It’s likely that in your program is not the first time that a particular student has been observed exhibiting a sexual behavior challenge. Rather, it’s possible that families may have observed the behavior at home or in another setting outside of the home. Families may not be aware that the sexual behavior is an issue or, if they do recognize it as an issue, they may be unsure of how to intervene. If families or primary caregivers have not witnessed a child’s sexual behavior challenges in the home or other settings, their contact with your program may be the first time they are alerted to the behavior. If a student’s behavior in your program is not consistent with what they’ve experienced at home, it may be difficult information to hear. Primary caregivers or families may have a difficult time accepting that the behavior occurred, they may feel embarrassed or upset, or they may feel defensive of their child.
It’s impossible to predict how a family may react to such information. Therefore, it’s important to remember that not all conversations will go as anticipated. Read about some of the common responses that families may have to a sexual behavior challenge.
“这并没有发生。我的孩子不会这样做。”Sexual behavior challenges may not also occur in front of a primary caregiver or other adults, instead, it may be disclosed by another student. In situations like this, it may be especially difficult for families to believe the behavior occurred. If a student denies the behavior, it’s important to keep an open mind about the possibility that the behavior occurred and take it seriously.
Educator Response:谢谢你来与我们交谈。我们了解您的担忧,亚历克斯被指控为她没有做的事情,并感谢您对这种情况的看法。我们没有观察行为,但另一名学生分享亚历克斯触及了他们的私人部分。我们与亚历克斯和其他学生交谈,清楚地了解发生的事情并提醒他们关于安全和不安全的触摸。我们理解这是一个困难的话题,但可以向您保证儿童和青年中的性行为并不常见。让我们一起举办一个计划,以最好的支持亚历克斯。
“It’s not that big of a deal: People are overreacting.”Remember that not all families will view sexual development and behaviors in the same way. It’s possible that families may not consider a certain behavior as an issue or concerning. In situations like this, discussions focused on the continuum of sexual behavior development may be helpful to use to guide the discussion.
Educator Response:谢谢你来与我们交谈。感谢您对局面的看法以及我们如何共同努力支持德文。我们明白,性行为难以谈论,而性行为在儿童和青年中也不少见。一些性行为对于儿童和青少年来说是常见的体验和展示,而其他人则不那么常见或有问题。这些行为是否涉及真正取决于学生的年龄,发展,行为发生的频率,行为的意图,对他人的影响,以及学生响应重定向。如果您有兴趣了解不同发展阶段的性开发和行为的更多信狗万app怎么下载息,请告诉我们,我们很乐意为您提供信息。
“If people find out there will be a record with CPS or the police.”Professionals that work with children are required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Not all children that exhibit sexual behavior challenges are abused, however, for some children, sexual behavior challenges may alert a caregiver or educator to potential abuse and require a child protective services or police report. Primary caregivers or families may be concerned about the possibility of their child having a record with CPS or the police so that may be a concern for some families.
Educator Response:Thank you for taking the time to come in and speak with us today. We understand your concern that your child might have a record with CPS or the police, let’s talk through what happened so that we are all on the same page and so that we can work together to support Jadah. It is true that all school personnel are required to report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. However, sexual behaviors are not uncommon in children and youth and they show sexual behaviors for a lot of different reasons. Some children that show sexual behaviors have been abused, however just because a child or youth shows a sexual behavior does not mean that we suspect abuse and will file a report.
“My child is going to become a sex offender.”When children exhibit sexual behavior challenges, parents may be concerned about their child and their future. Remember that sexual behavior challenges are common and can frequently be corrected. However, this may be a fear that crosses the mind of a primary caregiver that isn’t familiar with sexual behavior development and its frequency in early childhood.
Educator Response:谢谢你今天进来谈谈和你愿意与我们分享你的担忧和恐惧。性行为很难理解和谈论,我们可以理解你对这些类型的行为对你的孩子及其未来的意义。儿童时期和青春期的性行为并不少见,性行为问题对治疗非常有响应。事实上,接受性行为治疗的儿童和青年很少像成年人一样犯有性犯罪。让我们通过一些性行为挑战来谈谈我们正在观察的挑战,以便我们可以共同努力,以最好的支持Collin。