Below are suggestions for families based on the美国儿科学院用于儿童媒体和技术使用的建议和其他基于研究的信息。一些建议对所有家庭有用,其他建议是年龄和发展水平的特定。如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助在您的家中执行任何建议,请与学校工作人员咨询以获得支持。
For All Families
Supervise media as you would any other environment in your child's life。大多数父母希望知道孩子在哪里那who they are with, and what they are doing at all times. These same principles apply to media use. You can have peace-of-mind about your child’s exposure to content by providing limits and guidance on websites, apps, and software. Know who your child’s friends are both offline and online.
View media and technology with children。Watching television, playing an app game, and searching the internet for a homework project are all activities you can do with your children. Doing these activities together provides families opportunities to talk about topics that may be difficult to otherwise bring up. For example, if a parent and their 9-year-old are searching the internet together and a banner ad that states, “Meet Hot Girls and Guys” pops up, this is a real-time opportunity for a parent and child to have a discussion about internet safety.
For Families with Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers
- 避免超过18个月至24个月的儿童的屏幕时间(除了视频聊天,例如Skype,Facetime)。
- For children ages 18 to 24 months, if you want to introduce screen time (TV, tablets, etc.), choose high-quality programming (常识媒体那PBS Kids那Sesame Streetare good resources) and make this an activity you do with your child. Avoid letting your child use media without your engagement in the activity.
- 您不必向幼儿介绍技术和媒体。孩子们每天容易学习新技能,您的孩子将有足够的时间学习导航技术。孩子最重要的技能需要学习在他们的早期年的岁月中,最好通过游戏,扫盲体验,日常生活和活动期间的互动。
- 对于2至5岁的儿童,将屏幕时间限制为每天一小时的高质量编程。与您的孩子一起查看,并与他们讨论您所看到的内容。
- 5岁和年轻人的儿童只能播放发展合适和父母或照顾者的视频和电脑游戏。
- 避免使用屏幕平静您的孩子或者乏味。While there are some circumstances such as long car rides and airplane flights where it is OK to briefly use media, there are concerns that frequent use of screens to soothe and fulfill boredom can negatively affect children’s ability to learn to cope with stressful situations and everyday parts of life.
- 避免快速节奏的程序,具有分散,暴力或性内容。
- 睡前避免接触设备或屏幕一小时。这可以影响儿童的质量和睡眠量,易于入睡。
- Address what type of and how much media are used and what media behaviors are appropriate with your child or youth based on their development and needs. Place consistent limits on hours per day of media used.
- 建议儿童在卧室里的设备没有睡觉,包括电视,电脑和智能手机。睡前一小时避免接触屏幕。
- Discourage entertainment media while doing homework.
- Have ongoing communication with children about online citizenship and safety, including treating others with respect online and offline, avoiding cyberbullying and sexting, being wary of online solicitation, and avoiding communications that can compromise personal privacy and safety.
- Actively develop a network of trusted adults (relatives and close family friends) who can engage with your child if using social media so your child sees good role modeling of online citizenship.
AAP Council on Communication and Media. (2016). Media use in school-age children and adolescents.儿科,138(5)。
AAP Council on Communication and Media. (2016). Media and young minds。儿科,138(5)。
Healey A, Mendelsohn A, AAP COUNCIL ON EARLY CHILDHOOD. (2019). Selecting appropriate toys for young children in the digital era.儿科,143(1)。
Steinberg, S.B. (2017). Sharenting: Children’s privacy in the age of social media. Emory Law Journal,66,839-884。