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    • 为婴儿和幼儿识别典型的语言和沟通里程碑。
    • 讨论成年人可以发挥支持婴儿和幼儿的沟通技巧。
    • Discuss what to do if you are concerned with a child’s development.





    Think of how exciting it is to hear young infants making new sounds each day, hearing an infant say new words, or listening to toddlers express themselves by stringing words together! The chart below highlights infant and toddler language and communication skills as they grow. Keep in mind that individual differences exist when it comes to the specific age at which infants and toddlers meet these milestones and that each infant and toddler is unique. As you may have already learned in the Cognitive Development and Physical Development courses, milestones provide a guide for when to expect certain skills or behaviors to emerge. Think of milestones as guidelines to help you understand and identify typical patterns of growth and development, or to help you know when and what to look for as young children mature. As an infant and toddler caregiver, you can use this information, what you learn from families and your own knowledge in the interactions, experiences and environments you create for infants and toddlers.

    Language and Communication Developmental Milestones in Infants & Toddlers

    • Responds to sounds by making sounds
    • 琴弦(“啊,”)“呃”,“哦”)并在发出声音时转动
    • 回应自己的名字
    • Makes sounds to show joy and displeasure
    • 开始说辅音(用“m,”b“淘汰)
    • 响应简单的口语请求
    • 使用像摇头“否”这样的简单手势或挥动“再见”
    • 用音调的变化使听起来更改(听起来更像是语音)
    • “妈妈”和“达达”和“呃哦!”等感叹号
    • 试图说你说的话
    • 说了几个单词
    • Says and shakes head “no”
    • Points to show someone what he wants
    24 Months
    • 当他们命名时指向物品或图片
    • 知道s names of familiar people and body parts
    • 用2 - 4个字说句子
    • Follows simple instructions
    • Repeats words overheard in conversation
    • 指向一本书中的东西
    36 Months
    • 遵循2或3步的说明
    • Can name most familiar things
    • Understands words like “in,” “on,” and “under”
    • Says first name, age and sex
    • 姓名朋友
    • Says words like “I,” “me,” “we,” and “you” and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)
    • Talks well enough for strangers to understand most of the time
    • Carries on a conversation using 2 to 3 sentences

    狗万app怎么下载学习沟通是一个独特的过程,并且特定于每个婴儿,幼儿和家庭。孩子的环境的许多方面可能有助于沟通发展的挑战。一个家庭可能会奇异于他们的孩子的沟通和语言发展,并不确定他们观察到的东西,以及想象的。作为婴儿和幼儿照顾者,您有机会首先从家庭中学习,并考虑提供额外的发展信息,包括可能的警告标志。包括在一起的孩子可以成为您的宝贵资源(, as well as the developmental milestones and act early information located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website,。下表还突出了婴儿和幼儿语言和沟通开发的可能警告标志:


    • 缺乏对社会联系的兴趣(例如,避免目光接触)
    • 做es not respond to the human voice or other sounds
    • Infant stops babbling
    • 婴儿并未表现出对熟悉环境中的人和物体探索和互动的兴趣
    • Infant does not follow or track where you point (around 9 to 10 months)
    • 婴儿不会在物体上显示或指向大约11到12个月)
    • Has limited vocabulary
    • Uses only short, simple sentences (by 36 months)
    • 大多数时候误解了误解(36个月)
    • Others have difficulty understanding him or her most of the time (by 36 months)
    • 显示比同一年龄的其他儿童更少的社交技能和同伴互动(36个月)


    As you study the chart above, you may notice that some milestones are associated with infants’ and toddlers’ ability to listen to and understand language (receptive communication). Other milestones are associated with infants’ and toddlers’ ability to express themselves using sounds, movements, gestures, facial expressions and words (expressive communication), and some are associated with infants’ and toddlers’ knowledge and ability to engage in communication exchanges with peers or adults (social engagement). Let’s take a look at how these aspects of communication unfold as part of the remarkable development of young children during their first three years.


    Expressive communicationis the ability of infants and toddlers to express themselves through sounds, gestures, facial expressions and words. A beginning point for expressive communication is the infant’s cry. Cooing is another form of early communication and can begin as early as one month. By six months, you can hear new sounds like “ma,” “ba,” and “da.” By 18 months, you may hear toddlers using two- and three-word sentences, such as “me go,” or “more drink, please.”

    Social engagement涉及理解和使用聆听,轮流和使用声音和面部表情的适当方法。对话涉及理解(接受通信)并表达(表达通信)。婴儿和幼儿在成年人互动,谈论和唱歌时,学习使用家庭语言的声音,手势,面部表情和单词的方法。

    支持ing Communication, Language, and Literacy

    Effective communication, language and literacy skills are important to young children’s self-expression, their development of social relationships, and to their learning. The foundation for these skills begins during the earliest months and years after birth. When families and caregivers engage in and sustain interactions based on an infant’s or toddler’s development and interests, they help strengthen their role as a partner in communication. In fact, research demonstrates that these skills depend greatly on language experiences during infancy and toddlerhood. Children who hear fewer words are engaged in less conversation before age 3 with their caregivers, and have dramatically smaller vocabularies than children who have richer early language experiences (Hart & Risley, 1995). Communication and language development happen best in the context of consistent, caring and responsive relationships.

    您作为婴儿和幼儿照顾者的角色提供了全天支持这些技能的机会。您可以将您的知识与您的护理中的婴儿和幼儿的观察一起使用沟通和语言开发。在一起,这些信息可以创造与婴儿和幼儿合作的机会,以通过沟通来维持婴儿或幼儿的兴趣。For example, during mealtime with infants and toddlers, you can maintain eye contact, smile, repeat and add meaning to the infant’s sounds, or follow a toddler’s eyes as they look at the green vegetables on their plate and then say, “You’re looking at your green peas. What else is green?” Or, talk about who is sitting next to an infant or toddler. “Who is going to sit beside you today at lunch, Tommy? Oh, look, Cassandra is going to sit beside you.”


    • 学ing about communication and language development in infants and toddlers
    • Talking with and learning from families, as well as observing and identifying the developmental stage of individual infants and toddlers, and offering experiences and activities that can best support their development and learning
    • Adding words and ideas to best describe infants’ and toddlers’ understanding of experiences
    • 对婴儿和幼儿的沟通尝试和建立在他们表达的内容
    • 与婴儿和幼儿交谈关于当天的事件
    • Following infants’ and toddlers’ leads, cues, and preferences
    • 包括对话中的新单词
    • 嵌入歌曲,押韵和手指融入日常惯例和经验
    • 描述婴儿和幼儿的行动,兴趣,事件或感受
    • Reading to infants and toddlers frequently and providing opportunities for them to engage with books and printed materials
    • 根据个人需求(例如,使用图片或视觉提示来促进通信的替代通信方式和互联方式)


    支持ing Communication and Language

    Watch this video to learn about the role you can play in creating meaningful opportunities for communication and language with infants and toddlers

    了解发育里程碑是一个三角tant aspect of working with infants and toddlers. Learning about and understanding how infants and toddlers communicate will help you know how to support them in developing effective communication and language skills and what kinds of learning experiences to plan for in your early care and learning setting. Each infant and toddler is different. Therefore, it will be important to customize experiences and activities to meet their unique needs. Consider the following for each infant and toddler in your care:

    1. Understand and respond to families’ needs and preferences:


      Families with children under the age of 3 can contact their local early intervention program. A free evaluation of the infant’s or toddler’s development can be completed in order for the young child to receive services and support that meets his or her needs. Additionally, a pediatrician can perform developmental screenings and possibly refer the child to a specialist.

      学about the tools your program uses to help understand each child’s development. For example, your program might ask families to complete tools like the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). This tool and others like it give your program information about each child’s unique development. Talk to your trainer, supervisor, or coach to learn more about the tools and processes your program uses and who to talk to if families have questions.

    2. 考虑与基础的关系:



    3. Be sensitive to individual infant and toddler needs:

      Every infant and toddler develops communication and language skills at his or her own rate. However, infants and toddlers who are engaged by communication and language will try to listen to the sounds around them. If an infant or toddler does not respond to you while communicating or react to loud noises, these may be signs that he or she is having trouble hearing or has a developmental delay. Infants and toddlers that do not show an interest in expressive language will also need extra support in understanding their strengths and needs. If your program provides developmental screening tools, these can help you begin a conversation with families about your concerns. You should also talk to a trainer, coach, or supervisor in your program about ways to help the infant or toddler develop and learn in your early care and learning environment.





    Think about the infants or toddlers in your care. Using the语言和通信发展里程碑图表随着思考沟通Activity, highlight what you notice about their development and how you respond. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.



    You should continue to be intentional about your interactions and the experiences you offer so that infants and toddlers can build their communication skills and enjoy experimenting with sounds and words within relationships. Download and print the看护人与婴儿和幼儿沟通Activity。Think about the strategies you are using to support communication development in infants and toddlers. Identify specific ways you apply the various strategies as well as new ways to consider using these strategies throughout the day. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.


    学期 描述
    发展延误 When children do not meet developmental milestones at the expected times. Delays can occur in any area of development
    发展里程碑 大多数孩子在某个年龄范围内可以做的一套技能或行为
    发展筛选 用于帮助识别未按预期开发的儿童并且可能需要支持的工具。筛选可以通过儿科医生,教师和其他了解儿童和儿童发展的其他人完成
    Expressive communication 用单词与他人沟通的能力
    接受沟通 理解口语的能力




    Which of the following is typically a communication milestone for a 12-month-old?


    True or False? Social engagement is the ability of infants and toddlers to express themselves through sounds, gestures, facial expressions, and words.


    A parent approaches you and is concerned about his toddler daughter’s development. What should you do?


    Greenspan, S.I. with Benderly, B.L. (1998).The Growth of the Mind。Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing.

    Hart, B., & Risley, T.R. (1995).年轻美国​​儿童日常经历的有意义差异。Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

    Nicholas,H.,Lightbown,P.,&Spada,N。(2001)。重新回归语言学习者的反馈。Language Learning, 51, 719-758.

    Smith, A. (1999). Quality childcare and joint attention.International Journal of Early Years Education, 7,85-98.

    Trawick-Smith,J. W.(2014)。Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.