- 认识到与家庭沟通的重要性。
- 确定与家庭沟通的不同方式,并利益有效沟通。
- 承认不同的沟通方式。

Communicating with others can be both simple and complex at the same time. Have you ever been surprised that someone misunderstood a message you thought you had communicated quite clearly?
在日常Hellos和再见,以及更正式的活动期间,照顾者和家庭之间的沟通上市a planned home visit orfamily meetings. All of these opportunities require you to be aware of many of the family’s characteristics, including tone, choice of words, and nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions and body language. When you are aware of these characteristics, you can better communicate in ways that are most supportive and respectful of families while keeping in mind this may be the family’s first experience with an early care and learning program. Families will be eager to know how their infant or toddler is doing, and you can support comfortable communication by offering encouraging responses and asking for clarification if something is not understood.
Communication is the basis for any strong relationship and it is especially important with respect to family engagement in early childhood education programs (Baker & Manfredi-Petitt, 2004). Communicating with families is about listening, sharing information and working toward common understanding.
- Different forms of greetings and use of titles that may be preferred
- 在各种文化中定义的男性和女性角色
- Non-verbal communication and body language (e.g. eye contact, use of touching, use of physical space)
- 节目网站
- 家庭会议或会议
- 新闻稿
- 兴趣的文章
Conversations with families can be difficult for a number of reasons. Sometimes, you might worry that families will be upset by something you share and even decide to enroll their child in a different setting. You may also worry the family will stop communicating with you altogether. While conversations with families about concerns may be difficult, they can provide you an opportunity to express your care for a family, as well as the infant’s or toddler’s development and learning, in a thoughtful way.
Mother picks up her toddler at the end of the day. It’s the third day in a row her daughter has come home messy and with dirty clothes (grass stains and finger paint).
Your Perspective
Family Perspective
看到讲义,与家庭分享顾虑, for additional ideas and resources.
Benefits for Infants and Toddlers
- 它有助于家庭和照顾者意识到婴儿和幼儿在特定一天的需求。
- 当积极的,健康的沟通正在建模时,婴儿和幼儿学习技能,以帮助他们在自己的社会发展中。
- Infants and toddlers can establish healthy relationships with their caregivers when they see that their families trust and communicate with them.
- The caregiver can build more effectively on the infants’ and toddlers’ interests and developmental needs.
- 家人和亲戚朋友之间的联系是一个我mportant part of developing a high-quality early care and learning environment.
Watch the video below to learn about having difficult conversations with families. Refer to the content two sections above for more ideas on how to communicate about difficult situations.
- Use a back-and-forth notebook to share highlights from the infant or toddler’s day; the family, in turn, can refer to observations and any particular needs of the infant or toddler for that day.
- 为每个家庭创建一个文件夹 - 提供空间和方式来共享日常票据回家并从家庭收集信息。
- Schedule home visits or conferences with families several times a year.
- 创建一个借贷图书馆,包括育儿书籍,支持婴儿和幼儿的方式,与婴儿和幼儿一起使用的方式等。
- 创建和提供包含笔记本电脑和一次性相机的家庭故事袋 - 家庭可以为其婴儿或幼儿提供照片,记录评论或写信。
- 安排客户拨打嘉宾,以根据家庭兴趣分享信息和呈现主题。
- 询问家庭分享一个“我的书”主演他们的婴儿或幼儿,其中包括婴儿或幼儿享受的图片和活动。
- 拍摄婴儿和幼儿的照片从事戏剧活动和学习。狗万app怎么下载为图片写字幕并将其送给家人。
观看此视频以了解更多您可以与家庭沟通的方式。您还可以下载附件,家庭会议, to learn more about holding a conference with a family as an opportunity to share information, observations and questions.
Ways to Communicate with Families


下载并打印讲义,谈话初学者. Think about different ways to communicate and start conversations with the families you support. Share your thoughts or responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Baker, A. C., & Manfredi-Petitt, L. A. (2004) Relationships, the heart of quality care: Creating community among adults in early care settings. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Connell, C. M., & Prinz, R. J. (2002). The Impact of childcare and parent-child interactions on school readiness and social skills development for low-income african american children. Journal of School Psychology 40(2): 177–93.
Weiss, H., Caspe, M., & Lopez, M.E. (2006). Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education. Family Involvement Makes a Difference (1): Spring. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Family Research Project.