
    • 描述压力事件的情绪影响,例如部署,儿童和家庭。
    • 描述您可以在部署之前,期间和之后使用的策略来支持儿童和家庭。
    • Provide support to children and families who experience stressful life events.




    很可能一些儿童和家庭哟ur care will face challenging life events that can put their mental health and overall well-being at risk. Such events might include death, divorce, job loss, relocation, violence in the home, or separation. As a child development professional on or near a military installation, you will also likely work with children who experience deployment, or you may experience deployment in your own family. Deployment is a difficult time in the lives of children and families. Each family handles these challenges differently, and each child will have unique needs. Nevertheless, there are typical changes you can expect as children experience challenging and stressful transitions and life events.

    This lesson describes the effects of stressful events on young children's lives while highlighting ways you can support children and their families during times of crisis. You will learn the typical emotional and behavioral experiences of young children before, during, and after deployment, and ways you can support children and their families at each stage of deployment.





    Seven-Stage Cycle

    1. Stage 1 — Anticipation of Departure
    2. 第2阶段 - 脱离和退出
    3. 第3阶段 - 情绪混乱
    4. Stage 4 — Recovery and Stabilization
    5. 第5阶段 - 退货期限
    6. 第6阶段 - 回报调整和重新谈判
    7. 第7阶段 - 重新融入和稳定



    Before Deployment










    As the day for the return draws closer, the family prepares for more changes. They may be excited about the family member's return. They may feel a little nervous about whether their relationship with the deployed family member has changed. As so much development happens in the infant and toddler years, the returning member may also have fears about reconnecting with their young child. When the deployed family member returns, the family goes through another transition. The non-deployed caregiver might have mixed emotions about their changing role; this person has "done it alone" for quite some time and must renegotiate roles and expectations. Children may also have a hard time bringing the deployed family member back into their daily routines. The deployed person may have doubts about where they fit into the family. Again, over time, the family stabilizes.





    Connecting During Deployment

    Learn strategies about how to support families during deployment.




    • Maintain consistent classroom routines as much as possible. This provides children with a much-needed sense of stability and safety.
    • 为孩子们谈论正在发生的事情提供机会,但如果他们不想,不要强迫他们谈谈。鼓励孩子谈论他们的感受并验证他们加强儿童的应对,因为他们听到他们所有的感受都可以。
    • 随着时间的推移,注意儿童行为的变化。行为的变化,例如摘除或退出同行或护理人员,可能表明孩子需要额外的支持。
    • Encourage families to connect with other families who deal with similar stressors. Connecting with others allows families to share experiences and healthy coping strategies.



    最重要的是,您可以帮助家庭找到所需的资源,例如军事一个来源(http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) or other resources available in their particular Service. Pre-deployment counseling can help families learn ways to prepare children for the deployment.

    Encourage families to talk with their children honestly about the deployment. It is important for families to help children understand:

    • Why the parent is leaving: The deploying parent has an important job to do and they know how to do the job well; they are not going alone.
    • 部署父母要离开
    • 在父母离开之前,家庭会一起做些什么
    • How the child will communicate with the parent while they are deployed
    • 当父母离开时会保持这种情况:例如,一个父母仍然是在这里吃早餐和晚餐,孩子仍将去同一幼儿节目,家庭仍然可以玩得开心等。

    Also encourage families to start thinking about ways to help the child feel close to the deployed parent. Are there personal items the parent and child can exchange before the deployment (e.g., a picture or favorite t-shirt)?

    Support During Deployment


    Integrate emotional literacy and problem-solving into your curriculum. Help children learn to recognize, name, and deal with emotions. Talk about emotions every day. Look at pictures of children with different emotions, read stories about feelings and deployment, do activities that let the child identify and talk about their feelings. Help the child develop strategies for calming down and dealing with anger or fear.


    • 通过在部署的每一天将硬币放入罐子中,保持时间;孩子可以在回归后购买父母的家庭礼物
    • Going on family trips to the park
    • Draw pictures or write letters to the deployed family member
    • Have a family camp-out in the yard
    • Schedule "date nights" (or days) with each child individually
    • Create a family calendar
    • 弄清楚每天晚上向部署的家庭成员说晚安的特殊方式


    庆祝和家人和孩子。回答什么estions and let the child talk. Acknowledge the child's feelings, and help the child find words or pictures to describe those feelings. Make sure they know all feelings are OK. It is normal to feel shy or nervous when you haven't seen someone for a while, and this can be especially true for infants and toddlers. Recognize that this is a major transition for the family, and they will likely need to be connected with resources and supports. Work with your program to identify resources you can share.


    Read the following scenario and think about the suggestions provided to support children in your care during the different phases of deployment.

    韦恩和纳塔利娅,你班上的孩子的父母,都在军队中服务。他们在亚洲的任务时遇到了,自从以来一直在全世界都在一起。他们喜欢旅行和生活在新的地方。在八年的婚姻中,他们有两个国际作业。两年前,他们有他们的第一个孩子,西纳,她现在是你的小孩课堂上的孩子。虽然他们经常移动,但他们从未在同一时间部署 - 直到现在。Wayne和Natalia都分配了六个月的职责。在某些方面,韦恩和纳塔利娅对这次旅行感到很好地准备:他们知道纳塔利娅的母亲会照顾Ximena,他们已经完成了Ximena的保险和护理的所有预先部署文书工作。他们觉得对这种长期分离的情感造成的造成较少。您可以和您的计划可以帮助这个家庭,特别是Ximena,之前,期间和之后的双重部署?


    • 鼓励家人开始与Ximena交谈即将到来的部署。
    • Talk about where the parents are going and why.
    • Prepare Ximena for what will stay the same: she'll sleep at grandma's like she does sometimes now, she'll still go to your child development program, play her favorite games, eat her favorite foods, and have her special dolls and toys.
    • 在她受到父母的时候,创造关于她的父母的个性化故事以及在Ximena离开的时候发生了什么。
    • 在儿童保育中困难时期创造一个可以安慰西纳的特殊物品(例如,从妈妈或爸爸的衬衫中享用Ximena睡觉)。
    • 提供Ximena,并在儿童保育中具有一致的常规和可预测的仪式。
    • 在学校包括提醒关于Ximena似乎困难的例程。你也可以对家里挑战的例程做同样的事情。
    • 与Ximena谈论情绪,并鼓励她通过艺术项目将她的笔记“写作”笔记分享她的情感。当她告诉你它时,为她的艺术添加标题。当她需要额外的支持时安慰她。
    • Share messages or notes that the parents sent to the child development center to be shared with Ximena.
    • Provide honest responses to Ximena's questions or comments about her parents. For example, if she shares that she is scared, you can say, "I am scared sometimes too," or you can address a question about her parents by saying, "Your mommy and daddy are doing everything they can to be safe." Avoid elaborate responses which can be overwhelming to her.
    • When Ximena's parents return home, help Ximena talk about her emotions: anxiety, shyness, excitement. Make sure she knows all emotions are OK.
    • 组织一项特殊活动,曾经从部署中回来了Ximena和她的父母。例如,父母午餐或野餐。
    • 鼓励西纳表达她的感受并分享她的感受。

    Take Care of Yourself

    您为儿童和家庭提供了至关重要的支持。但是,如果你不照顾好自己,你就不能这样做。通过困难,有时悲惨时期帮助孩子们可以令人难以置信的挑战。你可能会发现你自己的心理健康反映了你周围的人。确保您花时间以您自己的需求。与周围的人交谈你的感受。与您的管理员讨论遇到部署或损失的家庭资源。照顾好自己会让你更能够照顾孩子。您可以了解您自己的自我保健更多信息教师的社会与情感学习(自我T)狗万app怎么下载Lesson Three in the Self and Cultural Understanding Course



    The odds are likely that you will work with a child who is affected by deployment. Therefore, it's important to think about how you will support these children and their families. Read the scenarios in theSupporting Children of Deployed Familiesactivity, and answer the questions. Share your responses with a trainer, coach, or administrator. Then compare your answers to the suggested responses.

    You can also consider how this activity could be used to support children in families experiencing other kinds of separation such as long-term illness, incarceration, or frequent travel.



    The death of a parent is perhaps the most emotionally challenging event that can happen to a child. Use these resources to help you support the mental health of infants and toddlers as they process their grief.


    术语 Description
    Deployment The relocation of forces or materials to desired operational areas. Military family members may be relocated to war zones or other areas as needed
    精神健康 精神健康is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community (World Health Organization, 2012)




    Which of the following isa commonly occurring behavior when an infant’s or toddler’s parent is deployed?


    True or False? An infant or toddler needs your support before, during, and after a deployment.


    Sophia is a 15-month-old in your classroom. Her mom, a single parent, is preparing to deploy soon. Sophia’s grandparents will care for her while her mom is deployed. Which of the following ideas offer support for Sophia and her family?

    References & Resources



    Huebner C.R.(2019)。美国军人家庭儿童的健康状况。AAP部分关于制服服务,AAP委员会儿童和家庭健康的心理社会方面。儿科。143(1)。http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/143/1/e20183258.full.pdf

    Morse, M. D. (n.d.).A Closer Look for Current Conditions在部署的情感循环中令人欣赏。http://suttutht.networkofcare.org/veterans/library/article.aspx?id=2127

    Pincus,S. H.,House,R.,Christenson,J.,J.,&Adler,L. E.(2001)。部署的情感周期:军事家庭观点https://www.military.com/spouse/military-deployment/dealing-with-deployment/emotional-cycle-of-deployment-military-family.html

    Sesame Workshop TLC. (n.d.) Helping kids grieve.https://sesamesteTeincommunities.org/topics/grief/

    Zero to Three (n.d.).在军事家庭(CTAMF)周围聚集在一起。www.zerotothree.org/about-us/funded-projects/militic-camilies.

    零至六个协同组,国家儿童创伤压力网络。(2010)。Early childhood trauma。洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州州努州纳克姆:国家儿童创伤压力中心。http://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/assets/pdfs/nctsn_earlychildhoodtrauma_08-2010final.pdf.