- Identify possible challenges families face and considerations for parenting in early childhood.
- Describe the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework.
- 承认差异情况和影响军事家庭的方面。

During these early years, factors such as family stress, nonflexible work situations, lack of sleep, poor nutrition or health concerns, multiple moves, and difficult economic situations can all affect the development of infants and toddlers. These challenges can make it increasingly difficult for families to provide the support their infants and toddlers need. Some family members may also feel isolated in their role as a parent due to divorce, challenging relationships with their own families, single-parenthood, or a move that takes them away from nearby family. In the face of such circumstances, early care and learning programs become increasingly important sources of support, not only infants and toddlers, but for families as a whole.
Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework
The Center for the Study of Social Policy has developed the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework. Originally designed as a framework to prevent child abuse and neglect, the Protective Factors can be a useful way to approach all of your work with families. It is important to understand this framework because it can help you see that the high-quality, family-centered work that you do every day in your program makes a difference in the lives of children and families. Your job is not only to care for each infant and toddler, but also to provide care and support for the whole family. The Strengthening Families Protective Factors framework gives us tools and ideas to support families.
Strengthening Families Protective Factors
Families are able to manage stress and bounce back from challenges.
Concrete Supports in Times of Need
Families can get the help they need when crises strike: food and shelter, medical and mental health services, social, legal, and educational resources.
Resilient individuals have elements in their life that help them “bounce back” to overcome challenges and move forward in positive ways. Researchers have identified factors that promote resilience and coping in families who deal with challenges. Some of those factors are:
- Establishing positive early family member-child relationships
- Maintaining family coherence through shared values and beliefs
- Families finding positive meanings in difficult situations
- 家庭中的团队合作,加强家庭作为一个单位
- Family members developing collaborative relationships with professionals
- 家庭成员表达感情并互相有效沟通
- 保持友谊和参与社交活动和网络
- 从扩大家庭成员,教师,朋友,社区领导者或邻居接受支持(所有这些都被称为非正式支持)
支持ing Military Families
When job training and deployment require that one or both parents of an infant’s or toddler’s family be away for extended periods of time, connection and relationship-building can be difficult. Through cooperation and planning, families and caregivers can work together to ensure that infants and toddlers experience the benefits of emotional security.
You can support families by listening and learning the ways they are supporting their infant or toddler through this transition. You can also encourage additional communication and engagement between infants, toddlers and their families. Caring adults can help infants and toddlers by giving words to the experience and their emotions surrounding the experience, such as,“This feels sad and we both wish Mommy was going to be able to stay home with you. Mommy loves you and while I’m away, Aunt Karina is going to take care of you and keep you safe. You are safe and loved.”
Maintaining Connection
Families anxiously await the return of loved ones from deployment. While viewed as a long-awaited, happy reunion, returning home can also bring about anxious feelings and difficulties for families. Families and caregivers together established and maintained daily routines that not everyone was able to be a part of. The parent returning home likely had experiences that may have changed her or him in some ways. Helping families prepare for and maintain connections after the return home is just as important as it was in planning for departure.
Connecting Families
Strong family, community and social networks can help parents manage the many tasks of raising an infant or toddler while their spouse is deployed or serving as an active-duty service member. You will likely have multiple supportive resources and information to extend to families. While the information or resource may be just what the family needs, the circumstances surrounding the family may be too overwhelming for a service member to take on or learn something new. However, you can continue to offer support by recognizing family strengths and continuing to build trusting relationships.
- Help a family to be realistic in their expectations of themselves and of each other.
- Provide families with information about what they can expect before, during, and after deployment, recognizing that every child’s response may be different on the basis of age, stage, and temperament.
- Offer ongoing discussions and support to families with regard to return and reunion challenges.
- Remember that families—even those with experience—do not always have the information and support they need.
Strengthening and Supporting Families: Protective Factors
Staying Attuned and Supporting Military Families
- 使用以家庭为中心的方法:
Each family’s needs are different, and what works well with one family may not work at all with another. Support families by focusing on their particular needs and honoring their heritage and culture. Above all, focus on their strengths and build on those. - 灵活和创造性;用每个家庭来个性化你的方法:
For instance, if a family is having problems with transportation and has a difficult time meeting you at the center, arrange for a meeting at a place the family can safely get to. - Suggest informal sources of support:
For example, other family members, neighbors, friends, church members, or other individuals the family knows and feels comfortable with. - Make resources available to families:
These may include community organizations and related professionals who can provide assistance. - Aim to be understanding and nonjudgmental:
面临挑战的家庭有时会因为满足他们的基本需求而被误导,并且随着建议或建议,可能并不总是回应。您可以通过贷款图书馆,家庭课程或研讨会,邀请课堂或计划访乐师,或分享有关当地专业人士或机构的推荐信息来为家庭提供资源。在向家庭提供资源时考虑以下想法: - 课堂贷款图书馆:
A lending library can be a great starting point in your efforts to make resources available for families in your classroom. The library may include books, toys, CDs and DVDs, which families may check out and take home. Your lending library should include materials that are written and presented in a family-friendly, jargon-free language. It should cover a variety of topics and interest areas, include materials that reflect consideration of diversity and multiculturalism, and, when possible, include materials in different languages to reflect the backgrounds of particular children in your classroom. - 家庭课程和研讨会:
These can be fun and inviting events that provide information on a variety of topics of interest to families. As you get to know the families of infants and toddlers in your care through the year, you may hear similar comments shared by several individuals. Use these common concerns to decide the topic of a family class or workshop. Depending on the topics of interest, you may choose to serve as the class leader for the family classroom or workshop or you may invite other professionals (e.g., pediatricians, local college instructors, program administrators) as guest speakers. Sometimes, even parents or family members of children in your classroom can serve as the guest speakers. These events can cover a variety of topics, such as nutrition, exercise, management of challenging behaviors, transition to kindergarten, school policies, or resources for families of children with special learning needs. - 推荐信息:
您计划中的一些家庭将需要与其特定需求相关的更多具体信息。在这种情况下,您可以提供有关专业人员,代理商或其他服务的信息。考虑收集关于不同资源的信息,这些资源可能会在年初有所帮助,以确保您的信息是最新的,最新的。当您更好地了解您的程序中儿童的家庭时,您也可以找到更具体到他们需求的资源。资源主题列表可能包括以下内容:- 托儿所
- Parenting helpline
- 当地学区
- Health-care professionals
- Local special education services
- 当地图书馆和社区中心
- 政府福利(例如,社会保障,保健计划)
Use the支持ing Military Families: Resources讲义更多地了解有关支持军事家庭的方法。请记住,类似的策略也可以在家庭经历长期监护人缺席和重返社会的情况下工作,例如通过监禁,延长疾病或频繁的延长旅行等事件。
Next, watch these videos to learn more about supporting families facing challenges, families of children with special needs, and military families.
Voice of a Military Family

如何在自己的生活或在有挑战性的事件吗the lives of any of your family members affected your family as a whole? Think about some of the infants or toddlers you care for and how challenging circumstances or events in their lives may be affecting them. How can you apply your own experiences when working with families who face challenges? Watch the video below to learn more about possible circumstances impacting families of infants and toddlers. Next, download and print theCircumstances Affecting Familiesactivity. Write your thoughts in each column. Then, share your responses with a trainer, coach, or supervisor.
Strengthening and Supporting Families Facing Challenges
Next, think about your work with military families. Supporting military families during times of stress is difficult and worrisome. It is easy to forget that you affect families and that at the same time, families affect you. Remembering and identifying your own thoughts and emotions, can help you to be more purposeful and effective in your connections with families. Download and print the handout,在保持焦点的同时记住自己。通过,思考并回复讲义中的问题。
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