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    • 探索own assumptions about working with families of children with special needs.
    • Identify variables that support family-centered practice.
    • 选择有效的方法来支持具有特殊需求的儿童家庭。


    家庭of Young Children with Special Needs



    与家庭建立有意义的人际关系s is a critical part of your work, and your communication is especially important when working with families with infants and toddlers with special needs. Some infants and toddlers will enter your program with known special needs, and other families will learn that their child has a disability or delay while enrolled in your program. Families with eligible children ages birth to three may receive early intervention services and have an individualized family service plan (IFSP). Others may only receive support from a medical center, and some families will be involved with multiple systems of support. Regardless, families can be overwhelmed by what feels like a constant flow of suggestions and appointments to help their children learn and develop. These families often need more help supporting their children’s development and may turn to you, or others in your program, for assistance with connecting to services or agencies outside your program. It may be helpful to form relationships with community agencies so you, or trainers and administrators in your program, have up-to-date information on how to make a referral and the types of services offered. Positive interactions with families and other professionals can decrease families’ stress and improve their well-being.

    家庭with infants and toddlers with special needs may go through various evaluation processes and may ask you to complete questionnaires or provide input at the request of a doctor, specialist, or teacher. Other professionals rely on this input, especially when they have limited amounts of time with children compared to program staff who often spend many hours each week caring for, educating, and observing children. This information can be used to determine if a child has a specific condition, support the child outcome summary (COS) process, determine eligibility for specific services, and develop goals for an IFSP or individualized education plan (IEP). An IFSP is a written document that states families’ desired outcomes, the steps needed to achieve those outcomes, and recommended services. You, or a trainer or administrator from your program, may be asked to officially participate in a families’ IFSP review, a time when the team of professionals and the family come together to assess progress, create new outcomes, and determine needed services. Working with professionals from outside agencies helps things run smoothly for families and ensures that all of the professionals and caregivers in a child’s life are communicating. This lessens family stress by reducing the need for primary caregivers to act as the in-between messenger of important information.





    • 将家庭认识到孩子的生命中的常量;护理人员和服务系统可能会出现
    • Facilitating collaboration between families and professionals
    • 尊重和尊重所有维度的家庭多样性(文化,种族,种族,语言,精神和社会经济)
    • Recognizing family strengths and the different approaches that families may use to cope
    • 以持续的基础与家庭成员分享无偏见和诚实的信息
    • 鼓励家庭到家庭的支持和网络
    • 承认并将孩子和其他家庭成员的发展需求纳入您的练习
    • Designing and implementing services that are accessible, culturally and linguistically respectful and responsive, flexible, and based on family-identified needs






    • Acknowledge that families know their infant or toddler best and ask them questions about services or resources that may be helpful to you.
    • 建立家庭与早期护理和学习环境之间的持续沟通。狗万app怎么下载通信期刊是维持沟通的好方法。这些通常与孩子一起送回家并返回第二天。护理人员可以共享值得注意的观察或活动,家庭可以响应这些或分享自己的新闻或反思。虽然通信期刊可以与您的护理中所有婴儿或幼儿的家庭一起使用,但它们可以是建立家庭与早期护理和学习环境的一致性的婴儿和幼儿具有特殊需求的学习环境。狗万app怎么下载
    • 将儿童的书籍纳入课堂图书馆,反映了对多种能力和差异的考虑。
    • 邀请家庭与您谈论他们的婴儿或幼儿的特殊需求。例如,家庭成员可能会进入您的课堂,并谈论他们的孩子使用自适应设备(例如,牙套,轮椅或通信设备)。家庭成员可以解释使用设备,这可以帮助儿童和其他家庭了解他们生活的方面。这也促进了接受差异。
    • 成为一名团队球员!与家庭和其他可能参与提供服务的婴儿和幼儿的其他专业人员合作工作。


    • 提醒自己,您的角色是支持家庭的希望和梦想。
    • 要有耐心。关心有特殊需求的婴儿或幼儿可能是有时挑战,而家庭成员需要时间以自己的步伐导航这一体验。
    • Avoid making judgments for families and their infants or toddlers.
    • Consider difficult times as opportunities to build trust between yourself and families.
    • 质疑您关于与有特殊需求的儿童家庭合作的假设,并敦促您要做的其他专业人士。
    • Talk with your trainer, supervisor, or coach when in doubt about any aspect of your work with families.






    使用讲义,家庭和专业人士的有用资源,探索网站并了解有关支持有特殊需求的儿童家庭的方法。您可以考虑与家庭分享一些这些信息。考虑如何信息The Emotional Experience of Families残疾儿童will impact how you view families and respond to their decisions and behavior.


    Term 描述
    儿童结果摘要(COS)过程 Team process required by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs for all state early intervention and preschool special education agencies to report data summarizing a child’s functioning in three outcomes areas: (1) positive social-emotional skills, (2) acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, and (3) use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs
    早期儿童特殊教育/想法第b部分 当地教育机构实施的联邦计划为符合条件的学生提供服务和住宿,教育残疾年仅三到二十一
    早期干预/想法部分c Federal program implemented by states to provide services to families with eligible children with developmental delays or disabilities ages birth to three
    个性化教育计划(IEP) 列出教育目标,服务和适合符合条件的儿童的教育目标和住宿的书面课程(IDEA PACT B)
    个性化家庭服务计划(IFSP) Written plan for providing early intervention (IDEA part C) services for eligible families with children ages birth to three
    地方教育机构 专业资助的学区
    相关服务 包括但不限于以下服务:语言治疗,听力学,口译,心理学,物理治疗,职业治疗,娱乐,咨询,定向和移动性,医疗服务,护理,社会工作,父母咨询和培训










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