练习要求,接受和拒绝各种形式的安全触摸(例如,牵手的高渔夫)。“我可以高五吗?”“当然!”“不,谢谢。”“不是现在。”
- 教儿童和青少年”boss” or “in charge” of their bodies and that they decide (except when an adult must help them) when they participate in safe touch and when they don’t.
- Help children and adolescents understand that you can decline a safe touch and still be that person’s friend.
- 教年轻学生的短语和概念,如“你在我的泡沫中”,所以他们知道他们在无意中侵入个人空间或从事不必要的触摸。教老学生是什么“个人空间”的手段。
- 当您观察学生要求,接受和触摸允许下降时,使用特定的,积极反馈。“利亚姆,谢谢你要求给伊莎贝尔拥抱。”
- Respect children’s and adolescent’s decision to decline (optional) safe touch. Avoid begging or teasing when they decline. For example, a first-grader refuses to give their parent a kiss at drop-off, begging from an adult might sound like, “Oh, come on, Daddy really wants a kiss. Please give me a kiss before I leave.” The teacher can support the child and parent in this situation by voicing the child’s intention, “It looks like he is not ready for a kiss right now. Maybe things will be different at the end of the day and you could ask for a kiss then?”
Sometimes a student will not want to receive your touch, but you will still need to let them know why you are supporting them. Read the examples in the通过不必要但必要的触摸来支持学生在类似情况下,头脑风暴的活动如何支持儿童和青年。当这些事件发生时,您还需要留住家庭通知。完成Notifying Families of Unwanted but Necessary Touch活动要考虑如何让家庭通知这些类型的事件。
Break the Cycle and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault. (2019). End tech abuse. Retrieved fromwww.endtechabuse.org/
Silovsky,J.F.,Swisher,L.M.,Widdifield,J.&Turner,V.L.(2013)。有性行为问题的儿童。在D.S.Bromberg&W.T.O'Donohue(EDS。),儿童手册和青少年性行为:发展和法医心理学(pp. 497-518). Oxford: Academic Press.