Secondary tabs

    • 列出可以支持婴儿和幼儿通信和语言开发的方式的示例。
    • 探索提供有关支持婴幼儿和幼儿的语言和宣传开发的信息的资源。
    • Discuss how you can support the language and communication skills of infants and toddlers with special learning needs in your care setting.

    “良好通信的基本建筑块是每个人都是独特的价值的感觉。”- Unknown


    作为一个婴儿和蹒跚学步的看护者,你发挥important role in each infant’s and toddler’s communication and language development. The environment makes a difference in how they develop and learn new skills and depends in large part on the caregiver creating responsive, engaging learning opportunities within the environment.

    Reflecting on Communication and Language Learning

    知道ing that your environment contributes greatly to infant and toddler learning, one of your starting points can be to reflect on the language and communication development of the infants and toddlers in your care. You can start with your observations, communication with families, the developmental screening and assessment information you collect, and questions about each infant’s and toddler’s development and the interests and discoveries they are making. For example:

    • What sounds is each infant using?
    • What languages is the infant or toddler learning at home? To which language is the infant or toddler most responsive?
    • 每个婴儿或幼儿如何沟通,他或她饿了,累了,无聊或准备玩?
    • 如何在语言和沟通开发中加强每个婴儿或幼儿?
    • 每个婴儿或幼儿如何与同龄人交流?成年人?
    • 每个婴儿或幼儿如何回应书籍?读到?被展示图片?
    • What types of books is each family reading to their infant or toddler?
    • 如何通过书籍和阅读支持其他发展领域?


    支持ing Communication for Infants and Toddlers


    The handout, More Than Baby Talk, outlines ten practices that support language and communication skills of infants and toddlers. The table below highlights the practices that are presented and defined within the handout. In addition, you will find the research evidence that supports the use of each practice along with strategies and ideas for using the practice with infants and toddlers.




    Engaging in conversations with infants and toddlers


    Giving descriptions of objects, activities or events





    Tune In

    Engaging in activities or objects that interest infants and toddlers

    Read Interactively



    Reading books multiple times





    Sign It



    Some infants and toddlers in your care may have conditions that affect their language and communication development, including developmental delays, autism, neurological and perceptual disorders, or vision, hearing, speech, or language impairments. Children with Individualized Family Service Plans have a specific plan to help them meet their personal goals, and very often these infants and toddlers will need changes or adaptations to daily routines, their care environment, and curriculum. The Kids Included Together (KIT) program can be a valuable resource for ideas.

    Below is additional information to consider as you continue to plan for responsive and engaging interactions, environments and experiences that support the infants and toddlers in your care.





    • They notice different sounds.
    • They coo and make sounds.
    • 他们禁止左右6个月。
    • 他们看着书中的照片,并在阅读时倾听成年人的声音。
    • They enjoy touching pages of a book; may want to chew on books.
    • They enjoy listening to music and adults signing songs.


    • 大声朗读对婴儿并监控你的节奏和音调 - 考虑躺在地板上旁边的被子上并握住这本书,以便他们看到它(考虑带有视觉损伤的婴儿的较大书籍)。
    • 鼓励和为婴儿提供机会触摸纸板和布书中的页面和照片。
    • 使用与婴儿可能有延迟或在个人家庭服务计划中呼叫时的手语。(IFSP)

    Cultural Considerations

    • Ask families about a special book or song that is in their home language - invite the family to share with all infants in your care setting.
    • 虽然摇摆婴儿并为留下做准备时,从他们的文化中唱出他们的特殊歌曲。
    • 在婴儿的家庭语言中学习熟悉的对象的单词和名称。
    • 记录一个家庭成员在他们的家庭语言中读书 - 在用婴儿看书时玩它。

    Additional Strategies: Responsive Environments and Experiences

    • 当您命名它们时指向对象。
    • 倾听并列出所有不同的声音,您可以使用 - 邀请父母添加到帖子列表,并附有他们在家中听到的声音。
    • 通过将婴儿彼此安全地放置婴儿来鼓励同伴喋喋不休。
    • 在房间的所有区域展示书籍,包括在Hellos和再见的家庭门口。
    • 显示或创建包含每个婴儿家庭,您,同行和熟悉对象的照片的小型相册。
    • Sing lullabies to infants as you rock them to sleep.


    • 提供一种充满言语互动,歌唱,书籍和墙上的简单图片的感觉丰富的环境
    • Create opportunities within the environment for infants and toddlers to observe one another and interact
    • 与婴儿和幼儿探索,谈谈你所看到和一起做什么 - 例如,看看一个窗户,突出你所看到的,用水在浴缸或沙子/水上桌上玩耍,一起看镜子
    • 在户外服用婴儿和幼儿进行大自然散步 - 谈谈你要去哪里,你在哪里看到和听到,沿途的名称对象
    • 花时间了解和尊重家庭对沟通和语言的信仰的理解
    • 表现出对环境的兴趣和好奇心

    Communication and language development at all stages is a complex process and involves other areas of development, such as cognitive skills, and is enhanced by input from the environment (family, caregivers, peers, experiences, activities, etc.). Communication and language help us think, learn, problem-solve, remember and understand what we experience. Next, watch the following video about experiencing communication through book reading.



    Responsive and engaging environments are characterized by intentional and frequent use of developmentally appropriate interactions and experiences, including opportunities for spoken and written language. In your daily interactions with infants and toddlers, consider the following:

    • Be responsive to communication attempts and build and extend on what infants and toddlers are saying.
    • Follow infants’ and toddlers’ cues and preferences.
    • 在与婴儿和幼儿的对话期间包括新单词。
    • 将歌曲和指纹添加到日常惯例中。
    • 每天阅读婴儿和幼儿。选择和展示书籍和其他代表各种文化,语言,能力,家庭结构和生活经验的印刷材料。
    • 为彼此附近或一起玩的小组婴儿和幼儿创造机会。鼓励他们在活动期间通过说,“例如,卡罗尔有马匹和他们吃食物。我觉得这些马感到非常饥饿!“
    • Create a visual schedule that highlights your specific daily routines. The routines can be shown through pictures and simple words and displayed at their eye level. You can refer to the picture schedule frequently throughout the day and point to the various routine pictures.






    下载并打印讲义,More Than Baby Talk,从学习部分。选择文章中突出的策略之一,以便在您的照顾中使用婴儿或幼儿。然后,下载并打印支持婴儿幼儿沟通开发活动。观察并思考如何作为婴儿和幼儿照顾者回应,以支持他们的沟通发展。然后,与同事,培训师,教练或主管分享并讨论您的回复。


    学期 Description
    COMMUNICATION The process of exchanging information




    Which of the following are questions you might ask a newly-enrolled family about their infant’s or toddler’s communication?


    A parent is concerned about her toddler’s communication. She asks you what some possible “red flags” might be. What do you say?



    References & Resources

    跨越幼儿发展科学委员会。(2000)。从神经元到邻里:幼儿发展的科学。Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

    Girolametto, L., & Weitzman, E. (2002). Responsiveness of Child Care Providers in Interactions with Toddlers and Preschoolers.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools。33(4):268-281。

    HART,B.,&Risley,T.R.(1995)。Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children.Baltimore: P. H. Brookes.

    Hoff E. (2006). How Social Contexts Support and Shape Language Development.发展审查.26(1):55-88。


    Horst J.s.,Parsons,K.L.&Bryan,N.M.(2011)。立即获得故事:语境重复促进从故事书中学习的词。狗万app怎么下载Frontiers in psychology。2:17.

    Huttenlocher, J., Vasilyeva, M., Cymerman, E., & Levine S. (2002). Language Input and Child Syntax.Cognitive Psychology.45(3):337-374。

    Lewis, V., Boucher, J., Lupton, L., & Watson, S. (2000). Relationships Between Symbolic Play, Functional Play, Verbal and Non-Verbal Ability in Young Children.国际语言与通信障碍。3.5(1):117-127.

    Mol, S.E., Bus, A.G., & De Jong, M.T. (2009). Interactive Book Reading in Early Education: A tool to stimulate print knowledge as well as oral language.教育研究综述。79(2):979-1007。


    Piasta,S.,司法,L.,Cabell,S.,Wiggins,A.,Turnbull,K。,S.(2012)。专业发展对学龄前教师的对话反应性和儿童语言生产力和复杂性的影响。万博体育全站appEarly Childhood Research Quarterly。27(3):387-400。

    Yu, C., & Smith, L. (2012). Embodied Attention and Word Learning by Toddlers.认识。125(2):244- 262.