
    • Define communication and discuss its importance for our lives.
    • 反思您自己的想法和与沟通相关的经验。
    • Discuss how relationships promote communication development and learning in infants and toddlers.





    能够有效沟通的需求,feelings and emotions is critical to lifelong success. Effective communication helps us better understand people or situations and enables us to build trusting and respectful relationships, resolve conflicts, and create environments where ideas, problem solving, and empathy can flourish.

    像沟通一样简单,我们努力与他人沟通的大部分事情 - 别人试图与我们沟通的东西 - 被误解。我们沟通和理解他人的能力取决于我们如何解释和发出含义我们所采取的信息。我们使用我们的感官来参加这些信息,包括听到别人所说的,看到肢体语言和体验情绪反应。然后,我们略有信息。当我们考虑我们解释和发出信息意义的事实时,沟通的挑战会发生在与人的方式不同。误解会导致个人和专业关系中的冲突和挫折。我们对信息意义的方式是我们早期经验,我们的信仰和价值观以及其他影响。暂停一下,并考虑自己生活中的情况,沟通似乎成功和不成功。您与这些情况相关联的感受是什么?沟通有效时,也许兴奋,满足或救济?当有效的沟通似乎难以实现时,令人沮丧,愤怒或失望?

    What is Communication?


    Effective communication involves a variety skills, including nonverbal communication, active listening, emotional awareness, and the ability to manage stress. Communication can be achieved through spoken language, as well as through facial expressions, gestures, movements, postures, and touch. Pictures, images and written symbols are means to communicate. No matter the method, effective communication can help support and improve relationships, teamwork, decision-making and problem solving. According to researchers Robert Stillman and Ellin Siegel-Causey (1989), people communicate for different reasons:

    • To affect another person’s behavior
    • 提供信息
    • To convey thoughts and feelings
    • For the purely social reason of engaging in an interaction with someone

    有些原因youengage in communication with other individuals in your daily life?

    What Does Communication Look Like in Infants and Toddlers?

    Infants are born ready to interact and communicate! Even before they have the abilities and skills to interpret and speak words, they are attentive to sounds, facial expressions, and the world around them. For example, infants will gaze into the eyes of their caregivers and take their turn in a conversation, such as “cooing” back and forth. Infants are intentional about communication and able to communicate specific desires and needs. Their intentionality is seen through the use of gestures, eye contact, and persistent attempts to communicate a request, such as crying when hungry. Infants quickly realize that when they make a noise, people respond. When caregivers are consistently responsive to an infant’s cries, the infant begins to trust this means of communication because his needs are being met.


    As infants grow older, they begin to babble and talk. They understand words used in combination with their caregiver’s gestures, tone and facial expressions. Close to 18 months of age, toddlers begin to use action words that express what they see or want, such as “me go,” or “boots on.” They also continue to physically express their needs and wants; what they do physically is just as important as what they actually say. “No,” and “mine,” are words toddlers use to assert themselves and take control over their world. Asserting independence is an early and important step toward becoming his or her own person. Toddlers are also experimenting with and beginning to learn the basics of grammar. For example, a 32-month-old might say, “I taked a nap today.” Toddlers can continue to understand how language works as their caregivers respond with the correct form, such as, “Oh, yes! You took a nap today. You were feeling quite sleepy.”

    Learning to communicate and use language is one of children’s tasks during the first three years of life. As an infant and toddler caregiver, you play an important role in supporting the development of and the enjoyment in this process.

    Relationships: How It All Happens

    Relationships affect all areas of infants’ development, including communication. It is through relationships, for example, that infants and toddlers learn what happens when they cry, laugh or make a scared face. Through these consistent, appropriate and individually sensitive interactions, infants learn how to trust their caregivers, share emotions, respond and regulate strong emotions, and understand facial expressions and tone of voice associated with certain emotions (Smith, 2005). Infants develop trusting relationships based on the consistent and contingent care they receive from sensitive caregivers, and through these relationships they learn to draw understanding and build skills from their communicative and social interactions.


    Communication: An Introduction

    Watch this video to learn about the importance of communication for individuals’ lives

    Infants and toddlers watch and listen to the people around them. Communication and language development require other areas of development, such as visual skills, thinking skills, and memory, and the experiences offered contribute greatly to their development and learning. Infants and toddlers learn to communicate not only through the words you use, but by what and how you do things, such as holding and smiling at them. Take time to review the strategies listed below which highlight ways to support communication for the infants and toddlers in your care:

    • Touch, cuddle, and sing to babies and toddlers
    • 当您命名它们时指向对象
    • 持有和摇滚婴儿和幼儿,以传达保证和舒适
    • Invite babies and toddlers to make sounds while singing and sharing nursery rhymes. Learn a few simple rhymes like “Hickory Dickory Dock”, “Humpty Dumpty”, and “Hey Diddle Diddle.” Sing simple movement songs like “Pat a Cake”, “Row, Row, Row your Boat”, “Where is Thumbkin?”, and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
    • Extend the sounds and words used by infants and toddlers; for example, if a toddler says, “Me home,” you might say, “You want to go home. After snack time, Daddy will be here to pick you up and go home.”

    Completing this Course

    For more information on what to expect in this course, the Communication & Language DevelopmentCompetency Reflection, and a list of the accompanying Learn, Explore and Apply resources and activities offered throughout the lessons, visit the Infant & Toddler Communication & Language Development课程指南.




    How doyoudefine communication? What are your views on your own abilities to communicate? Download and print theExploring Communication讲义。花几分钟才能阅读并回复这些问题。然后,与培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。



    Infants and toddlers give cues that can help you understand what they are trying to communicate and how you should respond. All young children are different and will develop their own ways to communicate their needs and wants. To help you further recognize the cues of the infants and toddlers in your care, print out the handout,Cues Communicate, and write down what you notice. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor. If you need some ideas, you can download and review the Sample Cues Communicate handout.


    学期 Description
    Communication The process of exchanging information




    Finish this statement: If a toddler says, “I eated a snack today,” you should…





    References & Resources:

    Berk,L. E.(2013)。Child development(9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    Bernstein,D. K.,&Levey,S。(2002)。语言发展:审查。在D. K.Bernstein&E. Tieberman-Farber(EDS。),Language and Communication Disorders in Children(第5版,第27-94页)。波士顿:Allyn&Bacon

    Brazelton,T.B.,Koslowski,B.,&Main,M。(1972)。互惠的起源:早期母婴互动。在M. Lewis&L.A. Rosenblum(EDS。),The effect of the infant on its caregiver(第49-76页)。纽约:Wiley-Interscience。


    欧文斯,R.E.(2005)。语言发展:介绍(第6届)。Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

    Smith, A. D. (2005). The Inferential Transmission of Language.Adaptive Behavior, 13(4), 311-324.

    Stillman, R., & Siegel-Causey, E. (1989). Introduction to Nonsymbolic Communication. In E. Siegel-Causey & D. Guess (Eds.),Enhancing nonsymbolic communication interactions among learners with severe disabilities(第1-13页)。巴尔的摩,MD:Paul H. Brookes。

    Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective,(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司

    Zero to Three (2015). Supporting your Child’s Communication Skills.http://www.zerotothree.org/early-care-education/early-language-literacy/communication-skills.html