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    • 找出在个人生活中培养创造力的方法。
    • 反思一下,做一个有创造力的婴幼儿看护者意味着什么。
    • 就如何创造性地与婴儿、儿童、家庭和同事进行头脑风暴。





    What about your professional life? What elements of your work environment make you feel creative? Is it the freedom to plan experiences and use materials? Is it supportive coworkers and supervisors? Is it guidance and constructive feedback from colleagues or supervisors? Is it sharing concerns and ideas, and brainstorming solutions when situations arise? Is it relationships with children and families?


    8 Aspects to Cultivate Creativity

    Adequate freedom 成年人需要做出个人和职业选择的能力。尽管选择有时似乎是有限的,但在某些情况下,你是否可以对早期护理和学习环境中发生的事情做出选择?例如,如何选择材料,或组织经验的基础上,兴趣的婴儿和幼儿在您的照顾?狗万app怎么下载
    挑战性工作 Working with infants and toddlers can sometimes be challenging. As you have been reading in this course, however, challenges are often opportunities for us to come up with creative solutions to problems. Welcome challenges as ways to learn more and strengthen your professional skills.
    Appropriate resources We all need tools and resources to do our jobs. Appropriate resources (like planning tools, resource libraries, classroom supplies, and time for planning, reflection, and support) are prerequisites for feeling creative. It is important that you have the tools you need to do your job.
    支持的主管 在我们的生活中,我们都可以找到一些人,他们是我们的导师,他们激励我们成就伟业,或者在我们面临挑战或困难时提供指导和支持。重要的是,你有机会定期与你的主管会面,讨论课堂上发生的事情,并在必要时集思广益,解决问题。这些交流对你的职业发展至关重要,让你学习和成长。
    Diverse and communicative coworkers 在工作中成为团队成员的最大好处之一是,你可以结识与你从事类似专业活动的人,他们可能与你有类似的兴趣,他们可能在工作场所处理类似的问题、担忧或挑战。了解你的同事能让你建立联系和友谊,这会让你感到有动力和更强。你可以激励他人,也可以被同事激励!
    认可 积极的、创造性的想法和努力应该得到承认。同样,你的上司认可你的良好努力和想法,你也可以认可那些有助于激励和带领你的团队走向成功的同事或上司。
    合作意识 Creative spaces are collaborative spaces. People should feel safe to share ideas — even ideas that they don’t think will work. Team members can support one another and their creative ideas.
    An organization that supports creativity You are not alone in the quest to cultivate creativity. A truly creative workplace operates coherently at every level. Your entire team should prioritize and recognize creativity.


    有什么自己的看法成为克雷亚吗tive infant and toddler caregiver? Pause for a few moments to think about this.




    • 在你的早期护理和学习环境中,使用看似无用的日常材料来激发创造性的工作狗万app怎么下载
    • Dealing with space constraints to create beautiful environments for you and the infants and toddlers in your classroom
    • Following your curiosity
    • Allowing yourself to make mistakes
    • 尝试新事物
    • 接受新的或不同的观点
    • Embracing diversity



    Infants and toddlers take their cues from you.



    Creativity helps you become part of a workplace community that feels welcoming, energetic, and nurturing. It helps you engage infants, toddlers, families and colleagues in a range of meaningful experiences. Consider the following when engaging with infants, toddlers, families, and colleagues in your program.

    Engaging with children:

    • Bring your own creative interests, questions, and experiences in your care setting.
    • 演示interest and excitement when working with infants and toddlers. Inspire them to be curious and creative by demonstrating these attributes yourself!
    • 利用婴儿和幼儿的背景、经历和兴趣作为灵感,在你的早期护理和学习环境中创造经验。狗万app怎么下载
    • 在课堂上培养一种好奇心和热爱探索和实验的氛围。邀请婴儿和蹒跚学步的孩子来发现你有趣的问题或问题的答案。

    Engaging with families:

    • Invite family members to come to your setting and share some of their own creative endeavors with infants and toddlers.
    • Invite families to observe and participate in some of your creative experiences and activities.
    • 邀请家庭带上他们不需要的日常生活用品,以支持你与婴幼儿的创造性体验。
    • 通过将你的一些经历扩展到家里,鼓励家庭在家里培养探索和创造力。


    • 在员工会议、午休或在职期间与同事分享你的兴趣和才能。分享这些兴趣如何推动你在课堂上为婴幼儿创造的一些体验。在个人层面上了解与你共事的人。
    • Exchange ideas about experiences that foster creativity with colleagues. Invite a colleague to come to your room, observe some of your activities, and give you feedback. Offer to do the same for your colleagues as well.
    • 请教练、主管或培训和课程专家来观察您的早期护理和学习环境,以便他们能够就您对创造性经验和材料的使用提供反馈。狗万app怎么下载
    • Acknowledge colleagues who are doing great things, who offer you guidance and constructive feedback, and who inspire you to strive for excellence and be creative.



    Download and print the handout,反思职场. 花时间思考一下工作环境中培养创造力的八个要素。结合您在婴幼儿护理和学习环境中的个人经历,思考这些特征。狗万app怎么下载



    正如本课程所强调的,创造力可以帮助我们找到解决日常问题和挑战的方法。下载并打印讲义Creative Solutions. 使用本讲义确定您今天面临的挑战或问题,并考虑新的创造性方法来解决您以前从未尝试过的问题。




    True or False? When you take risks to plan creative experiences for infants and toddlers, it means that sometimes you may make mistakes.


    Which of the following helps encourage creativity in your workplace?




    Beghetto, R. A., & Kaufman, J. C. (Eds.). (2010).在课堂上培养创造力. 纽约:剑桥大学出版社。

    考夫曼,J.C.(编辑)。(2009).创意101. Springer Publishing Company.

    Robinson, K. (2009).The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.New York: Penguin Group.

    Schickeadanz, J. A., Hansen, K., & Forsyth, P. D. (2000).了解孩子. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company.

    Trawick-Smith, J. W. (2014).幼儿发展:多元文化视角,(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

    Zevin,J.(2013年)。Creative Teaching for All: In the Box, Out of the Box, and Off the Walls. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.