Secondary tabs

    • 了解如何通过与经历创伤的儿童和家庭合作来影响计划人员的影响
    • 一致格fy the differences between typical work stress and burnout
    • 考虑您的计划如何更好地支持员工并防止倦怠



    As a program staff member, you develop close relationships with the children and families you serve. You likely chose this field because you enjoy helping children. However, those who work in helping fields such as child care or education are at risk of secondary traumatic stress and burnout. In this lesson, you will learn how staff may be affected by working with children and families experiencing trauma.

    What is Secondary Traumatic Stress?

    The National Child Traumatic Stress Network defines secondary traumatic stress (STS) as the emotional distress experienced by an individual after hearing about the traumatic experiences of another. As a staff member, you may work with children and families who have endured or are currently experiencing significant traumas such as homelessness, child abuse, sexual assault, community violence, or substance abuse. Secondary trauma is a risk you face as a result of engaging empathically with a child that has experienced trauma. Because you work closely with children and their families, it’s possible that you can be negatively impacted by exposure to these experiences as well.

    Secondary traumatic stress aligns with other terms you may have heard before, includingvicarious trauma次要创伤, 或者慈悲疲劳。It can touch the lives of any individual working in a helping field with survivors of trauma. The negative impact of secondary traumatic stress has been explored in-depth in several service profession roles such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, law enforcement, disaster relief workers, and social workers.


    • 先前未解决的创伤体验
    • Feeling socially isolated at work or at home
    • 避免感情的倾向
    • Difficulty expressing feelings
    • 成为一个新的员工
    • Lacking a supportive process for discussing traumatic content

    Johnathan recently moved to a new state and started a job at the local preschool. He hoped to make new friends at his job since he doesn’t have his support system nearby. However, he has had trouble connecting with his coworkers and often feels left out of their interactions. Today, a youth in Johnathan’s program described to him a detailed account of severe physical and sexual abuse that the child endured. This was difficult for Johnathan to hear because he too can relate to some of the experiences the child described, but he has not shared with anyone.What are some factors that may place Jonathan at an increased risk of experiencing secondary traumatic stress?

    The Child Trauma Academy indicates that there are several reasons why professionals who work closely with children that have experienced trauma are at increased risk of experiencing secondary trauma including:

    • 儿童保育提供者,教育工作者,心理健康专业人员,社会工作者和其他专业人员倾向于在与儿童一起使用的儿童时使用同理心作为一种工具,这增加了他们脆弱的脆弱性,以使孩子的痛苦和情绪痛苦内化
    • 使用儿童的专业人士反复收听相同或类似的创伤故事,没有足够的恢复时间
    • 在与经历类似的创伤的孩子时,触发未解决的个人创伤
    • When children are maltreated it evokes strong emotions and makes individuals question their sense of humanity
    • 该领域的专业人士经常被隔绝,高轮率增加了在现场工作的个人的压力
    • 缺乏资源和支持与次生创伤有关的问题


    Emotional Anger, sadness, feeling numb, detached, overwhelmed, or hopeless
    身体的 头痛,胃痛,能量低,失眠,疲劳
    行为的 Changing routine or engaging in self-destructive coping (e.g., substance abuse)
    Professional Lack of motivation, tardiness, low job performance or job tasks and responsibilities
    Cognitive 难以集中或做出决定那reliving the imagery of the trauma, excessive worry
    精神 质疑生命的意义,缺乏自我满足
    Interpersonal Withdrawing from coworkers, friends, or family, irritability with friends and family


    What is Burnout?

    Secondary trauma can occur following a single exposure or interaction with a child or adult that has experienced trauma whereas burnout is a condition caused by participating in emotionally demanding situations and becomes progressively worse overtime. Experiencing secondary traumatic stress or compassion fatigue can contribute to child care professionals becoming burned out in their field. Burnout is defined as the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that occurs over time from dealing with excessive amounts of stress (Burnout Prevention and Treatment). Exposure to prolonged stress in the workplace may result in feelings that affect your levels of interest and motivation and even your outlook on life. It’s important to note that stress causes one to feel overwhelmed, whereas burnout causes one to feel empty. While experiencing stressful situations in the workplace is normal and expected at times, constant exposure to stressful situations without feeling satisfaction from work can result in burnout over time. The table below outlines some key differences between stress and burnout:

    压力 Burnout
    以过度参与或过度承诺为特征 以分离或隔离
    Emotions are over reactive 情绪钝化或麻木
    Feelings of urgency or hyperactivity 无助或绝望的感觉
    失去能量 丧失动机,理想和希望
    Leads to anxiety disorders Leads to detachment and depression
    Primary effect is physical Primary effect is emotional
    May kill you prematurely May make life seem not worth living


    Think back to Johnathan…

    It’s been several weeks since Johnathan heard of the traumatic physical and sexual abuse experienced by a youth in the program. Since then, Johnathan has continually been working with children and their families who are dealing with significant chronic issues of homelessness, community violence, and parental deployment. Without having anyone close to talk with, Johnathan has been dealing with these issues on his own and is struggling with feelings of depression and hopelessness. Even outside of work he hasn’t found any joy in any of his hobbies.Do you think Johnathan is dealing with typical work stress or starting to show signs of burnout?


    Workplace Prevention

    Now that you are familiar with how secondary traumatic stress or burnout can affect child care professionals working with families that have endured trauma, it’s important to reflect on how the workplace can support individuals or promote healthy behaviors. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network outlines some suggestions for how to prevent secondary traumatic stress and burnout at an organizational or program level:

    • Supportive supervision

      Create a safe space where staff members can check in or discuss concerns or potential issues with a member of program leadership.

    • Workplace self-care groups

      Having a group that meets in the workplace to discuss and check in around promoting healthy behaviors and self-care.

    • 沟通安排

      Staff need to be able to use their personal and sick days, per program policy. Administrators should be open to reasonable requests from staff about accommodating their schedules to provide a work-life balance (for example, working the 6-2 shift instead of 8-4), also ensuring that children and youth have consistent caregiving.

    • 员工培训

      Hosting staff trainings on issues of secondary traumatic stress and burnout so that staff and supervisors are aware of the harmful effects and know how to intervene.

    • External partnerships

      Create external partnerships with agencies or organizations that assist individuals struggling with burnout or STS (e.g., counseling services).

    • Ongoing assessment

      Continually assess to ensure that the workplace is experienced as a positive environment by all and that prevention efforts are implemented effectively.


    Secondary Traumatic Stress



    Protective Strategies for Caregivers


    • Speak about and maintain a positive attitude towards children and families
    • Utilize the support of coaches and mentors
    • 利用机会了解有关支持经历创伤的儿童和家庭的方法
    • Recognize when you or your coworkers may show signs of secondary traumatic stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue
    • Understand your own needs and respond appropriately
    • Balance your work life and personal life
    • Do your part in making your program atmosphere a positive and encouraging place to work
    • Utilize the breaks that are built into your day to do something calming and enjoyable



    使用Assessing Program Supportchecklist to ensure your program supports staff in implementing protective strategies. Discuss your thoughts with a coach, trainer, or administrator.



    点评审查Secondary Traumatic Stress事实表并与教练,培训师或管理员讨论此信息。


    Term Description
    Burnout 随着时间的推移而发生的身体,情感和心理疲惫,从处理工作场所的过度压力。
    Secondary traumatic stress The emotional anguish experienced by an individual after hearing about the traumatic experiences of another.




    True or false? Burnout is the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that occurs over time as a result of handling excessive amounts of stress.


    Select which example below describes stress.


    Which symptom would you not expect to see in someone experiencing secondary traumatic stress?

    References & Resources

    邦迪,r .(无日期)。理解同情疲劳. Retrieved from

    Burnout Prevention and Treatment: Techniques for Dealing with Overwhelming Stress (2018). Retrieved from

    Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project (2017). Retrieved from

    Mathieu, F. (2007). Running on empty: compassion fatigue in health professionals. Retrieved from



    The Vicarious Trauma ToolKit (n.d.). Retrieved from
