
    • 认识到不同的经历和活动如何促进婴儿和幼儿的创造力。
    • 确定在日常生活中支持创造力的方法。
    • 区分以过程为导向和以产品为导向的经验。




    Just as experiences and activities inspire your own creativity, experiences and activities support infant’s and toddler’s creativity as well. In Lesson One, you learned that creativity is something that can be nurtured and cultivated; it is not something that simply exists in some individuals and not in others. Each infant and toddler needs opportunities to discover, create and enjoy interactions, experiences and activities that help lead them to ongoing learning and growth. Caring adults can provide infants and toddlers consistent and supportive relationships within a safe environment that offers opportunities and access to a variety of experiences, materials and activities. This type of responsive care provides infants and toddlers the security and confidence they need to explore, experiment and initiate creative learning.


    Infants and toddlers are naturally curious. This curiosity can be supported when caregivers provide opportunities to learn through daily routines and everyday experiences. When this happens, foundational experiences can help infants and toddlers begin to develop positive dispositions for learning, such as:

    • Finding an interest
    • 愿意探索,实验和尝试新事物
    • Knowing how and where to seek help from trusting adults
    • Being flexible and finding solutions to problems
    • Staying engaged in activities and continuing to try even when things get difficult
    • 选择和决定

    It is important for caregivers to determine the best ways to ensure that foundational experiences are being offered and that infants’ and toddlers’ creativity is being encouraged throughout the day. The table below highlights different approaches and ideas:

    Creative Experiences

    What We Know About Infants and Toddlers

    What You Can Do

    Young infants respond to voices, sounds and music (for example, they will move their heads in the direction of the music).

    • Sing a familiar song.
    • Hang musical mobiles for a young infant to view while on the diaper-changing table.

    Mobile infants respond to music and enjoy rhythm and other sounds.

    • Play and sing Pat-a-Cake.
    • Consider incorporating different types of music that represent the cultures and languages of the infants and toddlers in your care.


    • 拍手,舞蹈和游行到音乐。
    • Use scarves or streamers for toddlers as they move to music.

    What We Know About Infants and Toddlers

    What You Can Do


    • Make playful faces for the young infant to imitate.

    Mobile infants understand the meaning of objects in play.

    • 谈谈你看到的移动婴儿做了什么,“你就像我为杰克一样给宝宝一个瓶子。这个宝贝喜欢像杰克一样摇滚吗?”

    Toddlers engage in play that represents real-life experiences.

    • Encourage toddlers to ask other children to play. "Kara, let's ask Carter to come over and make dinner with us."

    What We Know About Infants and Toddlers

    What You Can Do

    Young infants notice bright or contrasting colors.

    • Provide pictures that are simple and bright for young infants to look at.
    • 提供婴儿家庭的照片享受。


    • Provide a variety of colored objects for the mobile infant to choose from.
    • Provide safe, non-toxic materials for the mobile infant to explore, such as crayons and finger paints.


    • Vary the texture and smell of paints by adding materials such as flour.
    • 为儿童提供旧杂志,剪切或撕裂图片以添加到拼贴画。
    音乐对早产儿的物理发展产生了积极影响,可以促进婴儿的平静(Coleman et al, 1997).



    Families remain an important resource as you learn about the strengths and needs of the infants and toddlers in your care. Some infants and toddlers may need you to make adaptations or provide supports that will enable them to express their creativity and feel successful. Offering well-planned, creative experiences can help encourage infants and toddlers to learn using all of their senses, and it creates the opportunity to expand and adapt for a young child with specific learning needs. Let’s think for a moment about a 9-month-old who is able to sit by himself with support. As he sits on the carpet against a supportive cushion, he begins banging a plastic ball on a mound of stacking blocks (experimenting with a toy to make sounds). He then tries banging the ball on the carpet and notices it does not make a noise (experimenting and exploring with persistence). As he starts to put the ball in his mouth (further exploration), the ball slips out of his hand and rolls across the floor. He starts to cry. The caregiver then reaches out to retrieve the ball and hands it back to him saying, “Oops, here is the ball. You’re very interested in the sounds this ball can make and the way it feels. It felt frustrating to you when the ball rolled away.” In this example, the caregiver supports him in his exploration by making it possible for him to continue.

    护理人员和家庭之间的通信plays a vital role in supporting a creative environment. Families can provide information regarding their values, beliefs and meaningful experiences that highlight their family’s culture. Asking all family members about their views on creative play is important, as the infant and toddler will bring experiences from home, incorporating them into the ways they explore and experiment in the early care and learning environment.

    Fostering Culturally Responsive Creative Experiences

    Culturally responsive experiences are those that help infants and toddlers see themselves represented in your program. This may mean opportunities for self-expression and discovery. It may also mean broad exposure to people, ideas, and experiences from around the world. Exposure to the world around them sparks curiosity and creative thinking in young children. In terms of creativity, the term “culture” can be quite broad. You should provide experiences that help infants and toddlers begin to define a sense of self and a sense of the world around them. This may include racial or ethnic identity, but it can also include identities related to family values, beliefs, or experiences. For example, infants and toddlers may explore making music with different types of instruments, listen to different stories from around the world, or view photos of their families and peers’ families.

    Distinguishing between Process- and Product-Oriented Experiences

    In your work, you should strive to achieve balance between process-oriented and product-oriented experiences. Process-oriented experiences are child-directed and open-ended and they focus on the experience itself rather than a finished product or outcome. Examples of process-oriented activities may include drawing using crayons and finger paints, making prints using different objects, or exploring materials with different textures like ice or finger paints. Product-oriented experiences are usually adult-directed and have a pre-determined goal or outcome. Examples of product-oriented activities may include children making identical snowmen using the same materials on construction paper, or children using identical materials to work on an item like a house or a card to a family member.

    重要的是要理解,在to a finished product or the process that leads to it, a balanced approach is best. There should be opportunities for both in your work with infants and toddlers. When making decisions about using process-oriented or product-oriented experiences, you should ask yourself what your goals or objectives are. If, for example, your goal is to promote infants’ and toddlers’ exploration and creative expression, it would be inappropriate to use identical materials for them to make similar-looking snowmen or flowers on construction paper. If, however, your goal is to encourage or demonstrate specific techniques that are needed for further skill-development (e.g., cutting or gluing), then asking infants and toddlers to cut or glue the same materials may be appropriate.

    According to Althouse, Johnson, and Mitchell, who write about integrating the visual arts into the classroom, when adults continuously dictate to children the size paper to use, colors to use, and the product to make, creativity is discouraged. But not all examples of product-oriented experiences discourage creativity. Product-oriented experiences can be important when children are developing skills, as described in the previous paragraph.

    Meeting the Needs of All Learners

    Each infant and toddler develops differently and approaches creative experiences differently. Some children might have difficulties accessing creative experiences. For example, a toddler may be unable to reach or stand for long periods of time. A child with visual or hearing impairments may have trouble viewing a work of art or listening to a piece of music. An infant who is easily over-stimulated might not enjoy sensory experiences. You must be prepared to meet infants and toddlers where they are and make appropriate creative experiences a priority for all children. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to supporting all learners:

    • 艺术和创造性的经历应该永远是一种选择,并且应该没有错误的答案(首脑开始,2013年)。每个婴儿和幼儿都遇到他或她自己的方式和自己的步伐。
    • 不要让残疾或差异是参与的障碍。您应该创建允许每次婴儿和幼儿在您的幼儿完全参与的适应。
    • 脚手架需要支持的婴儿和幼儿的创造性经验。虽然创造性经历往往是开放的,但成年人可以在需要时提供一些帮助。您可以使用图片计划来帮助单个孩子开始活动(即,穿上Smock,拾取刷,浸入油漆,并创造!)。您可以使用各种支持,例如对等支持,成人支持或环境修改,以帮助儿童成功(Sandall&Schwartz,2008)。

    Encouraging Creativity During Daily Routines

    As a caregiver of infants and toddlers, you recognize the central role exploration has within nurturing and responsive relationships to support development. Infants and toddlers are discovering things constantly as they engage in and explore their world.

    During these early years, caregivers should focus on interacting sensitively and skillfully to support and enhance infants' and toddlers' natural curiosity and creativity. There are numerous ways you, as a caregiver, can encourage curiosity and creativity throughout the day. You can plan specific activities, such as dancing and finger painting. You can also encourage thinking, problem solving and helping infants and toddlers do things in their own ways.


    Daily Routines

    Encouraging Creativity Examples


    Singing and music: "Shall we sing our hello song together now that all of our friends are here?"

    Prompt creative thinking while reading a book: "I wonder why the little girl is crying?"

    Diapering and toileting

    Generate ideas: "Caden, you lifted your legs so that I could get your diaper off. That is a helpful idea!"

    Singing and music: Sing songs for children during diaper changing and toileting.

    Responding to an infants' movement: "You haven't taken your eyes off that colorful mobile the whole time I have been changing your diaper. Now you are kicking your feet! I think you really enjoy looking at the mobile."

    Feeding and eating

    Exploration with foods: Offer foods that can be eaten using hands and fingers as well as foods that can be eaten using utensils.


    Curiosity and exploration: "That jello is very slippery!"

    Sleeping and resting

    Singing and music: "Bobby you seem quiet and are sucking your thumb. It's earlier than your normal naptime, but I'm thinking you are tired. Let's go rock together and I'll softly sing your favorite song."

    Rhymes and supporting individual expression: While rocking an infant or toddler, share a rhyme in a soothing voice, or gently touch their fingers while reciting "This Little Piggy."

    You can use your knowledge of infants and toddlers to find and plan opportunities throughout the day that will help build a foundation for creativity.


    Cultivating Creativity through Experiences and Activities

    Piquing their interest and bringing out their best


    There are many things you can do to interact and create experiences for infants and toddlers that help support their creativity:

    • Share stories and read books.
    • 与婴儿和幼儿一起散步,谈谈你所看到的。
    • Play dress-up with older mobile infants and toddlers using hats, handbags, etc.
    • Use materials for sensory play - sand, water, mud, play-dough, paints.
    • Use crayons and paper for scribbling.
    • 制作和使用乐器 - 例如,用米饭或干豌豆填充一个空的塑料水瓶。
    • Provide new toys and objects in their reach - watch as they explore the items.



    下载并打印讲义Experiences and Materials to Support Creativity。接下来,考虑不同的经验和方式,您可以使用材料来支持婴儿或幼儿的好奇心,探索和实验。记录您的经验或活动理念,确定所需的材料并突出所支持的方式。



    Take a moment to think about the creative experiences you offer for the infants or toddlers in your care. Next, download and print the handoutObservation and Application: Supporting Creativity并填写表格。与主管,培训师或教练分享您的思想和答复。




    Your supervisor, trainer, or coach has asked you to talk at the next staff meeting about how to encourage creativity during daily routines such as arrival and departure, diapering and toileting, feeding and eating, and sleeping and resting. What are some examples you might share?


    真的or false? Families are an important resource as you plan creative, playful interactions with infants and toddlers.


    A parent new to your program asks what types of activities support an infant’s or toddler’s creativity. How do you respond?


    Althouse,R.,Johnson,M. H.,&Mitchell,S.T.(2003)。The Colors of Learning: Integrating the visual arts into the early childhood curriculum.Vol. 85 ofEarly Childhood Educationseries. New York: Teachers College Press.

    Coleman, J. M., Pratt, R. R., Stoddard, R. A., Gerstmann, D. R., Abel, H. H. (1997). The effects of the male and female singing and speaking voices on selected physiological and behavioral measures of premature infants in the intensive care unit.International Journal of Arts,5(2),4-11。

    Duffy, B. (2006).Supporting Creativity and Imagination in the Early Years.Maidenhead, England: Open University Press.

    甘迪尼,l(1992)。创造力是穿着everyday clothes.Child Care Information Exchange, 26-29.

    Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (2018). Caring Connections Podcast 7: Let's Talk About . . Music. Retrieved fromhttps://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/lets-talk-about-music.

    Head Start National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (2013).The Head Start Leaders Guide to Positive Child Outcomes.从...获得http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/hslc/hs/resources/eclkc_bookstore/pdfs/headstartguidepositivechildoutcomes.pdf.

    Heroman, C., Burts, D. C., Berke, K., & Bickart, T. S. (2010).Teaching Strategies Gold: Objectives for development & learning, birth through kindergarten。华盛顿特区:教学策略,Inc。

    国家幼儿教育协会。(2009)。C. Copple&S.Bradekamp(EDS),Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8国家幼儿教育协会。从...获得http://www.nayc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/keymessage.pdf.

    Sandall, S., & Schwartz, I. (2008). Building Blocks for Teaching Preschoolers with Special Needs. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.

    Schirrmacher, R. (2006).Art and creative development for young children。(5th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomas Delmar Learning.

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).Early Childhood Development: A Multicultural Perspective,(第6届)。上鞍河,新泽西:皮尔逊教育公司

    Van Hoorn, J. L., Nourot, P. M., Scales, B., & Alward, K. R. (2002).在课程的中心玩。(第71-94页)。上鞍河:Prentice Hall。

    Vygotsky, L. S. (1978).Mind in Society: Development of higher psychological processes。剑桥博士:哈佛大学出版社。