First, revisit the case study below. Then review the specialist or administratively prepared supervision plan. Reflect on how your program would implement this plan and if there are additional support or personnel needs. Discuss your thoughts with a colleague.
Henry is 12 years old and in a sixth-grade classroom. Mrs. Samuels, his teacher, describes Henry as an outgoing and social student. He has a variety of interests and certainly enjoys the opportunity to socialize with peers in class. Henry lives with his father (Michael), mother (Brandy), and 14-year-old brother (Gavin). Brandy was deployed six months ago, and Michael has shared that this has been difficult for the family.
Technology seems to play a large presence in Henry’s household, and he frequently speaks to teachers and peers about shows and video games that contain violence and sex. Henry explores these themes while at school and will pretend to “shoot” people, mimic sex-like interactions toward peers, and sometimes use sexually explicit language. When teachers talk with Henry about his actions and language, he says that Gavin talks this way and that, “Dad lets us watch whatever we want on TV.” Teachers praise Henry when he engages in more appropriate ways and try to redirect any undesirable behavior. Henry will stop the behavior and language in the moment, but it’s an ongoing issue.
Samuels观察亨利太太和包,另一个第六-grade student, together in the library. Mrs. Samuels saw Henry pull Bao’s pants down trying to expose and grab his genitals. Mrs. Samuels immediately yelled at Henry to “stop” and began to discuss safe versus unsafe touching with both students and the rules and expectations of the classroom. She was visibly flustered when doing this, and both students became upset. After everyone was able to calm down, Mrs. Samuels spoke individually with each student about the situation. Henry described that he was messing around with his friend, having a “good time.” When Mrs. Samuels asked Henry where he learned this behavior, Henry responded, “Gavin does it to me all the time.”
Supervision Plan
Student’s Name: Henry
Staff Responsible for Supervision Plan:
Classroom teacher, related arts teachers, and classroom aide with administrator, social worker, and counselor support
Classroom Supervision
- Standard line-of-sight supervision
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff during specific classes or activities
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff at all times
- Line-of-sight supervision by designated staff between classrooms and school activities
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff during specific transitions
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff during all transitions
Common Area Supervision (cafeteria, playground, auditorium, etc.)
- Line-of-sight supervision by designated staff
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff during specific common areas
- 支持ive shadowing by designated staff during all common areas
Bathroom Supervision
- Standard bathroom privileges
- Regular bathroom use, but must be accompanied by a staff member to and from
- Regular bathroom use, but staff to make sure the bathroom is clear before student enters
- Staff to remain in the bathroom with student
- Physical assistance from a staff member during bathroom routine
Bus Supervision
- Standard bus supervision
- Student to have assigned seating
- Student to sit alone while on bus
- Adult assistant recommended on the bus
Staff Support for Student Learning
Student to receive additional support on:
- Personal space
- Safe versus unsafe touch
- Public versus private activities and conversation
- Correct terminology
- Sexual harassment
- Social problem-solving
- Safe and respectful media use
- Other:ways to initiate interaction with peers during school activities
Communication Expectations
- Staff communicate behavior incidents and needs to:administrator and counselor
- School administratorto communicate school updates and needs to specialists, families, and staff (child protective services and law enforcement, as needed)
- Family questions or concerns directed to:administrator and counselor
Additional Notes & Recommendations:Due to seriousness of Henry’s behavior and because it involved other students, staff will provide supportive shadowing during class, transitions, and in common areas. A staff member should escort Henry to and from the bathroom and ensure that the bathroom is clear before he enters. While there are no reports of concerns on the bus, it is recommended that Henry sit in his own assigned seat until further guidance from a specialist. Henry is to have support in learning personal space, safe touch, public versus private, sexual harassment, and social problem-solving beyond what is provided to the general student population. Provide positive feedback when Henry interacts with peers and adults in ideal ways, but be conscious that this feedback is given in private or semi-private to avoid making Henry feel as though he stands out.
Parent Signature / Date:
Administrator Signature / Date:
Staff Signature / Date: