
    • List examples of ways you can support infants’ and toddlers’ communication and language development.
    • 探索resources that provide information on supporting the language and communication development of infants and toddlers in your care.
    • 讨论如何在您的护理环境中支持具有特殊学习需求的婴儿和幼儿的语言和沟通技巧。狗万app怎么下载


    "The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value."- 未知





    • 每个婴儿的声音是什么?
    • 什么语言是婴儿或幼儿在家学习?狗万app怎么下载哪种语言是婴儿或幼儿最敏感的?
    • How does each infant or toddler communicate that he or she is hungry, tired, bored or ready for play?
    • How is each infant or toddler enhancing in language and communication development?
    • How does each infant or toddler communicate with peers? Adults?
    • How does each infant or toddler respond to books? Being read to? Being shown pictures?
    • 每个家庭阅读哪些类型的书籍对他们的婴儿或幼儿进行阅读?
    • How are other areas of development being supported through books and reading?

    By asking these questions, in collaboration with families, you have an opportunity to document and learn how each infant or toddler in your care develops language and communication skills while considering other areas of development, culture, and temperament. This process can help you and families gather information to support the planning for and development of responsive environments as infants and toddlers develop language skills and learn new ways to communicate their needs and wants.


    As an infant and toddler caregiver, you also become an infant’s and toddler’s language and communication partner. Infants grow from turning their heads and responding to familiar faces and voices to being able to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences in words as toddlers. This amazing development occurs primarily through the interactions and experiences created by adult caregivers who use communication and language with infants and toddlers in responsive and meaningful ways throughout the day. Take a moment to think about the responsive care you provide and the ways it affects infants’ and toddlers’ language and communication development.




    Get Chatty


    Be a Commentator


    Mix It Up

    Using different types of words and grammar

    Label It

    Providing infants and toddlers with the names of objects or actions




    Using books to engage infants’ and toddlers’ participation

    Read it Again & Again & Again!


    Props, Please!

    Introducing objects that spark conversations

    Make Music

    Engaging in musical activities


    Using gestures or simple signs with words

    After reading the handout, it’s likely you continued to think about the developmental possibilities in communication and language for infants and toddlers. Each infant and toddler develops at his or her own rate, and within a language-rich, responsive environment, the possibilities are endless!



    What I Know About Their Development

    Young Infant (Birth to 9 months)


    What I Know About Their Development

    • 他们注意到不同的声音。
    • 他们合唱并发出声音。
    • They babble around 6 months.
    • They look at pictures in books and listen to the adult's voice as they read.
    • 他们喜欢触摸书的页面;可能想要咀嚼书籍。
    • 他们喜欢听音乐和成人签名歌曲。

    Young Infants with Special Needs

    • Read out loud to infants and monitor your pace and tone - consider lying on a quilt next to them on the floor and hold the book so they can see it (consider larger books with pictures for an infant with a visual impairment).
    • Encourage and offer opportunity for infants to touch the pages and photos within cardboard and cloth books.
    • Use sign language with infants who may have delays or when called for within their Individual Family Service Plans. (IFSP)


    • 向家庭询问有关他们家庭语言的特殊书籍或歌曲 - 邀请家人与您的护理环境中的所有婴儿分享。
    • While rocking an infant and preparing for naptime, sing their special song from their culture.
    • Learn words and names for familiar objects in the infant's home language.
    • 记录家庭成员有无读一本书e language - play it as you look at the book with an infant.


    • Point to objects as you name them.
    • Listen for and list all of the different sounds you hear infants using - invite parents to add to the posted list with the sounds they are hearing at home.
    • Encourage peer babbling by placing infants safely near one another.
    • Display books in all areas of the room, including by the door for families to use during hellos and goodbyes.
    • Display or create small photo albums that include photos of each infant's family, you, peers, and familiar objects.
    • 当你摇滚他们睡觉时,唱歌摇篮曲到婴儿。

    In addition, consider the following approaches to supporting and fostering communication and language development in infants and toddlers:

    • Provide a sensory-rich environment filled with verbal interactions, singing, books and simple pictures on the wall
    • 为婴儿和幼儿创造环境中的机会,以彼此观察并互动
    • 探索with infants and toddlers and talk about what you’re seeing and doing together – for example, look out a window and highlight what you see, play with water together in tubs or the sand/water table, look in a mirror together
    • Take infants and toddlers outdoors for nature walks – talk about where you are going, what you are seeing and hearing, name objects along the way
    • Take time to learn about and respect families’ understanding of and beliefs around communication and language
    • Demonstrate an interest in and curiosity about the environment



    Experiencing Communication: Book Reading

    Watch this video to see infant and toddler teachers foster communication and language development through book reading experiences



    • 响应于沟通尝试并建立并扩展婴儿和幼儿所说的。
    • 遵循婴儿和幼儿的提示和偏好。
    • Include new words during your conversations with infants and toddlers.
    • Add songs and fingerplays into daily routines.
    • Read to infants and toddlers daily. Select and display books and other printed materials that represent a variety of cultures, languages, abilities, family structures, and life experiences.
    • Create opportunities for small groups of infants and toddlers to be near each other or to play together. Encourage them to notice one another during activities by saying, for example, “Carol has the horses and they’re eating food. I think these horses feel very hungry!”
    • 创建一个突出显示您特定的日常生活的视觉计划。常规可以通过图片和简单的单词显示并显示在他们的眼睛水平上。您可以经常在一天中引用图片计划,并指向各种日常图片。



    Download and print theCommunication Scenario Activity。Read through the scenarios and answer the questions. Think about the unique ways the infants and toddlers are communicating and how you might respond as an infant and toddler caregiver. Then, share and discuss your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.



    Download and print the handout,不仅仅是宝贝谈话, from the Learn Section. Choose one of the strategies highlighted within the article to try with the infants or toddlers in your care. Then, download and print the支持婴儿幼儿沟通开发Activity.Observe and think about how you might respond as an infant and toddler caregiver to support their communication development. Then, share and discuss your responses with a colleague, trainer, coach or supervisor.


    Term 描述
    沟通 交换信息的过程








    真的or False? Communication and language development can be positively influenced by a child’s environment.


    Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development. (2000).From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The science of early childhood development.华盛顿,D.C:国家学院出版社。


    哈特,B。, & Risley, T.R. (1995).年轻美国​​儿童日常经历的有意义差异。巴尔的摩:P. H. Brookes。

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    NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. (2000). The relation of child care to cognitive and language development.Child Development。71(4):960-980。

    Piasta, S., Justice, L., Cabell, S., Wiggins, A., Turnbull, K., & Curenton, S. (2012). Impact of Professional Development on Preschool Teachers’ Conversational Responsivity and Children’s Linguistic Productivity and Complexity.幼儿研究季刊。27(3):387-400.
